Saturday, January 31, 2009

Peacock Cypher Update

A few minutes ago I finished my row on Peacock Cypher. It's the bottom row of large flower shapes. This is such a nice stitch, with no frogs and pretty patterns. It makes for an easy-to-follow design. Heather, (regarding your comment on my last post) I'm actually really wishing I had started at the top! I'm really kind of dreading finishing these bottom rows and going up from the middle. Yuck! I hate going up. Why do I always (almost) start in the middle? Perhaps it will be as easy as it has been so far going down...

I've had nice company stitching this band on the sampler. David Francey. I've bought some of his albums on iTunes this week and have been enjoying his music a lot. If you aren't familiar click the link, go to "albums" and listen to some of his songs. David has a gorgeous Scottish accent (yummy!) and sings really down-to-earth songs. Very much worth a listen.

It was surely planned that I'd finish this row just in time for February and the next block on Crabby! I could have stitched a lot more but I live in Oklahoma known for it's changeable weather. Early last week we had an ice storm come through. Three days of worrying about driving to work, worrying about driving home and getting up early so I could defrost the truck and driving 25 to 30 mph to get anywhere. I don't stitch much when I'm stressed out! Today, it was 70 degrees and, although it was very windy, we took a motorcycle drive this afternoon. How can you have ice storms on Monday and bike weather on Saturday? Crazy.

There will probably be an update on Crabby very soon as I'm excited to start the next block Love Stinks.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Oklahoma weather...don't you just love it.

    Your PC is looking so very lovely. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  2. Love the color and patterns!! Especially those large flowers~~
    Keep it coming!!!

  3. I've just looked up what an ice storm is and looked at piccies. I'm gobsmacked! We don't get anything like that here. Your stitching is absolutely beautiful and the shades of blue are gorgeous. Just is February you could start your next Crabby block.;) If you go to you will hear some luverly Aussie boys...My favourite band for many years! I'm off to check out David Francey.

  4. Great progress picture. It's such a nice colour you chose for this sampler.
    I also always start in the middle since I started the Alphabet Village with the top row and after finishing it I relized that there won't be enough space for the lowest row. I had left too muxch space above the top row. Since then I haven't touched it. And start everything in the middle.

  5. Peacock cypher and Crabby are both looking great. Happy Birthday Jessica, and I love the design that you designed for her, you clever girl!

  6. What a pretty piece of work! I just can't start at the bottom or middle on anything--I have to start from the top down, lol. I'm sure your sampler will move along just fine and remember to count, count count! :)

  7. Peacock is looking lovely and girl that sounds like 'typical Michigan weather' up here! LOL Last week sub zero degrees and this week we are having a heat wave with 35! oooo hold on! LOL I don't wanna sound stupid but are you doing one crabby per month? I LIKE that idea!

  8. I think i'm wishing for some of that Oaklahoma weather right now! It's so snowy and cold here, i'm praying that Spring arrives soon. Your WIP looks beautiful :)

  9. PC is looking great! Looking forward to your next Crabby installment!

  10. Wonderful progress. I think you sent the snow over here to the UK,they are predicting it for this week!!!

  11. Oooooh....that's so pretty! I don't think you'll have a problem getting through it. After seeing a lot of posts where people start at the top, I've been thinking about doing it, but I always worry about running out of space. I'm not crazy about starting in the middle- it's just how I learned. Talk about an old dog learning new tricks?? I'm not sure I'm up for that.

  12. Very pretty - I love the colors you've chosen.

    I'm a center starter too, and when its time to stitch up from the center, I turn my stitching and my pattern upside down since I prefer to stitch "down." Your top stitch will still lie in the same direction as long as you don't turn it 90 degrees.

    I lived in Oklahoma my sr year of high school and went to college at OU.. Isn't there some sort of Will Rogers saying about the weather in Oklahoma?? :) I remember at OU wearing just a light jacket one morning and found that the temperature had dropped like 20 degrees by that afternoon when I had to walk home!

  13. The Peacock cypher looks great, and its Crabby time, yea!

  14. Such pretty progress on your sampler! I always start in the middle too...easier, I guess. And sometimes I've had pieces which weren't so square.

  15. That's looking so good! I can't wait to see it finished!

  16. I meant to say too that I was interested in David Francey's music...did you watch the video of his dog singing Christmas carols?! LOL

  17. Such a pretty piece - enjoying watching this develop. :0)

  18. That's going to be one beautiful sampler. I like how you stitch such a variety of designs... not stuck in a rut like so many of us!

  19. So pretty! I love the color you are using.

    Boy, you've had some weird weather alright :oS

  20. Sorry to hear about your storms.
    Your Peacock sampler is gorgeous, it's coming along so nicely.


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