Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Smell Poo...oh, and August Rings

I got home from work on Sunday...I don't usually work weekends but someone was sick and I'm the only one idiot enough to answer the phone...anyway, I got home and it smelled like dog poo in the house. Well, if no one has poo on their shoes the likely culprit is...the dog. A quick sniff of Sheba told us she had rolled in something ~ ewwww! Dogs, they can be so freakin' weird. Now, Sheba hasn't had a bath in years, literally. She has an odorless coat (I mean, she still smells like dog but then, she is a dog) and she is scared to death of the bathtub (scared enough to try and bite me once!) She gets brushed out once a week and spot-cleaned for dirty paws & such and that is enough. Usually. I can't really deal with poo-scented dogs. What to do?

Do you know there are such things as a Dog Wash? Just like a Car Wash! You go in and there are ramps up to platform-type tubs. There is a chain to snap to the collar and a spray wand. Dial up what shampoo, conditioner you like...there is even skunk odor remover! Insert quarters, just like a Car Wash. It was great. Sheba didn't seem to mind too much either. Now we have a lovely lavender-scented Border Collie with soft, fluffy, shiny fur. Bye bye poo smell! Goofy dog! And she still won't look at you if you're pointing a camera...

I've finished August! This one was quick and easy. I have even gotten quite far into September already. I might just be caught up in a few days. At least, I am on the correct month now, right? Woo!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Oh Sharon! Sheba is a beauty! (Don't care how she smelled. Aren't doggie washes a wonder?) We just lost our Matty on the 11th. I'm heartbroken. May I borrow Sheba for a snuggle once in a while? Border Collies are a breed apart. Mat was our first. Funny thing, he wouldn't look at the camera either. And I just thought it was my bad timing!

  2. Our shar-pei-lab-boxer mix HATES water! She still gets a bath every other week. I know where there is a dog wash - never investigated it though. Think I will now!

    I did a few of these designs - gotta love how quick they work up! Yours looks great! Congrats on catching up!

    Smiles - Denise

  3. Cute story about your doggie! I saw one of those 'doggie washes' in a campground a couple of yrs. ago. I had never seen one before, but have since. Our doggie doesn't like the water either! LOL

    Those colors look so vibrant on your Aug. rings. I may have to buy that one yet.


  4. Your stitching is still looking fab!! Have you given any thought as to what you are going to stitch for next year?

  5. I smell poo just thinking about it! Ours used to like to roll in horse poo! Glad we have a fence now!

  6. Sheba is beautiful! And she's just being modest... :)

    Great job on August Rings! See...I told you it would be a breeze after JuneZooms...because you know...it doesn't.

  7. Sheba is a lovely looking dog and i bet she smells a whole lot better too now:-)
    We had a dog years ago who used to take herself off for hours then come back stinking of horse you know what!! What is it with dogs and rolling in poo, lol Never seen a dog wash in the UK, how novel!

  8. My brother's dumb boxer likes to roll in dead fish when they go camping. If there's one around...she will find it!
    Beautiful stitching! I love August.

  9. Well, she looks lovely now. This is the first I've heard of a dog wash like that. Sounds like a good idea.

    And yea for the August finish!

  10. Even worse is when you smell a faint odor of poo............and can't find the culprit. Like, ever. But then the smell fades and you are just left wondering what the heck happened. lol

  11. Nothing worse than nasty smells like that lurking in the house! Sheba looks beautiful ...
    and always lovely to see your stitches... you have caught up well..

  12. I like the title of this post! It has a real hook!

    Augusts block is cute.

  13. I have never heard of a dog wahs - that is hysterical

    I'm glad she smells like lavender - much improved ;)

  14. Jake loves to roll in stinky stuff too. He's so proud of his stink. But, fortunately, he likes a bath too.

  15. I had no idea there were dog washes as you described. Cool! August looks great, on with September!

  16. Sheba looks great! She is a beautiful dog.
    Oh, and the stitching looks good too! LOL!

  17. Hi,
    All smelling clean now !!! you sure stitch that one fast!!!

  18. Great job on August!!! Can't wait to see more

  19. A dog wash? Really? Huh, you learn something new every day.
    August looks great! Good to see you're back on track. May be September will be finished early and October started? *hint, hint*

  20. Dog washes?! I've never heard of such a thing. Will they do cats too? I have a longhaired Ragdoll who's poop likes to stick to the fur on her back legs. I go chasing after her with scissors.
    August looks great! You'll have no problem staying on track now.

  21. Well Sheba is just all beautiful and fluffy now isn't she!
    Love August! On to September! Woo hoooo

  22. thats too funny she is a very lovely looking dog though!!

  23. Wow, I'd love to find a doggie-wash! We take Lola to the groomers every few months but poor ol' Rigby sure could use the occassional freshening up. Sheba's gorgeous, btw!!

  24. I have never heard of a dog wash but she looks beautiful. Congrats for finishing August and getting onto September.

  25. Dog washes? Good grief, whatever next?
    Glad she's de-pooed :D
    The August block is lovely, 2/3 done now

  26. Sheba is gorgeous. I had no idea about dog washes - that's very cool. My sisters dog likes to roll in cat poo and my dogs won't look at the camera either. I think it has to do with the red light on the front.

  27. Our local Pet Foodwarehouse has a dog wash facility. Technically it is a good deal...with the water, specialty shampoos, drier all right there. You wash them up and leave the mess behind! Your doggie looked like she was fluffed and smelling much better :)
    Nice finish to August, you are catching up.
    Take care.

  28. Pretty finish! And pretty dog, the dog wash sounds convenient.

  29. How weird .. i just saw one of these next to our local car wash recently and said to DH 'i wonder who would use one of those'

    Your steaming ahead with these blocks now, this one is lovely

  30. ROFL! Poor Sheba! But I agree, a poo smelling dog is not something you want in your house ;o)

    Congrats! I knew you could get to the present month. LOL!

  31. I just had to chuckle about Sheba (she is gorgeous!) and her bath. :) I have Rory trained to go into the tub because he gets frequent baths. Especially when we are getting ready for a show. Now I don't know about Sheba but after every bath Rory has to run and roll on the carpets. (TG it is the carpet and not the dust outside. LOL)

  32. LOL Poor Sheba! My dog wants to be an artist like the rest of the family, guess what, he knocked the green paint on the floor and roll over it. He was painting everything with his tail. Will blog about it tomorrow.

    August looks really nice! Love the colors and I can picture myself by the sea :o) Great job Sharon!

  33. Ha ha ha oh I can't help it haha but you've got me reeling here. I know it's bad to have a poo smelling dog haha I can't think of anything worse but hahaha that is a funny story. xx

  34. Those Dog washes sound like a great idea.
    She looks lovely and clean now LOL

  35. I also are so stupid to pick up the phone and say yes to work... Need to learn how to say NO.

    What a fun dog do you have...hihi..no day is the same..

    Great job on the August Rings, your progress is great and almost Sept done...godd job..

  36. A dog wash, that is brilliant. :)

    Getting close on those blocks!

  37. I never knew there was such a thing as a dog wash!!

    You've got a couple of weeks to get working on Septembers block, you can do it

  38. doggy wash wish they had one here. Sheba is lovely though, smelly or not i know you love her

  39. LOL! Aww poor Sheba,glad she is smelling all pretty now.
    Another great block finish!

  40. cute doggie....nothing like a clean doggie too!

    Kudos on your August finish.

  41. I love that idea of going to a dog wash! August Rings is so cute!


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