Wednesday, November 18, 2009


What did I order? You girls are nosey. But that's alright, I like nosey! My 123 Stitch! order arrived today. Here is what I got:

Bent Creek's Snapper's Year. I've been following this, being stitched this year by Barbi and have really enjoyed her posts, watching it grow. The theme is similar to Crabby All Year and I'll probably make this 2010's monthly stitch. Thanks Barbi!

Then I got Bent Creek's The Branch Snappers. I watched Jill stitch this up and fell in looove.

I couldn't resist this Erica Michaels design, Hanukkah Bits when I saw it on Jennifer's blog. This is darling! It's supposed to be stitched on 40 count gauze, included with the pattern. OMG it is like, SO TINY! Um, I don't know if I can see that small.

My last little buy was a spool of Kreinik so I can see Chiloe finish her Pansy fairy.

There were two of the charts that were back-ordered but they should be sent along very soon. Where else can you order late on a Friday, get shipped on Monday and have it arrive on Wednesday? I love it.

I just noticed something. Everything here, I ordered because I saw one of you stitching it. You enablers, you!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. 2010 monthlies must be in the air. Cheryl blogged about her idea. And I've been thinking about mine... don't laugh. I'm thinking O'Steen's Berlin Woolwork. Crazy I know.

  2. Great stash! I finished my Snapper Year in September. It was a fun stitch...except that border. Oooo....made me so mad I could scream. So my advice is to pay attention when you're doing the border! ;)

  3. LOL!!! Happy to help out!
    I'm the same way don't feel alone.

  4. Heh heh, yep I'll admit to being nosey. Love the Bent Creek pieces - I have been watching those develop on blogs too but I still think I like your Crabby All Year best. Let us know how that guaze piece goes. Whew! Makes my eyes hurt just to think about it.

  5. Love all your stash enhancements! I'm still on a self-imposed (almost!) moratorium of buying new stash, so I will enjoy yours vicariously!
    BTW, I acknowledged the receipt of Simon's Cat on my blog tonight - Thanks so much!

  6. Sharon, I love it! I love sharing in the excitement when others get stash :)

  7. Yep, nosey, thats me ;D
    Great stash, I love the Branch designs

  8. lovely stash!, some blog are generators of temptations, and we fall into temptation!!(sound of tunder here).

  9. Great stash haul Sharon, look forward to seeing it all stitched up.

  10. great haul!!!! Isn't it amazing how much we are enabled by other people's blogs!!!!! I find that ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. What a great bunch of stash to receive in the mail. Must have been fun opening that. Your next year-long project sounds like a fun one.

  12. WOWWWWW!!! you ordered so many stuff.... Love the Bent Creel patterns.
    40 count???? Do you have glasses???

  13. OMW! Heaven, pure heaven! An arrival of stitching stash is my idea of the perfect day!

    Enjoy your new goodies and I can't wait to see the rest of the order as it arrives :)

    I had to stop visiting certain blogs each day because I just kept falling in love with everyone's projects and stash, I totally know what you mean.

    Enjoy it all and happy stitching


  14. I've ordered from 123stitch several times. Isn't Joanne great?

  15. Enabling...sigh....I think it's a blogging hazard and should have warning signs :) LOL. Great new stash though and I have the BC monthly snappers too were you interested in a SAL next year?? I wanted to get them done this year but no luck!

  16. Thanks for the kudos. =)

    Don't worry, I'm sure that my enabling will be paid back tenfold next time I order from my favorite shop!

  17. Oh my, great new stuff. Isn't it wonderful how all this blog viewing leads to ordering new stash? I love it!

  18. Hi,
    I bet it was fun to receive a package from 123 Stitch!!!!

  19. You should start a SAL on the Bent Creek Snappers...I finally got my fabric a few months ago. Using buttons instead of snaps. I think that's the same design as you're!

  20. New stash is always a lot of fun. Enjoy!

  21. Internet shopping is Fast. Simple. Quick. Dangerous. Fun! :)

    Nice selection!

  22. Happy to see you won't run out of stash to stitch next year!

    Great stuff.

  23. Did you seriously get Chiloe her Kreinik? What color Sharon 'cuz I'm looking for a spool for her for her it the same color?? lol...Oh and I've started the Branch series also..I'm doing mine on Picture this Plus Earthen...oh is it EVER cool!

  24. Fab stash. Have been trying so hard not to buy those BC designs.... & they keep popping up all over the place! LOL :0)


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