Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Totally Useless

OMG! What with one thing or another I completely forgot to post my Totally Useless SAL update that was due like a week ago! No, no! Not the wet noodle!!! When I saw Yoyo had updated the members list for 2010 I remembered. Gasp! So here is a quick snap. As you see, I'm continuing my old ORT jar and stuffing the new bits on top. It's a good thing this is a big jar, I'm planning on lots of ORTs this year!

The next New Moon is February 14 and I promise not to be late! If you would like to join us in this Totally Useless Endeavor go to Yoyo's blog and sign up!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. don't worry, I was late in posting as well! I only got mine up yesterday.

    I hope you are feeling better!

  2. Sharon...You make me smile, my friend. I looked at your ORT jar and was like, holy guacamole! that is a lot of thread since Jan. 1st in your jar, ROFL, but then I read further and wow, I am so relieved. I love your pic, great idea, and I am sooo glad to see that you are up and around and feeling better.

  3. Lovely orts! I hope you are very successful in adding to it this year.
    I was also late posting - it must be something in the water - lol!
    Because it's a desire of mine, I noted your needle minder - also very pretty!

  4. What's ORT? Old remnant threads? And what's a SAL?

    I know what frogging is now so fill me in on the rest of stitching lingo, please.

  5. Pretty ort jar and threads. Wishing you lots of new threads to fill it full!!

  6. I just got through posting my TUSAL tonight. I forgot to get my friend, Val and Kaitlyn to take my pictures for me.
    Yours is so pretty with all those colors in it. I enjoy your blog so much.
    Are you going to stuff a pin cushion with those threads when it gets full?
    Women many years ago used to use the threads to stuff their pin cushions. Others have thrown the threads out in the yard for the birds to make their nests with but I am not so sure that is a good idea. Looks beautiful but could the birds get hurt with some of the long threads?
    God Bless~~

  7. I was a bit late too:). Your jar is looking so pretty....a rainbow of color...hugs, Linda

  8. Wow your jar is almost full....keep it up...

  9. Love your jar, I'm still looking for something nice to put mine in, instead of a jam jar.

  10. And when you get tired of looking at those threads, just use them for pin cushion stuffing!

  11. pretty floss, they look like a colored nest. I hope you feel better.

  12. LOL! How did we ever come up with the Wet Noodle thing anyway????

  13. Your orts look really pretty in their jar. I pretty much keep mine on the carpet ;(

  14. This month seems to just be flying by for me too! Pretty ort jar, you must fill it to the brim this year. :o)

  15. Your ort jar is very nice. You've inspired me to join the TUSAL, I posted the pict on the sidebar of my blog, will be updating it every new moon.

  16. Hi,
    nice ort jar lloks likes you almost fill it up all ready.

  17. Your jar is looking very pretty and colourful

  18. Just flicking back through your posts I've just noticed that my new orts jar looks very like yours.


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