Monday, September 8, 2008

Floss cabinet

Carol asked about the cabinet peeking out in my last post. That is my floss storage cabinet. It is actually a CD/DVD cabinet but it holds my floss bags perfectly! This was a birthday gift from Rick a couple of years ago. You can shop for your own here!
This is also little Miss Taco's favorite sleepy spot.
My floss is stored in zippered floss bags with a 3x5 index card inside to make the bag stand up. When I pull floss for a project, I hole-punch the card and add the bag onto floss rings. The white card makes it easy to spot which bag I'm needing. If I have tons of colors for one project, they go into an index card box. You can see them in yesterdays photos on the shelves...they look like green drawers.


  1. How cool is that! Love your idea Sharon!

  2. That is an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing, I may have to look around for something like it.

  3. Well you already know I love that cabinet,One day I will get one like it!! But first I need more floss to go in it..LOL

  4. Now that is a fantastic thread storage cupbord....Would save looking in all the places I have my threads.
    Lucky lady Sharon.
    Keeper Rick.

  5. That's a great idea - must keep an eye out

  6. That's a fabulous piece. And you have so much floss! It looks like fun to play with.

  7. That is a fantastic idea!!! My DH, who also stitches, is anti-bobbin because he doesn't like the kinks in the threads, but it's hard to figure out a way to store whole skeins of thread so they're organized. This is a great idea!

  8. Really nice cabinet ;) You are very organized ;)

  9. Just what I've been looking for! I need something to put my Ott light on as well and this is perfect for the living room. Thanks!

  10. That is a COOL floss cabinet! I'm drooling ;)

  11. That looks awesome! Are those floss-away baggies?

  12. What a great floss storage idea.
    Thank you for sharing :D

  13. oh I like that cabinet, a dream item for me though as DH would never buy me anything like that lol

  14. You're doing great with your organizing! I love your floss cabinet!

  15. What a clever idea!!! It is stunning!!


  16. Love this cabinet, what a great system. You have inspired me today I get organized. CJ(ok;-)

  17. Thanks Sharon for showing your gorgeous cabinet. Shame it would cost a fortune to ship one to the UK!

  18. I am absolutely in love with your floss cabinet. What I wouldn't do for one like that. Maybe when I win some money. LOL
    Barb in TX

  19. Heya!
    I think a while back ago I found your idea of using the floss away bags and the index cards I don't know if it was you or someone else. Anyways, I love your floss cabinet!!@! I am redoing my stitchy area and may have to glitz this idea from you :) hope you don't mind!!


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