Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chicken in the mail

The blogoversary prize from Joan of Stitching Squad came! I just love her little chickens; the problem is Taco loves them too and thinks they make purrfect cat toys. Isn't this a wonderful project bag Joan made? It's huge and it's the perfect colors for me. If you haven't already, be sure to stop by her blog and wish her a happy blogoversary! I must confess...Joan was my partner for the Fair And Square Fourth of July exchange this summer so this is my second set of Mama Joan's exclusive stitchy stuff! I know, hate me. I'm used to it. :op

However, I needed a new chicken. My first one has cat teeth holes.
Thank you, Joan!
Happy blogoversary!

Questions...Will we see more of Jessie's work? Yes, there are two more episodes of Farm for me to post. For those seriously interested you can view her Deviant Art gallery. Is Jessie studying art in school? Indirectly. She is a Technical Theatre major. She uses her creativity in her work and it is really impressive some of the things she does. Currently she is "into" props and costuming. I'll show you some of her work there soon! I know; I'm a tease.

Thank you for visiting my blog today.


  1. Wow Sharon, What a wonderful gift! Lucky you!!

    Carolyn :)

  2. Just been by Banjo_bears site ,lots of lovely stuff,I do like the dragon,Did Jess design the tattoo as well!

  3. Bad mama teaser but we like you anyway !!! lol

    Is it legal to be that lucky? lol I love the colors and of course, I'm very jealous of you !!! lol

    Important news: I'll have a drawing in my blog today so you may win that one too !!! lol

  4. Great bag and chicken. Joan did good!

    Jessie's work is very cool. Can you turn Banjo into a cross stitch chart?

  5. Great little chicken, love the bag too.

  6. That is so gorgeous. I love it.

    BTW - I just tagged you.

  7. Ohhhhh, what an awesome mail day you had! She makes lovely chickens and bags :o)

    Your daughter is very talented.

  8. I enjoyed Jessie's Deviant Art site...hope to see more! (Looking forward to the two remaining episodes of "Farm," too!)

  9. I've seen these bags around blogland and love them.
    What a naughty kitty you have that would try to eat your chicken :)


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