Monday, August 29, 2011

Aug ORT Report

Doh! I was so tired after work, I nearly forgot the Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long. Here is my ORT collection for the New Moon. The teal threads from Peacock Cypher kinda took over but there are a few different colored threads at the very bottom.

I had an itch to stitch something new so I'm whipping out a Lizzie*Kate. Always great for an easy and fun stitch. This will be Boo Club's Brew. The fabric is one I dyed last year, almost tangerine in color. Fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Great start on that new Lizzie*Kate!

  2. It can't be good if you forget!!! Glad you remembered whew!!

    Mine is posted on my blog :)

    Have a great day!!

  3. that teal thread is lovely...looking forward to seeing you L & K

  4. I do love all the blues in that ort jar. Very pretty!
    Love the new LK start. I got bitten by the Halloween bug myself and started a new stitch.

  5. Mine's up for the month! Great orts - that blue is fabulous.

  6. Looks like you have done heaps already - great. TUSAL looks pretty too

  7. I love that Boo Series - I stitched the series on one piece. I still haven't gotten it finished yet though. Better hurry on that, huh? I agree with the others the blues in your ort jar are beautiful. Of course, blue is my favorite color......

  8. Great new start. Your orts are lovely - love the blue.

  9. lovely tusal and very sweet start on the stitching xx

  10. I posted my TUSAL. I understand about forgetting with busy life. If I hadn't seen others posting I would have let it slip my mind.

    Hope all is well your way. Hey! Know of a pick your own pumpkin farm in our state that isn't fried by the heat and drought?

  11. I like the blue in your jar. And I am always up for stitching a Lizzie Kate. ;-D Can't wait to see your finish.

    Blessings, Jessica

  12. I am in late, but it was problem with the internet connect, now my post is up!

  13. I love how LK stitches up so neat and quickly - I really must try my hand one day at dyeing fabric.
    My TUSAL is up on my page, more halloween colours than sheep I'm afraid.. Happy to keep the madness going!!

  14. Oooooh, what a lovely TUSAL. Thanks for sharing, Sharon. Can't wait to see your first official progress update on Brew!

  15. Love that photo. :) My pic(s) up.

  16. I must say - The threads are a very pretty color ;)

  17. Well done on your new start, it looks great!

    I have now posted my ORT report, if you get a chance pop over and have a look at

  18. You are a very talented and crafty lady.

    Love the hand-dyed fabbie. The stitching is loooooking good!

    I'll be having a 100th follower giveaway soon!!


  19. Your hand dyed fabric is really lovely. I finished stitching Lizzie Kate's Stitching Forever on Friday. Her designs are always enjoyable to stitch. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress on yours.

  20. Gorgeous! I haven't gotten my TUSAL update yet this month, but I will soon. Big time blog problems, had to move to a new address. Can you possibly update my web address on your official TUSAL list?

    Thanks so much,
    Stitcher S (A Stitch in Time*)


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