Friday, January 16, 2009

A Very Special Birthday

I'd like to wish my beloved daughter, Jessica, a happy 21st birthday today!

In celebration, I'm offering my readers the chart I designed especially for Jessica's birthday. The quote in this chart, "Surely A Star Danced In Heaven The Day You Were Born," was inspired by a line in Shakespeare's play Much Ado About Nothing. I hope you love the chart and quote as much as I do!

This was the first Shakespeare Jessie ever saw; at age 8, I let her watch the movie and that year a nearby group performed the play and we had tickets. Jessie laughed at all the right parts. I had her hooked! Over the years, we attended every Shakespeare play performed near enough to drive to, including Oklahoma's Shakespeare in the Park every summer. We have been fortunate enough to see plays at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London, Regent's Park Theatre, London and the Royal Shakespeare Company theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. This fostered respect and a love of theatre in Jessica which now she would like to make her career; to this end she is studying Theatre Technologies in school.

Jessica, you rock! You go girl! Happy birthday!

A Star Danced

Please email me at: daffy-cat AT hotmail DOT com to receive a copy of the pattern. Please, put "freebie request" in the subject line and tell me the title of the pattern you are requesting.

You must have the free Adobe Reader program installed on your computer to view/print the pattern.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Give my best wishes to the new 'adult' in the family. And thanks a bunch for the sweet chart.

  2. Lovely chart. I've downloaded it to do for my Daughter, who is in her final year at uni doing Theatre Studies and History.

    Hope your daughter has agreat day.

  3. Sharon that is.........AWESOME! Firstly that your DD is a January baby (lol), secondly you survied 21 years (and by the sounds of it, she is a great kid), and thirdly that you are sharing such a beautiful design with all of us. Way cool. But then again...that is who you are :-) Happy day to your DD. What a gift.

  4. Happy Birthday Jessie,you can now legally drink when you go to a bar !!YAY!!
    Wow! Great chart Sharon

  5. Happy birthday Jessie, hope you have a lovely and memorable 21st.
    LISA V

  6. Happy Birthday Jessie! January birthdays are the best.
    Love the chart. You are so talented.

  7. Oh, how they grow up so fast. Sounds like you two have had a lot of fun over the years. That is what it is all about. Thank you for the lovely design. I can't wait to stitch it. Take care and Happy Birthday Jessica!

  8. Thanks for the chart! And tell me what they've done to Sam on Supernatural did they geekify him or what?

  9. What a great chart. Printing it right now. Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. Happy Birthday, Jessica!

    Cute chart! Thank you so much for sharing!

  11. Thank you for the chart!

    Happy happy birthday Jessica!


  12. Thank you for the lovely chart, and happy birthday Jessica!

  13. Happy Birthday Jessica!
    That is a great chart, (and a great line), thank you for sharing it

  14. Happy Birthday to your daughter!! You made here a very nice present, nice creation!!I love it!

  15. What a sweet sampler for your daughter--my son is growing too fast for me. I hope your DD has a fabulous birthday!

  16. The design for your DD's birthday is so lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  17. What a precious gift for your daughter!!! I hope she has a wonderful year...sounds like she's off to a great start! Thanks so much for sharing the chart - it's so nice of you to share your talents! :)

  18. Happy birthday to Jessica!
    And thanks so much for sharing this adorable chart!

  19. That's a gorgeous design - our Year 9s are doing "Much Ado About Nothing" it's a fabulous play - as are all Shakespeare's pieces of work.

  20. Belated Birthday Wishes to your daughter.

  21. Happy Birthday Jessie! Hope you have a wonderful day :)

  22. Oh that chart is awesome! And the story that goes with it, even better. :)

  23. Happy Belated Birthday to Jessica!

    My best friend loves that play, and her birthday is in March... Guess what she's getting now... lol... :)

  24. Besides admiring your gorgeous sampler again--you're way talented!--I wanted to thank you for commenting on my post about my poor little ornie, lol. I appreciate the info! :)

  25. Thank you for such a lovely gift :o)

    I loved reading about your story Sharon. Please pass on a big Happy Birthday to Jessica :o)

  26. Happy belated 21st birthday to your dd! (I'm behind:(
    I hope she had a wonderful day:)
    Love the design you created. How very special:)

  27. Hi fellow Cat/Kat! Found your blog via SMO BB and wanted to wish your DD a Happy B'day, and thank you for the chart! I just this month joined the blogging world and have been introduced to the Fabby Award (I thought it had something to do with linen) You are the victim of my first handing out of awards, so come visit me on my blog!

    Maybe you can tell me how you got your blog to thank me for purring!
    I'm still feeling my way around the place and am looking for ways to dress up my blog!

  28. Great design! Happy Birthday to your DD!

  29. Happy belated birthday wishes to your daughter :) A really lovely design, thanks for sharing!

  30. A belated birthday wish to Jessica! Hope she had a great day.
    The chart is great...thanks.

  31. Love the design. Happy birthday to your daughter!!

  32. Isn't it wonderful to have a daughter? I was so excited when mine was born almost 26 years ago! I am now going to be on a mission to make these wonderful designs for birthdays. (of course if I get one done, I will feel like I was successful!) Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent. I know your daughter's heart will be touched with such a special gift!

  33. Happy Belated Birthday to Jessica.
    A beautiful design for one special girl from her proud mama. Thank you for sharing it :D

  34. Happy Birthday to Jessica!
    What a great way to commemorate this event!

  35. I just found your blog, via someone elses. Beautiful blog. I hope to be back. Thanks for the star danced chart. Too cute!!! Happy Birthday to Jessica.

  36. Happy birthday to Jessica!
    You designed a lovely chart for her.

  37. Come to my blog for an award missy! :0)

  38. Happy belated Birthday to your daughter, Jessica!
    What a great chart!!!!!

    Thank you!


  39. Happy belated birthday to your daughter !!!!

  40. I never figured you had a big daughter! You look too young for having a 21 yo. Congrats on her birthday!

    BTW I think it's awesome, I was looking for a chart that might be stitched overnight, my friend Jessica's birthday is next 25th, she's like a daughter to me. Will be here next Saturday for cross stitching, I thought doing something cross-stitch wise, this is perfect to keep the tools, I'll email you the pict when I finish it. Thanks for the chart!

  41. Belated birthday wishes for your daughter. Thanks for the link to the freebie as I have downloaded it and will try to do that for my daughters birthday in April.

  42. Very belated best wishes for your DD - hope all her dreams come true. :0)
    Lovely design, thank you. :0)

  43. This is WONDERFUL!!! my DD will be 18 on Jan12th...I gotta stitch fast to get it done by then!


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