Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February's Missing In Action ORT Report

I totally missed February, didn't I? Not only by not posting on time for the New Moon on the 10th but by having no ORTs to show:

Yup. That is one empty ORT jar. No stitches in weeks. Stress level = HIGH. Must settle and stitch soon or things will begin to implode!

Why did I miss the New Moon and posting your TUSAL photo? It really isn't Molly's fault. She's doing really well the past few weeks. Mostly. More about that later in this post. Her ears go up and they go down. Half up ~ isn't that silly? House training is okay...she isn't as "easy-peasy" as Sheba was as a puppy. More headstrong, more aggressive and much more independent!

We buy Molly lots of fun, expensive dog toys...but I think her favorite toy is this empty plastic coffee can. She will scoot it all over the house, growling and terrorizing it to no end. I try not to laugh when she gets it stuck on her head (on purpose) and runs into furniture (not on purpose.)

I was NOT PLEASED to come into the kitchen one day (after leaving her unattended for a few minutes) to find Molly stripping wallpaper off the wall. And us in the middle of refinancing the home loan for a much lower rate! Sigh. One more thing we had to fix! Dash worked miracles and you can hardly see the repair. 

In fact, THAT is really the reason for missing TUSAL this month. We have been cleaning, fixing, de-cluttering, painting and generally working our tails off on the house. Nearly every room has been freshly painted and things we have been ignoring/putting up with are being dealt with. It's been a lot of hard work and I've still got quite a to-do list but boy-oh-boy - it's like we have a brand new house! I think we have thrown out two truck-loads of junk. I'm really enjoying the progress we have made but not the falling-into-bed-exhausted-every-night part! Last weekend, Dash carted everything out of the basement, painted it and installed new flooring. I'm supposed to be sorting through all the stuff to decide what goes and what stays. But I took a break to catch up with my blog buddies ~ I miss you guys!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Molly is so cute! I can understand about not stitching. I didn't get anything done while we were working on the rental. Hope you can get back to stitching soon.

  2. Molly is a cutie! I kind of like the mixed ear look, but I suppose she should make up her mind!

  3. I was just looking through my blog list the other day and wondered what you've been up to. You have been very busy!
    Oh bad doggie eating the wallpaper. Sure Is a cutie though!
    So nice to hear from you. Missed you.

  4. What a cute puppy!! Sounds like busy times ~ but you will feel so good when it is all said and done!

  5. No stitching makes me a sad girl. However having an immaculate and freshly painted house makes me an ecstatic girl!

    Just think, when you next sit down to stitch, you can do so with a totally clear conscience, unlike the rest of us who have dishes in the sink and laundry to do.

    Well done, you.

  6. aawwww the joys of puppyhood! When I had Missy by dog before Lulu, she did her teething on the corner of one of my walls. All up and down the edge as far as her little neck would stretch!

  7. hi,
    im glad you are doing okay!!! my blog is www.lizylovelystitches.blogspot.com

  8. Awww, cute Molly! Sorry she was a bit destructive there in the kitchen. Good to have a handy husband. Sounds like you have been very busy getting your house in shape. Wow!

  9. Congrats on tackling such a big project. I am sure it will all be worth it. Hope you get a few minutes soon to destress and stitch just a little. CJ in OK

  10. I had a cat that stripped the paper off my entire entry way from about two feet off the floor down. I couldn't believe it when I saw the mess. I loved her anyway even though I was so upset.

    Sounds like you're getting a ton of things done around your house and it also sounds exactly what I want to begin doing as well. Way too much stuff. Too many things. Need to organize so badly. We'll be getting all brand new windows in our house in two weeks, so now is a great time to start.

    I enjoy reading your blog so much.

    LindaLee from
    CrossN' My Stitches

  11. Molly is so cute. Our Montana used to think drywall and moulding were part of his daily diet. Thank heavens he quit that one! Especially since we fixed it all. Kudos to you and yours for getting the house straight and good luck with the rest!

  12. Oh that Molly! She is a sweet little munchkin isn't she?! I had to laugh at the coffee tin on the head bit and the running into the walls bit...but not the tearing off the wallpaper bit!! I bet your place will look fantastic once done even though it's been exhausting, it'll be worth it. We've missed you too!!


  13. Such a cute puppy, I also have a nearly 6 year old border collie which we had from 9 weeks old, and I think we were lucky, she wasn't destructive and was clean within weeks. The only issue we have ever had is that she needs stacks of exercise as she is so hyper. That said, I would not be with out her now

  14. Great to see you post, I was starting to worry! Molly is so cute! Good luck with all the house stuff and I hope you find some stitchy time for yourself soon :-)

  15. Oh ....I had months of emptimess last year....so on emonth ofemptiness is not something to worry about :) I love your Molly! She is adorable! And so like a kid.....you get them all the expensive toys and all they want is the box the toy came in!

  16. You have been very busy. Hope everything turns out for you:) love Annette

  17. February is a short month, it's easy to miss ;D
    Sounds like you've been pretty busy in non-stitchy ways.
    Molly is sweet, I bet you couldn't stay cross with her for long

  18. Wow! That's great. Maybe you'll share some pics once you finish decorating. I personally like falling into bed from exhaustion. That way you know you will definitely fall asleep straight away. I don't envy you with all the work ... I am terrible at house decorating, although not too bad at putting up IKEA furniture. Good luck! Hopefully you'll get some stitching as a break done soon. If I leave for too long I end up getting withdrawal symptoms ... and have my threads and fabric haunt me in my sleep.


  19. Renewing your house should be also a fun project! Enjoy!
    You will see you will get to cross stitch with even more passion ;)

  20. That's a whole lot of work you have done! I hope it's almost finished and you can go on with stitching again.

  21. Oh, that Molly--what an impish pup!! Sure glad your husband is the handy type and could make a quick fix, Sharon :)

    You must be thrilled with your massive home cleaning/repainting/decluttering efforts. Oh, if I could only get my husband on board...We need to do the same thing very badly. After seeing how filled to the brim my parents left their house for us kids to deal with, I swore I would never do that to my kids! I think I need to "guilt" my husband into pitching in by showing him your post :)

    Hope you find more stitching time soon!!

  22. That's all right. I missed posting my ort pic for Jan and Feb. :( So you're not alone. Cathryn

  23. Oh Molly! Wow! Well, she IS adorable.
    Good for you two. It feels really good doesn't it?

  24. Aww cute puppy. My parents dog used to chew the blinds. When they redid the house they made the window smaller and higher up so he wouldn't do that.
    Good luck with all the house work!

  25. I was a bit worried about you! Glad to see Molly is doing well (despite a couple of hiccups)! Here's hoping your stress stops soon!

  26. Your puppy is adorable. Hope your house is finished soon so you can get some x's in.

    Here's my check in http://dragonsluver.blogspot.com/2013/02/ihsw-tusal.html

  27. Whew, I'm exhausted just reading about all the work you've been doing! When it's all done, you can stitch double to make up for lost time!

  28. Molly is such a cutie! Sounds like you are very busy with the house remodel/organization. I hope things quiet down soon so you can relax and stitch!

  29. Molly is such a cutie. Just think, when you get all the work done, you'll have a new house and lots of stitchy time.


  30. Isn't it amazing how much mischief puppies can get into! Hope things settle down for you so you can get some stitching in.

  31. Molly is adorable even tho she's being a bit of a pest.

    I was getting worried about you!

  32. Molly is just adorable! I have had a problem getting stitching on a somewhat regular basis and I just resign myself to thinking that it can come and go but never stays away forever!

    Happy Stitching!

  33. The puppy is so cute, and its great to know all is well with you and your family. It wonderful to take on such big projects, and getting everything sorted and freshly painted gives such a sense of renewal and once things get back to normal you will be able to enjoy all that you have done. My tusal jar was fairly empty too I have been making quilts. Have a wonderful day.

  34. WOW you have been super busy, I am glad that your house is coming together and you are cleaning out and organizing. It is truly amazing what a fresh coat of paint and little bit of rearranging can do to your home, and mood.

    Keep up the good work on your "new home"



  35. How lovely to see a post here Sharon, i was only thinking yesterday that i hadnt seen one for a while and hoping that all was well with you and your new four legged friend. She is growing lovely.
    Good luck sorting the junk!

  36. All that work will be so worth it when you stand back and look at the results. We need to get our butts in gear and do a similar cleanup around here. We've been putting things off for too long.
    Molly is one adorable puppy! She sounds like she's keeping you on your toes!
    I hope your work is coming to an end soon and you both finally have a little time to yourselves.

  37. My pup would do the same thing I think. She eats anything that is laying around. Had a bar of soap on the edge of the tub last week...yep, she ate it. It was not pretty. Bubbly, but not pretty!

    Good luck with the refinancing!

  38. She's cute but it seems much further work with her, doesn't it?

  39. I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you when no TUSAL was done but glad to hear your fine, if a little tired.
    Can’t believe how big Molly has got since we saw her, I can just imagine what a handful she must be but a joy too, I’m sure.
    Happy Stitching!
    Here’s my TUSAL link if you’re still interested.

  40. So good to hear from you. Glad all is well I look forward to hearing more about your clear-out.


  41. It is really hard to be that darn cute and not do a little mischief. :) Hopefully the rest of the sorting and decluttering goes quickly and the stitching returns before implosion occurs.

  42. Hi Sharon! Welcome back. Exhaustion from getting things done is kinda nice. I've also been busy, but with my sewing lessons. I even take work home to make at nights and the weekends... But it's nice when I finally see the dress, shirt or whatever finished ;P

  43. Don't worry... Believe me I know how you feel. Since getting Mitzi time just disappears... I had forgotten how much hard work a puppy can be... But they are just so darn cute! And it is so hard to tell them off when they are doing things that just make you laugh... But at the same time you are not happy with them for chewing on the sofa or the carpet...
    Your Molly is so gorgeous :)

  44. My February offering \http://loviedewstitchery.blogspot.ca/2013/02/tusal-2.html

  45. I'm glad you're ok and just really busy. I think it's great that Molly was helping to strip the wallpaper. :) My dog likes to clean baseboards by licking them. Good thing since they are never high on my housekeeping list. I missed the Feb TUSAL update too but I WILL post in March, dang it!

  46. I finally got my TUSAL pic posted for today (3/11/13). :) Just sayin. ;) Cathryn

  47. Oh, phew!! I was starting to get worried about you! I was thinking I'd email if you still hadn't posted when I got back in town. Glad to hear it's just home repair stuff that's been keeping you away. Good thing Molly is a cutie, eh? =)

    Here's February's orts: http://lottloft.blogspot.com/2013/02/watch-out-its-tusal.html

    Gah! Is it really time for March already???

  48. My febrery ort http://cerato.wordpress.com/2013/02/10/tusal-febrero-3/

  49. What a cute excuse not to have any stitching done!!! My orts are up!

  50. Our cats chew things, too - like my rolls of wrapping paper - pets can be naughty but we love them.

    Sounds like you have been working really hard on your house - good on you.

    hugs, Kaye

  51. Here is the link to my ORT report.


    Happy stitching!

  52. Molly was just helping. Good luck with the refinance.

    Here's my link to my ORT report


  53. She is very cute! She looks like she is a lot of fun, and a lot of keeping one step ahead of. In a good way, though.

  54. Here is my ORT report for March. Get some rest! I know how stressful home-related issues are. Retired military spouse of 21+ years = many many moves. Ack.


  55. Are we posting March here too? Can't link because I'm on the device not the computer! Haven't figured out copy and paste properly yet!
    Anyway I posted the March TUSAL on the right day.

  56. I am pleased to join your project, the report was delayed due to reasons beyond my control, but now everything is photographed, inviting look http://olgahmel.blogspot.com/2013/03/tusal.html

  57. It';s funny how life gets in the way of stitching and blogging sometimes ;-)

    I'm more than a bit late for my February ort report - I only did it today lol.

    I'm also a bit behind for my March one as that was on the 11th - time flies hehehe.

    Catching up... *again*

  58. Here is my ORT report for March:

  59. Molly stole my heart, torn wallpaper and all.

  60. She's soooo cute! my tusal post here http://otnoroktushkana.blogspot.ru/2013/02/tusal.html

  61. Hope the renervating is going OK - missing you on here xx

  62. Glad you are back! I've been frogging more than stitching so have a lovely increase in my jar! You can see it here:


  63. My report here:


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