Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Birthday Mail

There was mail in my box today. Birthday mail! First up here is a birthday card & package from my dear friend, Joan, in London. Joan and I are long-time snail mail pen pals. Every year she sends me something from Red Nose Day. It usually shows up around my birthday. This year it is a pin badge and a charm. The charm will probably end up on my cell phone! Cute, cute, cute! Thank you, Joan!

Next I opened this lovely Post Box Floss Tag from Rachael, along with birthday greetings and some ribbon and Kreinik braid. I adore the post box...Rachael knows how much I love all things British. Thank you, Rachael, for thinking of me!

Finally, some WIP pictures. While waiting for March to arrive, I stitched a teeny bit on Peacock Cypher. There isn't a great deal of progress (not a lot of stitching time) but I was able to stitch the two butterflies and row of over-one lettering at the very bottom.

Then on Sunday, I was finally able to get out Crabby All Year and begin Wind for the month of March. Again, not a lot completed but it is a start.

Thank you all for the wonderful happy birthday wishes on my last post, and the emails too. You are such dear friends and I cherish you.
Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Cypher is looking really good and you've made a good start on Crabby for this month. I'm still working on your birthday present, was way too annoyed over the weekend to concentrate on it

  2. Your progress is looking amazing :)
    Enjoy your b-day goodies :)

  3. Happy late Birthday! My birthday is this month too. It was yesterday, the 3rd. I had 4 days off from work too and it was wonderful-got a lot of stitching done and relaxed a lot.

  4. Happy belated birthday! Somehow I missed it. Looks like you got some great stash. Hope you had a great day.

  5. Crabby and Cypher are both looking great. What cute gifts too-lucky girl!

  6. Cute gifts :) I love British stuff too...I adore Midsomer Murders, partly because they're filmed on location in all those pretty villages ;)

  7. Crabby and Cypher are coming along well. Love the red nose phone charm. My girls came home from school with their noses last week (well, obviously they always come home from school with their noses, these were their OTHER noses!), but I haven't seen the charms yet

  8. Lovely gifts :) And great stitching progress.

    Have a nice day!

  9. Oh, I love your 'red nose' items. I also have a friend who sends me some of those each each...and since my birthday is in a couple of weeks I might have something to so soon too. Cypher is looking gorgeous, you must have had more than a little stitching time, that's a long row of over one -- and it's very pretty!

  10. i love the color of crabby, cute charms too!.

  11. Glad it got there ok, Love what Joan sent you,Reminds me I need to get each of my kids a Red nose, for comic relief.
    Peacock Cypher looks great,so does Crabby

  12. Here's a belated Happy Birthday wish - I'm pleased you had a nice day! Peacock cypher is looking lovely, and I'm sure you'll have the next month of crabby finished in no time!

  13. Your WIP's are coming along nicely. I just love the Crabby stuff. I've always just loved the word crabby- makes me smile!

    Love the British stuff, too - I'm off to see what "red nose day" is!! Sounds fun!

  14. Very nice birthday gifts. And your WIPs really look great.

  15. Nice gifts. Good progress on the WIP's. :0)

  16. Super gifts. Cypher looks amazing.

  17. Just discovered your blog, some lovely work going on!!
    Great gifts and your Cypher looks great!

  18. Nice gifts and your stitching looks great. Ilike seeing your WIP's

  19. GReat gifts !!! I didn't know how the red nose day.

    I love your crabby all years start !

    YOu got an award on my blog ;-)

  20. Wonderful bday gifts :) And both your WIP's are looking great!

  21. Too funny! I have never heard of Red Nose Day :o) Looks like fun though.

    I saw Rachael's gift to you and that it was brilliant!

    Great WIP pictures.


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