Monday, August 3, 2009

Woot, woot!

Today, I received my Lizzie* Kate exchange from Michele of Just Another Stitching blog. I am really thrilled. Isn't this the best floss tag ever? I freakin' LOVE ladybugs and the colors in this tag are just gorgeous. Then, to top it off are the sweetest floss cards made from scrapbook papers. OMG! Thank you so much, Michele, I'm so pleased!

Here is a little update on the Traveling pattern. I'm not finding the time I thought I'd have the past couple of weeks and my mood is definitely off. Give me my stitchy time ~ or else!

Just another shot of the WIP. I swear, I centered this; Gremlins came, when I wasn't looking, and moved all my stitching two inches to the left.

They had to have.

I don't make mistakes.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Michele did a wonderful job on your floss tag. it;s adorable. I have to tell ya I love the fabric that the traveling stitcher is on, its very pretty.

    Hope you get your MoJo back
    Take Care

  2. Hi Sharon,
    That floss tag is really something. I really like your WIP, cann't wait to see the finish!
    WOOT WOOT back at ya!

  3. Centering Gremlins, those dudes live at my house. Sorry they took a summer vacation to your place.

    Great floss tag, and those paper floss card are wonderful. The beaver paper is killing me! lol

  4. The floss tag is absolutely adorable!!!! Lucky you~~

    I'm sure your WIP moved itself to the left. It happens to me, too~~ ;-)

  5. The gremlins were just jealous of your lovely stitching, so felt the need to give you a little "push" so to speak!

  6. Sharon,

    What a cute floss tag. I agree that the colors are great!

  7. Love the floss tag! That's funny about the gremlins, I have had them visit once or twice too :)

  8. Great exchange. I love the floss tags also.

    Centering? Well, I have no idea why off center happens. All I know is that IT DOES! Guess I can't count.

  9. Oh holy carp I simply LOVE those floss tags!!!!!! What a GREAT idea for scrapbook paper! I wonder how she made those things...I need to find that out...enquiring minds want to know...great exchange!

  10. What an awesome exchange!!!!

    Mmmmmm....did you do that deliberately? I hope it still works out for you if you didn't :oS

  11. What an awfully cute floss tag! And those floss bobbins are the cutest too! Enjoy!!!

  12. The floss tag from Michelle is adorable!! By the way, i now own a the Margaret Sherry's Crafty Cat chart bought through ebay and is on its way here!! Your blog was the stash enabler, lol


  13. Boo to those Gremlins :(

    Your stitcher looks lovely - I hope she is bringing some comfort despite the Gremlins!!

  14. What a wonderful little floss tag. Very nice gift. And your WIP looks so great on that fabric.

  15. Great floss tag from Michele! Like those scrapbooking tags too...great idea! Nice progress on your WIP...

  16. I'm with you on the centered stitching - had that happen one too many times for it to be me!!! I love your floss tags - awesome exchange!

  17. Gorgeous floss tag and cards!

    Traveling pattern is looking good too.

  18. Nice progress on the travelling pattern, love the fabric you are stitching that on. Hope the gremlins have disappeared, never to return again!
    Very nice exchange :-)

  19. Love the floss tag.

    The colours you are using in the travelling pattern are gorgeous.

  20. Very cool tags. They would brighten anyone's day.

    I know what you mean about needing your stitching fix! It truly works as therapy.

    And I sympathize with the frog situation. I've done my share of frogging the past couple of weeks and usually just for a small error in placement.

  21. I love that floss tag! I still need to find some of the eyelets and make some. I got two rings from Harmien but they are very bare. :-( Loving your Flossy I agree it MUST have been the stitching gremlins that moved your stitching off center.

    Hugs ~

  22. Thye floss tag is gorgeous, love the card tags too, what a clever idea.

    WIP looks great, i hope you get more stitchy time this week. xx

  23. Love you floss ring tag, and really love the tags. She did a great job with them.

  24. lovely floss tag, i like the colors.
    oh,sorry for the gremlims, but the WIP look beautiful even with gremlims..

  25. super cute floss tag. The tags are awesome.
    Keep up the great stitching on the traveling pattern

  26. The floss ring tag is just lovely. It is really an incredible piece of art.

  27. Your exchange is awesome!
    Great work on the traveling progress. It's coming along quickly!

  28. Hi Sharon...that is the cutest floss tag and the floss cards are neat too.

    Your WIP is wonderful, I love seeing pieecs come to life. I thought I was the only one who had pesky Gremlins:)...happy stitching..hugs, Linda

  29. What a wonderful site you have here. Your work is beautiful. I tried cross stitching but my eye sight is so bad I can't see well enough to do those small stitches. Nice to meet a fellow Okie. =)

  30. love your progress on the Traveling pattern :)

    and I'm glad you like the floss tag!

  31. Gorgeous floss tag! A lovely exchange :)

  32. The floss tag is beautiful. Hope the gremlins have moved on by now

  33. Ha Ha! Those gremlins have visited my house, too--it couldn't have been me that counted wrong, could it? Darling floss tag--Michele did a great job!

  34. Cute WIP and that floss tag is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  35. I love that lady bug too! And I think we've all had those gremlins, someone recently pointed out to me that one of my horizons was tilted, now how did that happen? And look how many followers you have--I'm SOO impressed!

  36. What a CUTE floss tag!! Shame on dem der gremlins... nasty critters.

  37. Oh wow, what a beautiful floss tag! I love the scrap floss holders, too. What a clever idea!

    Beautiful progress on your WIP! If it isn't the anti-centering gremlins, it's the frogs visiting. Oh, the things a stitcher must put up with!! ;)

  38. What a great JN exchagne!

    I do love how your travelling pattern is turning out, the fabric/floss combinations are perfect!

  39. I love your traveling pic and I love the fabbie too. Did you dye it yourself?

  40. What a cute exchange! I love the handcut floss cards.

    Those darn gremlins. Always in kahouts with the frogs. I do hope you can still stitch it up. ;)

  41. I hate when the gremlins do that!! It's looking great regardless of how they tried to mess you up! The floss tag is great too!

  42. A wonderful exchange. Love the WIP.

  43. What a lovely floss tag and floss cards! As long as the stitching fits on the fabric I wouldn't worry about the centreing - how strange :-) It's looking good!

    Jackie x


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