Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Really want to cry

It's the middle of The Week From Hell at work. Things aren't going to get better very fast. I come home exhausted from the stress of what is going on and all I want to do is sit and cry. And maybe scream obscenities at a few really stupid people. You know I don't ever say much about my work (the smart thing to do) but this week really takes the cake. I will say job is not in jeopardy but it really sucks to be in management and know what is really going on.

Imagine my surprise and extreme pleasure to open my mailbox and find this RAK from Jill of Purple peacock. Jill wrote she saw I needed new scissors so... Completely gobsmacked, that's me! Jill, I can't thank you enough. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are phenomenal. I think you must be a touch psychic too, your gift could not have come at a better time. I needed cheering. ***HUGS***

Here is Ranae's ladybug fob on my darling new scissors. They fit together just perfectly!

Thank you again, darling Jill.
You really made my week!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. What a great RAK! Sorry about work-sometimes it really doesn't pay to know too much, does it? Hugs----it'll get better.

  2. You are very welcome!
    I am glad that I was able to pick you up after some bad days at work. Thanks again for the time you take to comment not only on my blog but alot of blogs. Enjoy!

  3. I am so sorry about your work situation. Tell me who they are and I'll come smack 'em into compliance! No joke - I'd do that for you!!

    It's great how these RAK's don't seem so R - do they? It seemed like someone had a feeling!

    I hope there are some bright spots in your week at work. I'm so glad to know you. You're the best!!

    Sending you big squishy hugs a bunch of smiles!

  4. What a wonderful RAK. Jill is one of the good gals of stitching.

  5. /hug

    Sorry to hear about work. I know how it can be at times.

    Please feel free to email me off blog if you wish to chat. :)

  6. Hang in there & here's hoping it gets better soon :-)

  7. A great gift that came at a right time!!!! I'm so sorry that things are not the greatest at work, but I do hope it will be better as time goes on.

  8. What a lovely RAK...glad it cheered you a bit.

  9. Sorry to hear about your work. Hope you feel better :) What a great RAK !

  10. beautiful scissor,and scissor fob.
    so sorry for the this days of trouble work.

  11. Lovely RAK :) Let's hope things will get better at work!!!

  12. Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at work, hope things improve soon.
    What a wonderful RAK from Jill

  13. ((((HUGS)))) Sorry your having a bad time a work just now.

    What a great RAK, well done to Jill for having a 6th sense

  14. Hope the job sitaution gets better ... I'm glad you got a gift to cheer you up ;-)

  15. Stitchers can be so sweet! Enjoy your goodies. Looks like they came at just the right time!

  16. nice gifts! Glad you are cheered a bit. Hang in there... do you think they have a "Crabby Work SAL"?... (just trying to make you smile) ;o)

  17. What a wonderful RAK and it sounds like it came just in time too!!!
    :-) I got your message regarding the stars for my Bent Creek. Email me sometime at Thanks honey! I hope you have a better week.

  18. Oh well, it'll soon be the weekend and you'll get a bit of a break. And you've just reminded me of this pic I saw on Flickr yesterday. Hope things pick up for you soon!

    Great gift from Jill too and excellent timing!

  19. That is a wonderful RAK!!

    I can imagine how you feel for the moment! I have been in the same situation, to be on a job, and people where you have to work with can be so mean to eachother. Maybe it is a good thing you just sit there and cry. It might give you a better feeling after. Hope the situation will soon be much better for you.

    Take care,

  20. What a great RAK.:0) Hope the work stresses ease up soon.

  21. So sorry about the work-related stresses. Hopefully that will diminish. Your RAK is lovely. :D

  22. Love those scissors!! Hey, I feel your work pain. I sobbed for about 45 minutes last night, which of course just makes me feel worse today...not only is my head totally blocked and throbbing, but my eyes are all puffy and I look like cr@p!!! Hugs!!!

  23. RAK's always seem to come at a great time and what an awesome RAK you received!! I am so sorry you are having such a bad week at work and I do hope that it gets better!!! At least it is almost the weekend!

  24. Very nice RAK. I do hope work gets better for you. It doesn't make life too fun

  25. So sorry to hear things are stressful for you at work. I hope things get better, sooner rather than later.

  26. After such a wonderful RAK from Jill the rest of your work week will be perfect.

  27. Such a super RAK, i'm so glad someone brightened your week for you.
    Friday tomorrow then you can have a restful weekend.

  28. I hope that you get your work issues sorted out soon. You sure sound like you had a great birthday, there are some lovely goodies there.

  29. I've had those types of weeks at work too :) A wonderful RAK, Enjoy!

  30. Keep your chin up, don't let work get you down. What a lovely and thoughtful gift and they do look great with the fob.

  31. What a lovely surprise, Jill is so generous,I am glad she brightened your day!

  32. Sorry to hear about the work sitch, sometimes it certainly does suck!

    Lovely surprise gift from Jill :)

  33. I'm so sorry to read about the work situation and that it causes you so much stress. I hope that now that the weekend has come you will find some calm to relax.
    Very nice gifts you received. And they just came at the right time.

  34. So sorry to hear that work has been so bad lately. Hopefully things will start looking up for you soon. At least you had a lovely RAK to come home to that night.

    Lots of hugs coming your way from my crew. :)

  35. Oh isnt it nice to get a suprise from a friend, and what a lovely suprise too.

  36. {{{Sharon}}} about work. I'm so sorry. Jill had perfect timing with her RAK, yes? I'm glad you had something so wonderful to share with us.

  37. Fabulous RAK. So sorry about the crisis at work. Hope things will look brighter in the coming weeks.
    Take care and hugs

  38. What an awesome RAK!!! Such a sweet, pyschic friend!

    Hope this week is way better for you:)

  39. Hope you are having a better week. That was a lovely RAK.

  40. I am sorry you have had such a bad week.
    The RAK was lovely and you are very lucky. I pray that soon it will be better for you!

  41. This seems to be a hard time for a lot of people right now :o( ((((HUGS))))

    What a lovely gesture that was! I'm glad it put a much needed smile on your face :o)

  42. I hope things are better at work! Wonderful RAK!!


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