Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Totally Uselessly Late Again

If you've heard me say I'm late for the Totally Useless Stitch A Long once, you'll probably hear it again! That's the best thing about our stitch a long - no rules! So the New Moon was last Monday and now it's Wednesday. Warmer weather means busier people and we all get that, right? I have pitifully few orts this lunar cycle:

In fact, I dumped them out because I couldn't see them in the jar! I'm sure to have more next TUSAL. Once again, I have no sewing orts to share. Books of the Bible is creeping along, so close to a finish but not quite there. Decisions need to be made for my next stitch. Probably something fun and colorful for Summer which is quickly approaching.

I had wonderful results at my yearly physical exam today. My health the past few years has not been the greatest as some of you know. Things are turning around and I am so thankful! I feel better and the tests are showing why. I give God the glory!


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your April TUSAL post so we can come to visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Oh, so happy with you for the health update! God is good! Gratz!
    My TUSAL is here. I've been just waiting for you to post.
    I hope to see the finished books of the Bible soon and looks forward to a colorful summer thing. I always love your stitching.

  2. Glad to hear you had good news at the doctors!!

  3. Here's my post for the month

  4. Better late then never.
    The design you are working on is lovely from what I can see.


  5. Your New Moon project is coming along great.
    Good to hear about your Health.

    ...i've been out of blogging for some years and now trying to catch up..


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