Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meet My Mummy

There was an mysterious fat package in my mailbox last week. It was very heavy. What could it be? I was a little grim thinking maybe this was a donation for the Totally Useless giveaway, oh dear! Surely nobody sent me a two-pound pincushion? That package is going to be heavy enough as it is!

Imagine my glee when I opened it and discovered this darling *squee* mummy inside. Last year, I had admired Tanya's Halloween decor and truly coveted the mummy she had made. Tanya knew I loved her so much she sent her to me! Mine! My own mummy! Sweet Miss Mummy is residing spookily on my bookshelf for the holiday season. I love her to pieces. Thank you Tanya!

I also received another package last week, this one expected. Every now and again I see something from the UK I just have to have and I'll call on my good friend Lindsay to get it for me. Then, in return, I'll do a favor when asked. Of course, every now and again one of us will open our mailbox to find the other has filled it with something unexpected and awesome. (wait, on second thought, Lindsay probably has a door slot for mail deliveries *giggle*) Anyway, I saw this Margaret Sherry magazine on Bec's blog. Ooo, Margaret Sherry! I could not resist, so an email to Lindsay was in order. Thank you Lindsay! You too, Bec, you shameless enabler you!

According to Sharon, I've been teasing you with hints about my new project. Okay, I'll stop now! I finished kitting up and started stitching yesterday. I'm going to stitch Prairie Schooler's Twelve Day's of Christmas. Each square as an individual ornament. I've been looking for that perfect "12 Days" chart and have even bought several but they were either too big (I don't want 5x7 inch ornaments) or charted as a group only. I was so pleased to find this design.

One of you "out there" is stitching this too but I'm sorry, I can't remember who you are. If you've been blogging this design recently it was probably you, speak up! You were my inspiration ~ thank you!

So, I snagged one Prairie Schooler chart off eBay. I've pulled my colors. Some I didn't like (copper red? For Christmas? Ewww!) and some did not match the model close enough and those were swapped out. I measured out enough 32 count Lugana, tea-stained it and cut it into 12 ornament sized pieces.

And here is my start! Wow, this is a really fast stitch. I started last night and only had a short time for stitching. It would be nice to have these all done in time for the Christmas tree this year but I know it won't happen. I'm not a fast stitcher or finisher. Plus, I work full time. I thought about making this my 2012 project and stitch & finish one ornament each month, very doable for me. But I couldn't wait to start. I just about went insane the weeks I waited to start Crabby All Year, that time. I'm not set up for waiting, I guess. I want it NOW!

I still need to find fabric for the backing. I figured I'd wait and get a couple of them stitched so I could color match. Darn, I have to go to Joann's Fabric store. What a shame. I can't wait! I hate waiting!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Boo hoo! I can't see any pictures! :(

  2. ooooooooo well done and what a nice gift from Tanya's that is sooooo cute :)and well done on getting the mag too and wooooo hooo on the stitching and fancy having to make that sacrifice and go to the stitching shop !!! hhahahaha love mouse xxxxx

  3. hello dear, very lovely mummy indeed..i love her..soon i will post the picture of my mummy too..
    lovely book..i love it too and i really love your recent stitching project it is so lovely and your progress is very nice..keep it up..
    happy stitching xx
    p:s crabby all year my fav project..i so much wanted to stitch it..just looking for the chart on e bay..i hope i find one soon..

  4. I love that mummy! Congratulations on all your fun mail!

  5. I love your mummy:) such a great idea.
    The Twelve Days of Christmas squares are going to be great to watch.

  6. That mummy is just too cute! Love your new WIP too... happy stitching!

  7. Lol how cute is your mummy!!! Lovely goodies and stitching there xxx

  8. That Mummy is ADORABLE! :)

    I love your new start too, it looks like it will stitch up fast!

  9. Very cute Mummy! That Margaret Sherry book looks adorable - I've been meaning to a reason to stitch the culinary cats for ages. Can't wait to see the rest of your 12 days!

  10. Your mummy is so cute! How sweet of Tanya to send it to you. I don't think I have seen that PS design - great idea to stitch them all as ornaments.

  11. Oh, I am sooo loving your mummy and those buttons are fabulous. I will resist even thinking about that Margaret Sherry book (even though I think it's calling me) yikes! :) Great start on 12 Days and a great idea to finish them as ornies, too.

  12. That mummy is too cute! I'm sure I have that "12 Days of Christmas" pattern somewhere and I know I bought it because I saw it on someone's blog. Darn enablers - even if they don't mean to be!!

  13. Love the Mummy, enjoy your new start

  14. The cross stitch Christmas goodies will be lovely... the mummy is so funny... great idea .. no wonder you fell in love with it!

  15. That mummy is cute! I'm not a fan of Halloween but I really like this mummy! AS for the Margaret Sherry mag, that's a load of great designs! Can't wait to see which one you will stitch first. Also in love with the Prairie Schooler's Days of Christmas. I'm glad you chucked the copper red and opted for a better red. Great start so far!

  16. Oh, I love your Mummy! it is so adorable! :)

    Hahaha, sorry! It is such a beautiful book. I can't wait to finish my current WIP so I can make a start on the book. I'm thinking Cool Cats on pg36 to stitch first. :)

    Love your new WIP. The fabric is beautiful! looking forward to seeing more.

  17. Such a cute mummy! Love your stitching and your new stash too!

  18. The Mummy is just darling!!

    Since I have just recently become a big fan of Prairie Schooler, these "12 Days" are looking good. Hmmmm I only have charts for about a hundred ornaments already,,,,another 12 wouldn't matter would it???

  19. That mummy is so cool! I may have to go down the valley and bang on Tanya's door.
    You've got a great start on 12 days. I'll be watching for more.

  20. Love the mummy! And great start on your 12 Days of Christmas. Why wait when you can start now!? lol

  21. Oh I just love your mummy! Great start on the 12 days

  22. Nice mummy! :o) Good luck with the 12 days! I have finished all of them at the end of 2009! I loved to stitch them!


  23. I love the Margaret Shelley book, I'm sure you'll find lots of projects in there. Looking forward to seeing your 12 Days progress through this year and next, they'll look wonderful when they're all finished. Best wishes.

  24. Cute mummy!!!The Twelve Days of Christmas squares are going to be great !!!

  25. What a cute (? are mummies cute??) mummy!! I love your 12 Days start, too. I know Lois at Of Pins & Needles is working on it, not sure about any others. I have the chart but of course haven't stitched it yet--but plan to!

  26. 12 days is a great new start and i love your new mummy

  27. I totally forget who is stitching those 12 days; but I feel like she just finished the Ladies Dancing? Or was it the Maids milking?

    Ah, don't show me these wonderful PS charts!!! ;)

  28. What a great gift from Tanya!

    Love your new start :)

  29. What a cute Mummy!
    I was lucky enough to find the Margaret Sherry book here at JoAnns and for some strange reason it just jumped into my basket!!! I want to do the four little kittens in the mugs, they are adorable.
    Great start on the twelve days. Looking forward to seeing them progress.

  30. I love this chart too, it's one of the special Twelve Days designs out there. Enjoy it.

  31. What a great idea! I can't wait to see your first ornament.

  32. That mummy is SO adorable!!!! Sweet :o)

    Love your idea with the PS pattern. Can't wait to see how you finish them.

  33. ooooooo I have this one in my stash!! I was trying to decide whether I was going to do them as individual pieces or one big piece. I am leaning towards ornies. I wasn't going to start them until 2012 but now you have my itching to start! EEK! You're a bad influence! :)

  34. What an adorable mummy!!!! Love the new goodies. Wonderful new start, look forward to watching you stitch it!

  35. I know that Prairie Schooler has been in progress on this blog:
    Sunflower Fields Pattern Company

    I hope you enjoy stitching it !!!

  36. That Mummy is awesome!! Tanya's talent is pretty awesome too.
    Great choice for your ornaments. I love PS and these will be fabulous when they're complete.

  37. OMG I LOVE Margaret Sherry!!!! Wished they sold it here........

  38. Mummy is too cute! And I think the colors you're using will be great for 12 days!

  39. Ooh, fantastic mummy! Lucky day, lucky day. :) I love the PS 12 days.

  40. That is the cutest mummy I've ever seen. Love your new project. Great progress :)


  41. The mummy is ROFLMAO!!!!!! Too cute for words.

    Ooooh Margaret Sherry book... you lucky girl. :D

  42. Ok ,this just made me your blog and creative endeavors..quite touched my your spirit

  43. Your mummy looks so cozy for this fall season. Love the beedy little eyes. I am a big fan of Prairie Schooler. I have to be honest was not sure of this one until I saw your postings. Cute!

  44. Your mummy reminds me of the couple of Halloweens I wrapped my DH in row after row of muslin turning him into a mummy himself - except still breathing, of course! I had to buy the Margaret Sherry book, too. Maybe we'll end up stitching the same things!

  45. Sharon,
    What an adorable mummy from Tanya.

    Have fun flipping through your Margaret Sherry.

    Nice start on the first ornament from P.S.

  46. Love the mummy, but I'm afraid my cats would too.


  47. That mummy is wonderful! I love the little buttons and tiny black eyes. That was really nice of Tanya to send her to you.

    Congratulations on the Margaret Sherry book, her designs are so cute!

    The Prairie Schooler 12 days of Christmas chart looks great and you're already off to a great start!

  48. Wow, 32 count???? You must have really good eyesight!

  49. I spent an hour in Barnes and Noble drooling over Margaret's new magazine just last week! It is amazing.

  50. What a cute mummy, indeed. And new stash to boot. :)


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