Sunday, October 11, 2009

Zombie Jamboree

Holy carp, did the music scare you half to death? Yes, much as I (personally) detest blog music, I couldn't resist sharing a few of my favorite Halloween songs with you. Just clicky the pause button and turn it off if it drives you nuts. I'll remove it when I get tired of it, lol.

It's Crabby October!
I listened to Halloween music all day while finishing up Zombies. Here it is in all it's glory. I added the buttons for the photograph since the little sun makes up part of the design. This one went by much too fast. My favorite block and it's already finished. ***cries***

By the way, the Traveling Pattern is on the move again! Sara at Sara's Simple Stitching has finished her up (beautifully!) and is ready to send her on! Will you be the next to join the Sisterhood? Good luck!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Too cute Sharon, just love it!
    Your playlist didn't come on for me, I have noticed on all the blogs with playlists that they are not playing anymore, and when I went into my own the other day to listen they were all shaded out and it said something about the copyright in the country, so all songs were unobtainable. Strange!

  2. Cute! You should put some initials on the tombstone or R.I.P. LOL

    Love the bat button too!

  3. Oh I LOVE Zombies!!!! You're's my favorite too...wouldn't that make a CUTE floss tag???

  4. Zombie block is the favorite block 'cause it's the BEST block! :D

  5. Awesome finish! I love that block :o)

  6. i am liking werewolves of london
    makes me chuckle
    because i see that adorable Merry is from england...maybe london
    she might be a were-bunny
    be careful looks are deceiving
    tee hee

    do you recall bunnicula....yipes

  7. I love, love, love the October square too :)

  8. Oh the music is hilarious!!!!
    Love your October block. It is really cute. Love those buttons.

  9. Love all the Halloween music on here. Great job!

  10. Call me totally deaf and unobservant - I never really thought about this song being about werewolves - even though he howls and clearly states Werewolves of London...I just remember the tune and catchy repeated piano...oh well.
    Crabby is looking great!

  11. They don't want to plmay it for me ...

    Cute finish ;-)

  12. Love the zombie square, and I've only just realised on seeing yours that the green bits are zombie arms emerging from the grave, and not, as I had thought, a couple of random plants. Duh. Forehead slapping moment ;D

    todays w.v. syllae. Yep, that would be me

  13. The zombie square may be my favorite too. The colors look so great on that fabby.

    I'm not a fan of blog music either. But at least I knew it was coming when I first read the post in google reader!

  14. What a lovely crabby, love the buttons on it.

  15. Oh, my, that is cute! Can't wait to see what the November crabby block is! Blog music? I'm not a fan either--always have my computer set to mute because it just slows the poor old thing (the computer, not me!) way down when a song is playing...

  16. Super halloween square this month, looks wonderful, not long till a HD!!

  17. Love that song! Your zombie project is cute. =)

  18. Cute block and I love the music! Not always but once in a while.

  19. That is so funny, and cute. Zombies are the worst thing about October! LOL.

  20. Love the music!! Love the October square!!

  21. Woot! Love your crabby block. And I'm very happy to learn that there is such a thing as Halloween music. We're not very well educated on that front over here in Yurp, you know:o)

  22. Love the crabby square! My boys just got back from seeing Zombieland at the movies.We all enjoyed listening to your playlist. My sons are big Danny Elfman fans so they knew those ones right off the bat. They also love all the old horror flicks, yes even Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!

  23. That looks great Sharon!!! Very cute!

  24. Oh I love this one! The buttons are so cute.

  25. I love the Oct block!

    You think Renegade is Halloween music? I had never thought about it, I have just always liked the song! LOL

  26. I'm liking this fact I think it's stuck in my head and I think I will listen to the werewolves howl me to sleep tonight.....actually a nice change from the crickets. LOL

    Zombie block is pretty cool, I think it would be neat if you added "RIP" to the tombstone== just a suggestion though.

  27. I am love love loving Crabby All Year. It is fantastic. Must go look around the internet and see if there is one for Australia with our funny back the front seasons :D

  28. oh! I just loved this square!
    You stitched it beautifully.

  29. I love this block, so I will "forgive" the musical montage as artistic embellishment. I ordinarily can't stand blog music, either. Sometimes it's appropriate.

    Have you seen Zombieland? I haven't, but I've heard good things.

  30. "This is Hallowe'en! This is Hallowe'en!"

    My favourite Hallowe'en song ever!!!!!!

  31. LOVE Halloween songs, totally! Crabby is looking FABU girl!

  32. Oh I do like this - now remembering the Michael Jackson song & video! LOL :0)


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