Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dreary Crabby Weekend

It is a dreary, rainy, cloudy, Crabby weekend. Incessant rain, coming up from Texas, doesn't look to be ending any time soon. Simply perfect weather to sit down with a cuppa tea (thanks Denis & Frances) and pick up my stitching.

First up is the Harvest Pumpkins floss tag. I finished it! I was thrilled to find a copper colored eyelet in my stash as it matches perfectly. This little gem is packed up ready to be mailed tomorrow as a little surprise for someone that reads my blog. I'm linking this post with the free cross stitch posts, to show the finish photo. Sorry for those expecting another free pattern!

I had another finish yesterday as Lizzie Kate Exchange is complete and will be in the mail tomorrow. It turned out way too darling and I really, really wanted to keep it for myself. Damn, am I greedy! I can't wait to show you the picture when it arrives.

After all that finishing, I was ready for some serious stitching. Here is where I am on Crabby All Year September. As of last night, anyway. I hope to get chronic stitch-ass by bedtime tonight.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Very cute harvest pumpkins tag! And you're definitely keeping up with Crabby. Sometimes I need a rainy day to justify stitching all day instead of the stupid house chores I've been avoiding.

  2. PLEEEEEAASSSEEE tell me I'm your partner for the L*K exchange! the tag, I just love how you do the top of those so that they are not 'square' and borning like mine. Crabby is looking great!
    I haven't even gotten my fabric yet to stitch mine up for my L*K exchange! Wow woman, your needles are SMOKING.

  3. I love that tag! You'll be finished with your block in no time.

  4. That is just adorable, Sharon! Love it finished and that copper ring!

  5. Rainy days are my favorite days for stitching! It's too gloomy to do anything but sit..and when you're sitting, what else is there to do be stitchy. I nice steamy cup of something yummy, with a little dish of something scumptious...whewwww I love rainy stitchy days!

  6. Yesterday I saw your embroided work and I never tought when it's completly finished it look so nice. Many compliments for you.
    Regards Riet.

  7. Your pumpkin fob turned out adorable! I love the copper grommet.

  8. Your pumpkin floss tag is wonderful, and I look forward to seeing your completed September block - crabby of course!

  9. Your tag turned out so cute!

    My non-stitchy friend that lives in Texas has said the same thing about the weather being dreary but she's loving it. Says usually it's so brown at this time of the year and it's nice and green right now.

  10. You did an awesome job with the pumpkin floss tag.

    Your square is coming along nicely.

    I wish I had a reason to stitch like a rainy day. Since we don't see much of that here in the desert I have to settle for a windy day.

  11. I love that pumpkin floss tag, can't wait to stitch that up. I am getting ready to pack up the sisterhood pattern. I'll be having the big drawing tonight! I have completed the finishing on mind and will be posting that as well. It took my awhile to find purple pins :(
    Happy Stitching!

  12. Rainy days are indeed great for stitching. :D

  13. Tag looks great. I really need to make more tags they look so cute.

  14. Your tag finish is just perfect for the design!!!!!
    I wonder what this month's crabby looks like....

  15. Oh, your projects look so awesome! I'm always in awe of how much I love that Crabby project, lol. It's great! Your tag turned out perfect too!

  16. The tag finish looks great. I have some serious backache from stitching this weekend, but I did a lot, so I still think it was worth it!

  17. Very cute tag! Do you finish by hand or on a machine?

    (mine never look that good done on a machine)

  18. Your pumpkin floss tag turned out great. I'm gonna have to stitch that up myself.
    Alas, I have finished stitching my LK but I still need to make it into something.
    I know you'll finish Crabby September today. Not too much longer and you'll have the whole thing done.

  19. Beautiful stitching!! Can't wait to see more progress on "Crabby". I saw the title to your post and thought "Wow, she had my weekend" then realized the crabby part was stitchy crabby...the very best kind! lol

  20. The tag is great, and the copper eyelet a perfect match. I just love those floss tags.

  21. What a cute tag! I love pumpkins. You go, Crabby Girl!

  22. Woohoo - looking great! Love that floss tag!

  23. LOVE the pumpkin tag! But then again, you know how I LOVE pumpkins ;o) I wonder who the lucky reader is?

    Your Crabby Year is really coming along. You should be proud of yourself for keeping up with it.

  24. Love your floss tag! I printed the chart and hope the one I make turns out half as good as yours!

    I'm waiting for the rainy season to start here so I don't feel guilty staying inside all day stitching!

  25. The floss tag came out really well, great progress on Crabby too

  26. Love the cute tag. Crabby is looking good - hope the plans for chronic stitch-ass worked out. LOL :0)

  27. Hope your rain heads our way--we sure could use some in PA! That Crabby stitching is so cute--am watching to see the finished piece :)

  28. The tag is just gorgeous!!! Beautiful stitching!!

  29. Those are the best pumpkins I've seen all year! Great job, Daffycat!

  30. Daffy that is really cute. =) Very talented lady.


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