Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I made a mess on Sunday! I had two small ornaments to finish. This involved pulling out the bins of fabric, trim, stuffing and interfacing.

I took over the kitchen table with sewing stuff. 

I took over the counter top with the ironing stuff. I like to iron craft things on my washable white craft towels instead of the ironing board.

It was glorious mayhem! I was having so much fun I opened a bottle of sweet red wine, poured it in a pitcher, added a can of tropical fruit and some ginger ale. This is tasty over ice in a fancy wineglass.

In fact, it was so tasty I drank the whole pitcher all by myself! Whoops! No, the ornaments came out just fine. All that alcohol only helped me loosen up my creativity! The ornaments are being mailed to their new owners so I will show them to you very soon.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. WOW - the entire pitcher!! How is your head today? Fun to be able to cause mahem huh?

  2. What fun! Can't wait to see just how creative you were, lol.

  3. I was afraid you were going to say you spilled the wine on the ornies. Thank goodness this all ended well!

  4. He he- sounds like a fun mess making party!! Glad the ornaments turned out fine!

  5. Looks like a great way to have a finishing session! Can't wait to see the results.

  6. Oh you did give me a laugh..... I just wasn't expecting the whole pitcher to go!! I do like that 'cordial' recipe of yours......

  7. LOL!! Did the ornaments still look OK the next day?? Just kidding. And this is why I have a stack of ornaments to finish...never made the time to pull out all the accouterments to get them done!

  8. how much did you drink ???? and soo glad they came out ok and you take up the same amount of room as I do when creating :) love mouse xxxx hic !!

  9. Now that's the way to finish ornaments!!! LOL Can't wait to see them and how your creativity was flowing. Next time, invite me and I'll be sure to bring another bottle. LOL

  10. ROFL!!!! I was wondering where the ornaments were ;o)

  11. Oh, now I get why I am so bad at keeping up my finishing work; no "inspiration"... LOL

  12. well now we need to see what you did :-)

  13. the whooooole thing huh? it must have been sweet and GOOOOOOOOD.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. LOL!!!!!!! You're too funny. *hic*

  15. LOL You drank the whole thing?! Good for you. Can't wait to see your finishes.

  16. Phewwwwww I was waiting for a scary punch line with this story. I thought you were going to say you spilled your delicious drink all over your project!

    Well I'm glad you didn't. :) The drink sounds good by the way!

    Jen in Miami

  17. Hi Sharon,
    So sorry I haven't visited your blog in a while but I am back. :)
    What a fun way to work on a project with a pitcher of wine! VBG
    That wins my vote! :)
    Can't wait to see what you created.
    Oh I just uploaded some of the photos from my vacation in Spain. Hope you have some time to visit my blog and have a look. Please leave a comment. :)
    I still have more to upload but will do that a few days from now. Then have New Art to show too. :)

  18. Sounds like you had a magnificent time! I must try your wine concoction sometime. :-)

  19. Sounds like you had fun!! Funny thing is I drank the exact same bottle of wine last night with a friend! Boy was it yummy! I'll have to try your concoction sometime!!

  20. Hi there Sharon, you and I had the same exact messy finishing Sunday, glorious wasn't it? Next time I'll have to include a bottle of something:)

  21. LOL Sharon! I was sure you were going to say you spilled the wine on your stitching!
    So glad that wasn't the case!
    I am glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself while doing the finishing. I bet they came out great!
    Looking forward to seeing them.

  22. So that's what I have been doing wrong! Note to self: have bottle of wine to make finishing easier!

    Can't wait to see what you finished.

  23. Can't wait to see the end result of the mayhem and spritzer induced creativity.

  24. LOL about the wine. And is that a POPCORN machine? That's what I would have wanted!

  25. Ginger Ale, wine and fruit juice...that sounds light and cool, something great and refreshing for this hot summer weather...but the whole pitcher :) I guess if it loosened you up so that you could finish ornaments, then it was definitely a good thing! Enjoy life!

  26. Now that is how to have a good time! The cocktail would have helped ease the pain of cleaning up, I'm sure! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished ornies.

  27. Sounds like you had lots of fun!!! I'd never heard of putting fruit in wine ... and ginger ale .. sounds FABULOUS!!! I might have to give it a try sometime!!

  28. Sounds like you had a great time. Look forward to seeing your finishes.

  29. It's great to spread out while you're crafting - glad to hear that they came out well.

  30. For a horrible momet I thought you were going to say you'd spilled the red wine on your ornaments, glad you managed to drink it instaed. Looking forward to seeing the finishes

  31. You really know how to have fun! Can't wait to see your creations!

  32. That sounds and looks like a great sunday! :-)

  33. OMG, that is just sooo funny! Really, the entire pitcher?! I'm afraid my entire creativity along with my ability to speak and walk would have gone right out the window! I must say though that I've never heard of this particular concoction and I'm eager to try it out.
    I also had the thoughts that perhaps you'd spilled the drink on your ornies.

  34. How funny! Sometimes wine helps inspiration!

  35. Mayhem is fun! The den is a total disaster when I decide to finish ornaments or anything for that matter.

  36. I love being creatively messy, it's the only way to get things done :) Looking forward to seeing the ornaments.

  37. Too funny Sharon! Can't wait to see the Ornies.

  38. I look forward to seeing the ornies ;0) I make a ton of mess to when finishing! The drink sounds really good and could be a great way to deal with all this heat!

  39. LOL You always make me smile ;)

    I'm having my small mayhem at the new craft room. Wish I could work on it and make it a "studio" (classy, lol)

    Hope to see those creative ornies soon.

  40. Sounds like fun Sharon, except for the wine part. I wish I could sew, but I've never been able to sew a straight line. Sigh... Can't wait to see the ornies though. I bet they're beautiful!! BTW, how did you change your blog to saying amicable purrs from comments? I'd love to do that.

  41. I would have had a really good sleep, creating a heap on the floor lol. Love the pics of your mayhem and look forward to the pics of your finishes.

  42. That's the way to do it!!!
    From now on, I'm following your advice on how to loosen up the creativity ;)

  43. That is what my whole sewing room looks like right now!
    So glad you didn't spill that red wine on your stitching!
    I tried mixing margaritas with The Beast (the machine I had before my Bernina) It didn't work out well. :)

  44. a whole pitcher...and why not eh...glad you had some fun!!

  45. Now, that is the way to do ornament finishing. Liquid refreshment I am sure helped the creativity lol.

  46. Hahahaha! Keeping rocking it, gurl!! :)

  47. Oh man, would have loved to have shared your creative frenzy and wine! One must not drink alone! LOL

  48. Awesome! This one gave me a giggle, I always work better with a little rum, LOL!

  49. oh! sound like a good time!..the trouble is the next mornig,,the headache...ugh!.

  50. you are much braver than I am! I would be so scared of spilling!

  51. A whole bottle of wine by yourself? Well I ahem never! Glad it brought out your creativity! ;)

  52. LOL @ "oops.. drank the whole thing myself" Too funny...


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