Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blogger Problems?

Everyone is having Blogger problems since the failed update several days ago. Please, be patient while they iron all the bugs out! I do notice a LOT of problems with commenting lately. If you have trouble commenting on a blog try to contact the blog owner and let them know. The fix is easy. I've even posted about it before!

Change your comment form to the pop-up window type.

Easy as pie, I promise!

Go to:
Comment Form Placement

Once that is done people will have no trouble with the run-around-sign-in-error-anonymous-post bug! And they can leave thrilling comments on your latest gorgeous stitching!

You say you've already done this back when I told you before? Well, if you have played around with your layout since then it may have reverted back! Go check. You don't want to miss receiving those comments!

Speaking of gorgeous stitching...Dandy Dreams is coming along.


There would have been more stitching, possibly even a finish here, if it hadn't been for catching a rotten, crummy cold...on top of having a dog with an intestinal bug that left her squirting poo on my carpets. So I've been coughing and snotting while poking various pills down Sheba's throat and cleaning carpet. Actually, it is probably a good thing I can't smell...

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. You are indeed a shining star! If only Blogger was as helpful as you :-)

    I like your Dandy Dreams but hubby would go mad if I introduced anything reminding him of dandelions, he is waging war against them on our lawn!

  2. I haven't had any problems leaving comments ( famous last words! lol) but my followers disappeared for a few days and I noticed others had that problem too. Let's hope blogger sorts itself out soon.

    Your Dandy Dreams is beautiful.

    I hope you and Sheba are much better now.

  3. Thanks! I have changed the comments form on my blog.
    Your Dandy Dreams is beautiful!

  4. Oh, you poor dear. I hope you and the pooch feel much better soon.

    I've noticed you can still comment on these reluctant blogs if you don't try to comment with your Google/Blooger account, but fill in your name and URL (that's another option in the scroll-down menu when you comment). Works!

  5. Oh gee ... that sounds like fun --- NOT

    Hope you AND the dog are feeling better soon.

  6. Thanks for the info - I changed mine!!
    I love your stitching - looking awesome!

  7. Dandy Dreams is looking great. Thank you for your help with blogger.

  8. I couldn't sign in to change anything but things seem fine now. Dnady dreams is looking great

  9. I think I updated my settings last time around when you posted. I checked and nothing changed. I've had very few issues with posting comments and I haven't tried a blog post since the problems started. I did notice my followers pictures were gone but now they've come back.

  10. I have to admit that I have been going crazy with many comments couldn't be left for some wonderful stitchers! I will take your advice and go and check the settings for my own blog too - thanks for the info...much appreciated!

    Dandy Dreams is looking fab!

  11. Sorry you had a cold and really sorry that your dog was sick with and intestinal bug...yuck! Probably was a good thing you could not smells!

  12. A very big thankyou coming your way, I've been tearing me hair out with frustration.
    Lovely, lovely Dandy Dreams ~ it's such a pretty design xxx

  13. Thank you for the pop up window info. I have just changed my settings :)
    Lovely stitching, I like the letter style a lot.

  14. Aww , hope you're both feeling better soon . XXX
    DD is loking fab !

  15. Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oP That does NOT sound good! LOL! I'm sorry but I have to chuckle at the thought of it though ;o)

    Your WIP is looking SO good! Love this design.

  16. LOL, Daffy, I'm SURE it's a good thing you can't smell!! I hope you and Sheba are both feeling better in no time at all!! Dandy Dreams looks good! Grats on the progress. As for the fix, I'll pass that on if I run into that particular problem.

  17. Proof positive that things happen for a reason. Hope you're feeling better!!!

  18. Sorry about the puppy issues and your cold. But, because of your advice those many moons ago - I changed to a pop-up comment thingy. Thank you for once again letting others know how to do this.

    btw - Dandy Dreams is so very pretty! I need to getthis one started. Someday - sigh!

  19. Sorry to hear you have been sick, misery loves company because i've been battling a sore throat that won't go away! Sorry to hear Sheba has been sick too, I hope you are both better soon.

    Love your progress on Dandy Dreams and I tea dyed some fabric yesterday following your instructions and you are amazing! Or I'm amazed that I actually did it and it looks great too :) LOL.

    Your right about Blogger, they have been plagued with problem after problem ever since that stupid maintenance "louse" they did a few weeks ago. I am patient so hopefully it will all get fixed soon. Your comment fix is a genius one, I hope everyone takes a moment to update this feature, then I would stop getting that stupid anonymous comment thingy!

  20. I'm still having the problem of actually BLOGGING...can you send someone over to MAKE ME TYPE!!

    Hugs and well wishes!!!


  21. I Loooove You! I had no idea that Blogger was being a monster, and wouldn't have known if you hadn't posted this and let me know!
    Thanks, Daff!

    I was having problems with my follower widget not showing up, but I figured it will come back when it's good and ready...but then I noticed that I had had so few comments, and not that I get as much as some of us (hmmm you? hehehe)but I just figured everyone must be busy. Now I know that I am still loved.

    I am so sorry to hear about the cold and the poo, but on the bright side at least it wasn't Sheba coughing and you pooing on the carpet...that would be a whole other can of worms. :) I might have just gone a bit too far in trying to make ya smile.

    Your WIP is gorgeous, I love the colors, and can't wait to see the finish.

    Feel better missy, and hugs and kisses to ya!

  22. Hi,
    I'm glad you feeling better and Sheba is much better now!!!!

  23. I will try your suggested fix. I have found that if blogger is giving me fits I simply turn this pink PC of mine off and come back to it later. If only all of life's dilemmas could be solved this easily!
    I too hope you and the pooch are feeling better soon.

  24. Oh dear, your not the only one dealing with colds and snot, looks like I'm about to have my share as I appear to have woken up with something trying to attack me and cause havoc. And I always seem to get sick around my birthday, it just doesn't seem fair.
    All the best
    LISA V

  25. Lol! Oh dogs with intestinal bugs!! I just came back from house sitting two pugs that weren't house trained! Well they pooped and peed on paper but no matter how many times I took them outside, they thought they would hold on to let go until they got inside!! Hope your cold goes away soon and your Dandy dreams is coming along so beautifully that I might purchase this pattern myself and make it for my aunts (who own the pugs).

  26. Your Dandy Dreams is beautiful!!!!

    Hope you feel better soon!!!!

  27. Your WIP is coming along nicely. Hope both you and the doggy are feeling better soon.

    Happy stitching...

  28. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. Summer colds are the worst! Thanks for the blogger tip - I'll have to go check my settings. Love, love, love Dandy Dreams. I hope Sheba feels better soon too. :o)

  29. Feel better soon! Dandy Dreams is gorgeous. Thanks for the advice on the comment thing. I didn't realize that it was site issue not the the person who is trying to leave a comment. Thanks.

  30. It's been so long since I blogged that I had no idea there were any problems. Thanks for the fix! I hope you feel better soon and the doggie does too!

  31. That Dandy Dreams HAS to fall into my shopping basket one of these days, I love it! Hugs to you and Sheba. Love your blogging tips and have implemented several, thank you!

  32. Thanks so much for the info on the comments window. It was passed onto me by Lesley(Home is where my heart is) as I've been unable to comment on blogs since all this with blogger has been going on. Thanks to you both I have now changed my comments to the pop up type and with this and the name/Url option Annemarie posted on here, I'm able to join in most things once more.

    Love the dandy dreams, it's coming on wonderfully and looks fab!

  33. Thanks for the blogging tip. I checked my settings and I seem to be okay although I do know that there are some friends who tried to comment but weren't able to. I'm sure Blogger will get things sorted out eventually. It must be your mention of being snotty that made me type in Booger instead of Blogger oringially!

    I'm sorry that you're feeling so miserable lately and Sheba too. Hope you're back to your old self in no time.
    Dandy Dreams looks fabulous!

  34. Have been spreading your advise about comment settings and other bloggers are now sorted out. Thank you again:)

  35. What also helps is to klick out the button that automatic logged you in!!!
    Hope you can understand it.. I don't know how the write it in English

    What a beautifull piece your stitching!!

  36. Thank you so much. I noticed I could comment on some blogs and not others, and now I know why. Very helpful post.

  37. Dandy Dreams is looking wonderful.

    Oh dear! Poor you and poor Sheba!!

  38. Hi Sharon, I do hope you and Sheba are feeling better soon.... nothing worse than having a cold, except having a dog with a tummy ache!

    Had the same problem with Daisy Dog a couple of weeks ago... nice surprise to come back to after a morning out!! Never mind, they can't help it.. She is normally very good - has never messed in the house since she was a puppy.

    Your latest WIP looks great!

    See you tomorrow for the next TUSAL update!

  39. lovely stitching.
    oh poor Shiba,i hope she feel better now.

  40. Thanks so much for the blogger tip - I was beginning to get quite frustrated at being anonymous!
    Dandy Dreams is looking fabulous.
    Hope both you and Sheba are recovering now.

  41. Eh, Blogger problems again?? Excellent, I can continue to blame them for my lack of posting rather than just my slackness. =P

    Stitching looks great!

  42. Love the Dandy Dreams. Our 2.5 acres are filled with them. Sorry about the sniffles and carpet cleaning. I think you're right about the smelling part LOL

  43. You poor dear. Are you feeling all better? And is puppy all better as well? Dandy Dreams is lovely.... Can't wait to s ee a finish!! :D

  44. Thank you soooo much for the info. You are a blessing.

  45. Wow I wish I would have read this a couple days ago! I noticed this on a blog I have and messed with it till I did just as you described here...I don't consider myself computer savvy so it was a bit of a pain for me to figure out on my own!

  46. Love the stitching project you are working on. I have updated my TUSAL picture finally when I managed to take a breath and actually post a blog. Happy Stitching!

  47. Lovely progress on Dandy Dreams. I was lucky enough to win this chart on Sally's blog recently and can't wait to start it.
    Hope both you and the dog are fully recovered now.


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