Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Still Crabby in August

I can't believe how well I've kept up on this project. I've been soooo good. There hasn't been a single month that I've started early or finished late...it's been right on schedule. I've even done other stitching in-between-times and I haven't gotten bored or lazy! A lot of this has to do with blogging about it, I think. You all are such great cheerleaders! Thanks!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Good job with sticking with the project! Can you send some of that motivation my way? :)

  2. Dandelions????

    Is that the problem with August?

  3. This is just the best monthly project.

    So... you gonna join me next year for the Monthly Mockeries stitch along?

  4. Congrats for keeping up! You will be so happy in Dec, lol. It looks great.

  5. Glad you are doing so well keeping up! I won't do a stitch a long because I know I won't keep up. I do not like to do things if I know I have to do them!

  6. Well done you! Its nice when something gets work done to it instead of being left in a draw forever. I have a few finished pieces that I keep meaning to get around to finishing, mmmm, when will that happen?

  7. A great monthly project..I do enjoy seeing your progress.

  8. And this is the one that I am thinking of doing for mine monthly stitch next year, so "enabler" right back at ya. LOL

  9. Good for you Sharon! I need something like this to keep me motivated...

  10. Great job! Crabby is so cute, I think its hit my "I'll do that, one day..." list!

  11. Great job on keeping up with the schedule!! This is such a cute piece to see every month~~ I enjoyed reading about as well~~

  12. Here's some cheerleading for ya:
    rah rah rah, shis boom ba, finish your Crabby so you can move right on! Yeeeeaaaaah team!

    ....it looks great!

  13. Great job finishing a square each month! Not many left now...

  14. Looking forward to the Aug. finish coz I can't remember what the August whine was about!

  15. Yay! And I think it's a difficult stitch to keep up with (I have started and never got beyond the third block) because there are some big honking patches of same-color stitching (I'm thinking of the part I didn't finish in taxes)! But it's so cute and so worthwhile!

  16. Very nice Sharon....it must feel good to be right where you should be...hugs, Linda

  17. That is so wonderful that you are right on schedule!

  18. Crabby looks wonderful! Hooray to you for staying on track, can't wait to see it finished :)

  19. It's looking wonderful, and how great you've been able to keep so well on track timewise. I always seem to be behind in SAL's. Congrats on your earlier finish of the traveling pattern, it turned out lovely. Looking at the dates of the prior finishes, I can't believe it's been a year sense I finished mine, where does the time go.

  20. Having tried and failed to stick with two, easy to keep up with, SAL's I'm full of admiration for anyone who can keep up with any SAL.

  21. Congratulations on not only keeping up, but doing other projects as well! You have my greatest admiration!!

    And your stitching always looks so great too. .I want to know your secret!

  22. Yea! Go Crabby! Sorry, not very good at cheerleading, must be a British thing ;)


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