Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home from Texas

I'm baaaack! Rick's family reunion in Texas was fun, lots of sand, sun and food. I had a good time even though the day before we left I caught a nasty cold. Who gets sick on vacation, anyway? The 10 hour drive to Lake Jackson was smooth...we rented the last Harry Potter book on CD and listened to it as we drove. That in itself made the drive more pleasant! We stayed in a hotel but gathered every day at this beach house in Surfside. Isn't this nice?

We had lots of food. Here is a glimpse of the 30 pounds of crayfish we cooked one afternoon. I've never eaten crayfish before and I must admit I still haven't. I promise, I was going to but they were still looking at me even after they were cooked! I can't eat whole fish either; something about those eyes...

We had great weather! Very sunny and nice cool breezes. We walked the beach and gathered shells. I even went out into the water knee-deep! Really, this is a big thing for me since I hear Jaws music in swimming pools! One afternoon, I was gleefully gathering seashells at the jetty when I felt one of the shells move when I picked it up. On closer examination, I found all the shells I had collected were already occupied by hermit crabs. I put them back!

You wouldn't believe the mosquitoes down there! I thought they were bad here at home; not even close! I am covered in bites even through the repellent I wore. The bugs are so bad they have trucks that drive the neighborhoods spraying for them!

I am glad to be home and back to work! The cold is better except for a nagging cough. I'm afraid I shared the cold with Rick and had him snotting and coughing along with me. I had super-stitching-mojo while on holiday and got a lot done ~ I'll share that in another post!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Deeply envious of your sun, sea and fun holiday. It looked like a gorgeous location.

    Glad I wasn't there for the mosquitos though, I react very badly to them and have to take anti-histamines if I'm likely to be near any.

  2. Glad you made it back safely and can't wait to see your stitchy stuff. CJ ok;-)

  3. Oh bugger --- a cold in the summer is the worst.

    Glad you had a good time on your vacation.

  4. I'm happy that you had a good time in the sun & surf, and had a good chuckle when I read about your shell collecting! lol I'm sure that they appreciate you returning them to their shoreside home!

    And you have my greatest sympathies over the mosquito encounters. I'm allergic to mosquito bites, so even one causes me a lot of problems. They sure can take the fun out of your day or evening, can't they?

    You're not the only one to pass on the crayfish. I'd be doing the same thing. lol

    Now I'm anxious to see all of your stitching that you accomplished! I'm so happy for you, that you had the time to enjoy your projects!

    Glad you had a good time, and even happier that you made it back home safely!

  5. It sounds like you had a fantastic time. I can't eat fish because I'm allergic to it however I would be in the same shoes are you were with those eyes...Um. nope! Welcome home!

  6. That last picture looks like one I took in Texas a few years back. Sounds like you had a good time, too bad you had to be sick!

  7. Sounds like a fun trip, cold and all. It's not fair to feel poorly when you can't even call off work. :o(

    Hey, haven't you ever heard the saying, "Don't eat 'em till you can see the whites of their eyes?" Oh, wait, that's not how it goes...

    Looking forward to stitching mojo pics, glad you're back. :o)

  8. Awesome vacation....except for the cold:( Nice house! I couldn't eat those things with eyes either!

    Hope you and Rick feel better soon!

  9. Glad you had fun, can't wait to see what you have stitched.
    My eldest girl and you have something in common about the whole fish thing. LOL
    Urgghh... mozzies, hate them !
    Hope you feel better soon :)

  10. Sounds like you had a great holiday! Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Sounds like you had a good time. The mosquitos would have been dreadful for me. I'm super sensitive to them. Crayfish! Yuck! I used to live in New Orleans and went to a two-day boil. Those things were alive when they poured them into boiling water and they screamed...literally. I'll never eat those things.

  12. What fun--you're too funny about the crawfish looking at you and the hermit crabs and being eaten alive by mosquitoes. Good heavens--maybe they've all caught your cold!

  13. Crayfish! Yummy,I love crayfish and those ones look pretty good to me.

    Sounds like as fabulous holiday, execpt for the mossies nad hermit crabs.You put them back? That sounds very kind to the hermit crabs- I would have dropped them instantly!

  14. Sounds like a wonderfukl break (apart from the insects). LOL at the thought of all the little hermit crabs, bet they were confused ;)

  15. Welcome home, you snotty, bug-bitten super-stitcher! LOL!

    I LOVE shellfish. Eyeballs do not put me off at all, LOL!

  16. I'll pass on the eyeball fish too! I have never seen a house like that! Interesting!!
    So sorry about the cold & the bugs. Hope all is better now

  17. Welcome home Sharon! So glad you had a good time. As for the mosquitos... uhm no! And for eating *anything* with eyes... uhm double no!!

    It's good to have you back! ((hugs))

  18. Happy to hear the vacation was mostly a success. Bummer to get sick and deal with bug bites at the same time, but sounds like there were enough good things happening to make up for it.

  19. Welcome home! Lovely photos, thanks for sharing :)

  20. Sounds like you had a great time in Texas, nice time you come to the Lonestar state stop by. Sorry about the the bugs--they tend to be very aggressive around here.

    Love the pics.


  21. sounds like a lovely trip - can't wait to see your stitching!

  22. Sounds like you had a great time. I'm with you on the food that stares back! Looking forward to seeing all your stitching. :0)

  23. So glad your holiday was good! :)

  24. Sounds like you had a most super time! Loved the pics, and I don't blame you for eating those crayfish, me no do whole fishies either!:(

    Can't wait to see those pics that your stitching mojo created! Hope you are 'scratch-free' soon!

  25. Welcome home - Sorry you got sick whilst on hols, but lovely that you had a great time.

  26. Welcome back! Looks like you had a wonderful time!

  27. Wow, what a vacation! I can't believe there were that many mosquitos down there. Who would have thought!

    I had to laugh at your shell gathering. LOL! I've never had that experience before because we gather the shells on the beach, not in the water ;o)

    Sorry you were sick for the trip. Hopefully you feel better now. I guess you must feel somewhat better because you got your stitching mojo back! Can't wait to see what you've done :o)


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