Sunday, September 28, 2008

Halloween Exchange with Becky

While I was out of town this package from Becky arrived! I was lucky enough to be one of her partners for a personal Halloween exchange. Alas, I am still in the big middle of stitching hers! I should be done stitching soon and then on to finishing. I am rather a lot intimidated stitching for Becky!
Becky stitched me the cutest Lizzie Kate design called "Fright Night" and finished it into a wonderful pillow. I love how the stitched design has little swirls and Becky repeated this element in the finishing fabric. Included with the exchange were the sweet little goodies pictured.

Thank you, Becky...I love this!


  1. A lovely pillow and goodies, a nice exchange surprise

  2. Oh, I'm drooling! I saw this on Becky's blog and thought how wonderful it is. Lucky you, enjoy :0)

  3. Great exchange. Becky is a lovely stitcher and a lovely person too.

  4. I saw that on Becky's Blog! What a beautiful finish :o)

  5. I absolutely love this, the kitty in the design is purrrfect and I am a pillow finish enthusiast! Fantastic gift! :-)

  6. Cute..! Love your Halloween projects.

  7. Lucky girl.. Becky does such beautiful work and she's such a generous person.

  8. Love the pillow Becky stitched for you and what lovely goodies she included in your package.


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