Monday, May 3, 2010

May Stitching Blogger's Question

Lee from Lake Stitcher has brought the Stitching Blogger's Question back to life! She will be posting a new question for us to answer every month. I was terribly excited when I heard the news as this was one of the first things I "joined in on" as a new blogger.

Lee's first offering asks:

Suppose we say that there are two types of stitchers.

There are those who enjoy the “process” of stitching. They stitch for stitching’s sake and if something gets finished, so much the better, but it’s not necessarily the end goal. Primarily, it’s the application of needle and thread to cloth that makes them happiest.

Then there are those who are “project” stitchers. They move steadily through their projects, certainly enjoying their stitching time, but finding their greatest joy in the completed stitching.

If you had to pick one to describe yourself, which type of stitcher would you be? I imagine that we could all say that we fall somewhere in between, but really think hard about this and try to pick just one. And once you’ve decided whether you’re a Process or Project stitcher, tell us if your recognize that approach in other parts of your life.

I would say I am a "process stitcher." I stitch because I must. I stitch a certain project because it called the loudest to be stitched. If something calls louder the first project gets put aside and I'll start the new one, no problem. If I never get back to it, whatever! Unless it is a gift or an exchange item I usually have no great plans for a finished piece. My huge pile of finished but unfinished pieces can attest to this!

I do not find this is true in other areas of my life. The house gets thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom only so I can admire the "finished product." The garden gets an entire week of attention just to see the results.

Big thanks to Lee! Way to go, girl!

I had a wonderful weekend! Not only did I complete the April block as I planned but I was able to make good progress on the May block as well. Sunday, the weather was so fine I brought my stitching outside and spent a couple of hours enjoying it while I worked! And, guess where I am now? On the back patio with my laptop enjoying another glorious Spring day! I rarely "unplug" the laptop and move it from my stitching area so this is quite unusual!

Doesn't that looks fab? This block is fun stitching to do and I hope to complete it a lot faster than as I dawdled on April. And here is Ms. Ladybug with my almost worn out piecemaker. I think I'll send this little needle minder to a friend. She is too cute not to share!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!



  1. You made really good progress on May.

    I'm so glad to hear Stitching Blogger question is back. I'm heading over there now to see if I can sign up!

  2. What a fabulous needle minder! She is too cute!!

    I'm not sure which one I am; I think I'm still too "new" to decide. I do know that there are some projects I enjoy so much that I don't care if I ever finish, while others are sometimes a chore I'm slogging through. Those are the ones that I see and instantly want to "own" ("I'll put X here.) It's hard for me to wait a billion hours for something to finish when I want it on my wall now, lol. But, the more experience I get, the faster I get, so...Time will tell! :D

  3. Love the needleminder. I came across the pattern you got her from last night! Great progress on the May block...the flowers are fun to stitch!

  4. I am definitely a project stitcher as well! Your little lady bug minder is just the cutest thing!

    Congrats on your progress - have a good week!

  5. May is looking good girl, I love the ladybug, she is quit sassy with her hands on her hips LOL

    Take Care and happy stitches!

  6. I'm with you...I'm a Process Stitcher to be honest. I almost hate seeing the end of a project.

    May is looking fantastic ;o)

  7. Well, let's see. I am a process stitcher for the most part until I get to the final part, then I must finish it no matter what.
    But really I am a "starter stitcher". I love getting the new fabric and preparing it and putting it on scroll frames. Then choosing my needle and laying the thread on top of the fabric. Ooo! I just got chills. Then looking at the pattern and imagining what it will look like. And finally, putting that first stitch in. Oh my. I think I am getting faint just thinking about it. But after that, then it is just stitch and enjoy. Admire and enjoy. get the picture!

  8. I enjoyed reading your response. May is already looking good with Miss Sassy to inspect every stitch! LOL

  9. It was interesting to learn kint kind of stitcher you are. May looks fantastic!

  10. I need one of those needleminder thingies! :)

    Can I be a process project stitcher? I love the process, and have piles of great finished projects sitting in boxes and bags! But I love to have a list of projects and mark them off one by one!

    At the moment I have more on my "to stitch list" than on my WIP list. Not sure if that's good or bad! :)

  11. Cute needle minder,
    oh stitching bloggers question I used to join in that, Will have to have a think about that question!!

  12. Your pin keep is gorgeous. Lovely progress on May.

  13. May is looking good!

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's answers to the Monthly SBQ :o)

  14. May is looking lovely Sharon and that needle minder is just way too cute!

  15. I stitch because I like to stitch. Although I have my fair share of 'stitch and stow' pieces, I generally work on one project at a time and I generally do a real 'finish' when the stitching is complete. I start feeling guilty if I start multiple ones and even more guilty when I stitch something and don't do anything with it.

    Good stitching progress there. Glad to see all that motivation!

  16. That little bug is so cute, I think I might have to stitch her myself--I just love her flowery hat and her sassy stance. Think I'll check at the library today to see if they have that issue of JCS in...

    At this rate, I'll bet you'll be finished with your May block in another week, Sharon! It's looking great...

  17. I'd have to say I'm a project stitcher as it annoys me to have unfinished projects lying around. They make me feel guilty. But I also stitch because I must or I get really cranky. It's an addiction for me.

  18. I think im a progress stitcher too! even thou sometimes i get frustrated with myself for taking to long on a project but i just stitch to stitch i love just sitting there changing threads and looking at its progress ... sometimes i even find myself just staring at the chart planning my next session lol ..

    Great progress on may =D

  19. I so love your Ms Ladybug miner..
    May blog is progressing good.
    Good luck with your anwsers..

  20. Another process gal checking in. :)

  21. I Love Bugs

    Your stitching looks wonderful
    keep it up :)

  22. Great start on May. I think I'm definitely a process stitcher, getting stuff finished is just a bonus

  23. Great progress. I'm like you a process stitcher although right now I'm trying to be good and stitch some of my neglected pieces, but it is hard.

    So envious of your warm weather, it is still far too cold to stitch or read outdoors here.

  24. Enjoy your sunny days, how lovely to be sitting outside in the sunshine.
    Love the needleminder, she's a real cutie, she looks right at home amongst those leaves in May block

  25. I LOVE the needleminder. I collect ladybugs, so this one especially resonates with me. Your May block is looking fab. This one looks to be with lots of pretty colors. I am always in awe of those who complete big projects like these. I have grand aspirations of doing stuff like this, but usually peter out soon after.

  26. yep, I'm also definitely a process stitcher... I get a lonesome sad feeling when I'm about to end a project and miss it afterwards lol

    Such a cute minder!

  27. That is a tough one Sharon...I'm a little of both! I stitch because that is what I am however I love getting my stash done to for the accomplishment!....I'm so confused. lol

  28. Beautiful progress on May! I just love that ladybug needleminder--too cute.

  29. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You took the words right out of my mouth. I am just like you, a process stitcher. I just couldn't say it the way you did ;-)

    Greetings from Germany

  30. May is looking good!
    I have to think hard over the question this month. My initial response is process stitcher but the more thought I give to this, the more I could be leaning the other way.
    No, I'll stick with process. I have a need to stitch. I feel at a loss when I've finished something.

  31. Love, love, love that ladybug! :o)

  32. Process stitcher - too many pieces waiting for finishing for it to be anything else. LOL :0)


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