Monday, March 31, 2008

Stash Saturday

On Saturday we went to Tulsa for the opening game of the Tulsa Talons (Arena Football.) I know, I don't seem the type to like football and I don't....I like Arena Football; I guess I'm an indoor kind of girl! I do like my air conditioning. *grin* The Talons won 69 to 13 against the Amarillo Dusters...woot! We were thrilled our team won but it was a bit of a boring game since the Dusters were quite out of our class. The Talons were Arena Cup Champions last year and yes, I was there! Next game next weekend...
Anyhoo...before the game Rick took me to the LNS's to pick up some things I'll need; let's be realistic! All of this stash is for planned projects like the Sweetheart Tree charts I bought several weeks ago and for the peacock chart I won on eBay last week. Yes, I bought another peacock...Ooo, it's Just Nan's Peacock Majesty. And it is retired and I couldn't resist! The Peacock SAL is too enabling!

Oh, dear. More beads! Some Weeks Dye Works threads. DMC Perle cotton #12. Krienik very fine braid and some lovely 28 count teal green linen...for the new peacock.

I have been stitching but I'm posting my progress at the SAL so join me there to see it!


  1. I see you visited the Silver Needle. Nice additions. Can't have too many beads, can you? I like the way you have them organized.

  2. Yes, and Stitchworks as well. It's a good thing they are 1.25 hours away...else I'd be broke!

  3. I seem to do pretty well spending money from home these days... (Etsy, and ONS)
    Love the new stash!
    I went nuts a while back when Michaels and AC More marked the Mill Hill beads and (what they had for) treasures down. Bought all I could carry.

  4. Wow! those are lovely beads to stash

  5. You're seriously addicted to stash, lol!

  6. Gosh, I'm jealous. That's a good piece of stash that you have there. Great progress on the peackock!


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