Sunday, September 27, 2009

Amityville House

It got pretty scary around here last night. It was like a sign of The End Times or maybe the house was possessed or something. Where are Sam & Dean when you need them? Rick went out last evening to work on his motorcycle and listen to the ball game on the radio. Within a few minutes the entire garage was filled with flies. Thousands of flies. OMG They were everywhere. Rick hung up four sticky fly traps and in a few minutes they were covered and still...there were flies all over, crawling on the ceiling and walls, flying all around. Egads. Rick went out early this morning and bought a bug-bomb and some spray and we gassed the little suckers. Truly, it was creepy! I've never seen anything like it.

Happier subjects: I've been doing some exchange stitching and other little projects while waiting for October to get here so I can start the next Crabby block. Yes, girls, Zombies is my favorite block too and I've been waiting and waiting for it to come up!

Here is a little Halloween WIP I've been stitching. Silly kitty! This is an Amy Bruecken Designs, Just a Quickie ~ Treat. I'm stitching it in DMC on a 28 count Crossed Wing linen called Rainforest. I am NOT fond of this fabric. Although the color is delicious the weave is so flimsy & loose it drives me nuts.

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  1. Love that color fabric!!! It's so bright..can't wait to see your finish on it.

  2. It's hard to keep your stitches nice when your fabric is floppy! It's a very interesting color though.

  3. Weird! Like The Birds, only The Flies! Must've been a Fly Festival! I agree with Crossed Wing linens--they look great (I have a beautiful blue and white one that looks like sky), but meh on the texture.

  4. Oh, that's freaky! Do you have any farms nearby?

    I LOVE THAT COLOR! Can't wait to see this one done :o)

  5. That is really creepy about the flies. Did you check to make sure something hasn't died in the garage (some kind of critter?) I would have freaked seeing that many flies
    Well at least your little project is cute. =)

  6. It is so weird to read about the flies..... Being attacked by the flies is really not so fun.
    Your WIP is really cute, though!!!!! That fabric color is truely amazing!! Too bad it doesn't sound like a good fabric to stitch on. Nevertheless, still excited to see you finish it!!!

  7. ooh how creepy!! And dont you wish you could have called up Sam and Dean, Mmmm!

  8. Very strange about the flies.

    Love the color of the fabric for Silly Kitty. Too bad it's driving you nuts.

  9. OMG the fly incident sounds horrible! It does sound a bit scary and I can not say I would not think that something funky was going on too! Hope that the bombing worked and they are all gone and stay gone! Love your stitching, that is so cute and that fabric is great!

  10. Wow - what on earth caused all those flies - that is really creepy, isn't it? Stitching looks cute - and the color fabric is really pretty!

  11. *shudders* eww I hate just one fly flying around, My first thought was something maybe crept in your garage or nearby to die. And that's where the came from.

  12. Sorry I forgot to say I love that fabric colour...the flies freaked me out!!!

  13. Are they harvesting anywhere near you? We get swarms of tiny black corn flies when the harvesting starts.
    That linen is a fab colour, shame its not nice to stitch on

  14. Really creepy !!!!!!!!!! I hate bugs .... Nobody died near your garage? lol

  15. Oh Yuk! That would have creeped me out big time - can't stand those darned things. Nasty!
    Fabric sure does look pretty though. Looking forward to seeing the HD. :0)

  16. Stunning fabric colour, he's going to be a cutie!

  17. The flies sound horrendous, hope your rid of them soon.

    I admire anyone who can use fabric that is that bright, I don't think I'll ever be that brave.

  18. Hi Sharon,

    What a lovely blog do you have, I think I have been here before through EMS. I love the Crafty Cat, I going to look for it and stitch it too.
    You make lovely things, I love to follow what you all are going to make

    Hugs Annette

  19. I must be the only one in the world who loves stitching on Crossed Wing's linen. I have a piece of Rainforest on order.

  20. "ughh" i dont like the flys, iwhen i see one, only can think that is a trasnport of bacterias,a lot of nasty and ugly bad bacterias.....

    i like de color of the new fabric.

  21. Freaky fly story! Hope the bomb worked. I heard a hint at retreat regarding flies. Take a ziploc sandwich baggy, fill half full of water, add 4-5 pennies to the water and hang it up. Supposed to keep the flies away. I haven't tried it but it can't hurt anything!

    Pretty color fabby and I am with you on the flimsy open weave, don't like it at all!

  22. Sam and Dean could show up at my house any time, with or without scary monsters.

    Love the stitching :)

  23. Ewwwww...I can't stand one fly, let alone thousands. Glad you were able to destroy the little buggers!

  24. Loved the color of the fabric. Sorry you find difficulty working with it.

  25. I found your blog through the BlogFrog network and wanted to come over and say hello. The fly incident sounds very creepy. Like, Carol, I hate even one fly buzzing around me or landing on me so thousands would send me over the edge. You are a very creative and crafty person - love the Halloween WIP. I don't do cross-stitch but I just made Halloween curtains for the dining room. Something quick and easy.

    If you ever have any questions about BlogFrog, just let me know. So nice to discover your blog!

    Holly (co-founder TheBlogFrog)

  26. Hi, my name is Rustin Banks from TheBlogFrog. Love the widget on your blog! If you would like to make it even narrower, just edit the code and where it says "narrow" replace with "verynarrow". It will probably change the color though, I don't think verynarrow is available in green. Hope that helps!

  27. Hi there! I agree that the flies are creepy! I have also heard the same story that Julie M mentioned. Heard that it works! Don't know how it works but who cares as long as it does, right?! LOL

    Love the color fabric. I have a tip about the floppy fabric. Turn it over and use spray starch on the back side. Won't hurt the fabric and if you wash it, it washes away... no more floppy fabric!

    Love your blog!

  28. love those colors!!! Your stitches are so neat.

    Feathers in the Nest

  29. Eukk glad you got the flies sorted! I love the fabric colour and love watching your progress on Crabby All Year....I've had my eye on this one for a while but have far too many wip's!

  30. Oh, The Amityville Horror was one of the scariest movies ever!! I saw it in the theater when I was about 12 or so and was terrified, lol! And what a cute little kitty you have going! It's awesome.

  31. Wow! Amityville is right. That is so creepy. Love the green fabric, looking forward to seeing the finished design.

  32. Flies - Yuck! Love the kitty though and that fabric is a great colour.

  33. OMG...what a pretty fabric...i love the green colour...

    Flies incidents remindes me of ten plagues of bible...hope everything is fine now


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