Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another July ORT Report

Even though there were two New Moons in July I was able to create a massive pile of ORTs in my jar. It didn't even matter that I've been doing quite a bit of over-one stitching, which usually results in spindly ORTs. Just look at all these thread ends! I am thinking the unbearably hot weather has a lot to do with more stitching time. It's nice to sit and stitch inside with air conditioning!

My ORT jar is pictured here with a little project I started on a short road trip to Kansas City. You know how much I like Autumn/Halloween designs. I cannot resist crows and pumpkins! It's not finished but it is close. I'm still trying to decide if I want to stitch a little border around the design. Your thoughts?

Next up, we have had some Totally Useless Stitch A Long donations for the giveaway!

Bronny, of Bronny's Bits, sent us a sweet little scissor fob, two quilted coasters and a few skeins of DMC. Notice that woolly bit to strap the sheepie to your scissors? Cute! Thanks Bronny!

Then Maria, of Between The Stitches, sent a Lizzie*Kate Snippet and some nice fabric to stitch it on. I hope nobody minds if I end up stitching this design real quick before it goes on to the winner, if I can squeeze it in? I promise to use my own fabric! LOL Thank you, Queenie!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Nice TUSAL and pumpkin. I'll do my report on Monday. Love the new prizes!

  2. I think a border would look great on your stitching.
    You really should stitch that LK Snippet - how could you possibly resist?
    Rita E in AZ

  3. Very cute pumpkin and crow! October is my favorite stitching month too.

  4. Your ORT jar is fantastic! I'm just a wee bit jealous... :)

  5. What an amout of orts! I'm jealous!

    For the crow/pumpkin design, I think it depends how you will finish it!
    If it will get some type of frame I won't add a border. Otherwise I think I would add some stitching on the left and the right side.

    Perhaps it's easier to decide when the stitching is finished (because you wrote it's close to be finished)?

    I'm looking forward to your decision.

    Greetings from Germany

  6. Your orts looks great. Lovely gifts for the TUSAL winner. I'm sure nobody will mind if you stitch the pattern first.

  7. Is that a Bent Creek Crow/Pumpkin I see? All depend on how you will finish it if it should have a border or not?

    Great new stash for the Tusal prize! I am sure no one would mind if you stitched up that cute LK design, I'll look forward to seeing it :)

    I just posted my report too but not much else, I am in the process of finishing something different and I'm trying to build up the mystery :) LOL!

  8. I like that Bronny gave a sheep!
    The prize box must be huge by now.
    Looking forward to next year whne I can join in, it's the only reason I got a blog going at all!

  9. Great orts! I'll try to get mine up tomorrow.
    The prize pile must be getting big!

  10. Your jar is looking great!

    And yay! for another donation. Everyone is so generous.

  11. I love pumpkins and crows too and those are just too cute. Lots of orts there - you have been busy. Nice prizes too!

  12. Limited editions those Sheep Fobs! I didn't even keep one for myself! Thank you for noticing the woolly bit - I knew exactly what it was going to be used for when I found it.

    I've updated my page with my latest TUSAL

  13. I agree with you hun; I LOVE pumpkins and crows; fall is my favorite time of the year. Maybe a little vine around the pumpkin & crow would be cute?? What book are you stitching this from? I love it...I'll post a pic of my TUSLA tonight...

    Hugs, Shar

  14. You just have to stitch that little LK Snippet, it would be a crime not too!

  15. Great orts! I'll probably update Tuesday. :)

  16. Your ORT jar is stuffed full. OMGoodness, you have lots of them. You've been a busy girl!! Grats on the little almost finish. I think it does need a little border. It's cute!! Grats on the donations too. Love the coasters!!

  17. Wow you've been busy with the needle, if your ORT jar is any indication! Love the stitching!! Very cute!

  18. Mine will be up shortly, as soon as Blogger decides to play nice and let me actually publish it:)

  19. Mine is up

  20. Mine is up and on time since it's still July 30 in Calif. And Iam beyond glad to hear you have AC!

  21. Daffy,

    If you decide to stitch a border, maybe a thin green pumpkin leaf border with dark brown / black stems would be nice.

    Your stitching has me itching to stitch something again.

    Of course, stitch the snippet. In fact, when I mailed it, I actually thought that it was right up your patriotic alley. That is why I chose it. So I am glad that the thought travelled with the chart too.

    Thanks for having an inviting blog.
    Maybe everyone's stitching mojo will somehow rub off on me and allow me an ort jar for your TUSAL next year.


  22. Wow, what lovely bits for the giveaway you have there!!

    My ORT report for 30 July is now up and out there in blogland!

    See you all next month...

  23. My TUSAL is up and looking quite full - much better than last year LOL

  24. That crow is cuter than cute! My cross stitch mojo has been on vacation....After reading your last couple of posts it is running back screaming to me!

  25. Fall is my favorite season, but the L*K reminds me that we still have a bit of summer left. As they say in Maine there are two seasons; Winter and getting ready for winter. Trying to hang on to the summer just a bit longer.

    I think a green, wavy, vine like border would be a good compliment to the pumpkin & crow.

  26. WOW that is a productive jar of orts!!!! Mine is up but no where as full as yours! Great job!

  27. Lots or ort's this moon Daffycat.
    The prizes are so fantastic aren't they. it must be quite a haul now.
    Thanks again for organising us, I really appreciate you.
    H x

  28. Mine's up!

    Great progress on your orts, Daffy. I agree that the hot weather is creating more stitching time. Normally I enjoy going outside a lot more in the summer, but this year seems to be a bit hotter and muggier than I want to deal with. Couch and stitching in the AC, it is!

    That stash box is getting beyond insane.

  29. I recently discovered your lovely blog, and wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading it. I love the pumpkin and crow!

  30. Love the crow and pumpkin. I think a little stitched border would look great.

  31. Cute little pumpkin piece! I could see a border on there to give it more significance - maybe. Was that wishy washy enough for you? - LOL

    Great new additions to your treasure chest = and yes stitch that little cutie - I love it!!

  32. I'm very much an autumn girl too, so I love your latest finish. Personally, I don't really add borders to things, but I'm sure you'd make yours look fantastic. Best wishes.

  33. I have done also my report, just on the same day of the new moon, and the jar is really full, have a nice time. Loredana.

  34. What a nice design Sharon! Love it. I would go with a thin border.

    I have an ort jar but never show it lol Anyway I like to keep track of other stitchers ort jars ;D

    Nice additions for the giveaway.

  35. Hihi, I must admit, I keep forgetting to post the Tusal, all things come up and I always end up by forgetting it.

  36. I think your little stitchy project would look great either way - with or without a border.

  37. i like the is to hot to stitch,,i like the outumn..

  38. Looking wonderful Daffycat! :) I got my ORT report up on my blog now. Happy Stitching!

  39. Ohhhh, I like you're little project! Maybe a border would be nice :o)


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