Saturday, May 31, 2008

More garden party

This is the bed we finished this morning. Not much to look at but a baby shrub! There are flowers (moss rose and lantana) scattered about around the baby shrub but they aren't really blooming yet. I also planted some lavender in this one. I've always wanted lavender! Until planting this I never realized that lavender plants smell like lavender, it's not just the flowers!
Here is the rest of the back of the house.
Here is the front of our house. In the circle around the lamp is lantana. I plant flowers that attract butterflies and to survive the Oklahoma heat and drought. My dad asked me last Saturday as we were shopping, "What, more lantana?" I replied, "Yes...I love butterflies!"
By the way, all the pictures should be clickable.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my home!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's always nice to meet someone new!

    I have to agree with you about the lantana. Heat and drought tolerant with the added bonus that they come back every year which I love. They're survivors!

  2. Your house looks really nice and I've got no idea what a Lantane is!

  3. Your house and landscaping look wonderful. Waht is the flowering vine going up the lattace? I love it and wow I didn't know that about Lantana. I must get some then as I love butterflies too, plus I didn't know we could grow Lavender. I love that too. Thanks Miss plant enabler. hehehe

  4. Lisa, the vine is Clematis. Grow it in full sun with lots of mulch to shade the roots. It's quite hardy and comes back every year.

    Now, I don't KNOW that we CAN grow Lavender in Oklahoma...but I'm giving it a try; I'll let you know how it fairs!

  5. Thanks for sharing your home. You've created a beautiful garden.

  6. Oh Lovely!! your home looks like it should be on a picture postcard

  7. Oh your house is gorgeous! :)

    Wanna' come do mine now? It's dreadful. Right now I am working on the inside, then hopefully we can do the outside someday....

  8. Your house is very nice!!Beautiful!


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