Sunday, November 16, 2008


Yes, my title is "blank" because I can't think of anything very interesting to write about today.

I've finished the "disaster" snowman. He turned out alright. Not my best work by a long shot, it's mostly the fabrics' made the stitches go scrunched. Messy looking stitching drives me nuts. I only need to add the trim and it will be ready for mailing. I am hoping to have it finished tomorrow, after buying wider ribbon!

Started the second snowman exchange today and was able to complete quite a bit of it. And no scrunching on the stitches! That got me to thinking...I haven't heard from my partner for weeks and I am not sure she even wants to continue...? I hope so!


  1. Congrats for getting it done. I just need to make mine up and I'll do that this afternoon after I get back from my beading class

  2. I'm sure your snowman is just great!! reminds me of my "Grubby angel" where my white floss got grubby and I hated her! LOL!
    Good luck with the 2nd snowman..Happy stitching..x..

  3. Everyone has an "off project" now and then. Try not to stress too much.

    The cartoon is very cute. She showed talent early on. Looking forward to more. :o)

  4. I'm glad to hear that you stuck with it Sharon :o)

  5. I feel your pain about grubby. I did a red alphabet and the background looked all dirty as if the red gave off a red dust. It came out ok in the end, but it was a drag when I couldn't finish it. Can't wait to see a pic!

  6. Gee! For a minute there when I saw the title of this entry, I thought you had caught me staring into space again! LOL :-)

  7. I too enjoy perfect pretty stitches!


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