Monday, May 12, 2008

A Day Off

I had the day off work. I had to visit the dentist but it was just a cleaning so no worries. I've lazed around all day enjoying having little to do! I even had a wee nap.

I've started my Fair & Square exchange piece for Joan S. I hope it stitches up quickly so I can send it soon. I have until June 2nd to send but I'm always too excited to put exchanges off! This ones was driving me batty having to wait until that pinkeep was finished!

Jess was quite miffed that I completely forgot to mention her Mother's Day giftie to me...a gift certificate to The Silver Needle! It's tucked into my purse ready for some stash shopping the next time we go to Tulsa. Which will probably be June 7th for the next Talons game. Who can afford the gas? Can I wait that long? It's burning a hole already!

Speaking of the Talons...we beat the Dorados. They gave us a great game too. Our record is now 7-0!!!


  1. A lovely, leisurely day off - sounds like just the thing!

  2. Sounds like a great start to the week! Also congrats on winning the mothers day gift voucher, enjoy spending it!

  3. what a nice gift from your daughter,

  4. Great way to start a week! Doing healthy stuff, getting a gift certificate from DD (and from one of my favorite shops!), let us know what you got with it! *stash addict here lol*. Really cool Sharon.

    I almost forgot to mention, your mom's pinkeep is adorable! Bet she got so happy to get it!

  5. Hi Sharon, I wish you were closer so we could have a stitch together. hehe The pressie for you mom looks wonderful. I am sure she loved it. Hey, how did you change the comment thing to say purrs instead of comments?


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