Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crabby November Start

Oooo, what an exciting photo today! Not! How exciting can a red-brown border and a bit of white window pane be? But it's a start. I began Crabby November on Sunday, the first of the month. I'm trying not to hurry through this month. I'll need something to post about, don't you know?

There has been plenty more stitching getting done besides Crabby All Year though. I finished last month's Zombies in record time. Now that was exciting. Then, I filled the "free" time with lots and lots of exchange stitching. I've joined a private invitation ornament exchange that starts next year. Plus, a Holiday Exchange organized by our dear friend, Becky. That one is open for new exchangers...go look. Exchanges are so much fun. Except that one can't show WIP photos of awesome stitching :o(

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?? Just WHY are we crabby in November? Dirty windows? Broken window? Freezing to death?

    Can't wait to see why November makes us crabby.

  2. I am wondering what crabby thing happens in November too. Will be watching your progress. I joined Becky's Holiday Exchange too - should make for lots of fun and beautiful stitching.

  3. A new start is always an exciting thing in my opinion! Looks great and am looking forward to seeing what Novembers square has for us to see!

  4. Great start on Novembers Crabby, but I know what you mean about the borders, I think they are one of the main reasons I'm so far behind

  5. Looks good, cant wait to see it!
    thank you for the exchange link too :)

  6. Almost done!
    it's looking great btw.
    Can't wait to see it finsihed.

  7. Just two more crabbby months and then you can cheer up in 2010!

  8. what a wonderfull start can't wait so see the results of it.

  9. Well, I'm interested in seeing why November is crabby too! Great start anyway.

  10. It's more stitching than I've managed this last few weeks. LOL :0)

  11. OMG! Do you realize you are almost done? :o)

  12. I knew I've missed something last month!!! That was see your Crabby October finish!!!!! That zombies one is soooo much fun!!! No wonder you finished it in record time!!
    Now I wonder what could be so crabby in November??

  13. I've no idea what this one is going to be this month.

    Sounds like you have been really busy stitchywise

  14. While borders and white boxes aren't too exciting in the scheme of things...a new start? ALWAYS exciting!!! Can't wait to see more!!!

  15. I agree exchange stitching is lots of fun but it stinks you can't share the pics right away, LOL!!! I'm looking forward to our ornament exchange group and then it's time for me to concentrate on some big projects next year!

  16. Hey any stitching is exciting,well it is for me as I haven't been doing much!

  17. I stitched Crabby All Year last year but I did some substitutions. For December's buttons, I ordered a custom made piggybank and hammer from PattiA [can be contacted through the 123stitch board]which made far more sense to me then a bunch of flowers. You might look it up on my blog ... if you are interested I'll look up the relevant posts. I must be on the wrong blog [you have so many] or the wrong post, because I don't see the posting idea you mentioned in your comment on my blog. E-mail me at reg mar acc @ optonline . net [spaces removed]


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