Thursday, October 20, 2011

Solo Stitch Club

It's been a good, if exhausting, week for me. Today, the president of the company I work for visited my store. He told me the store looked fantastic and thanked me for doing such a good job. Score! It's so nice to know your hard work is noticed.

I rewarded myself by going home an hour early and going to Solo Stitch Club at the library. Thanks, Jenny, for naming my stitch "meetings!" I got quite a lot accomplished today. Tempted even, to stay longer but Dash had beef stew cooking...

Shari wanted to know how I was planning on finishing these Prairie Schooler ornaments. I've pretty much decided to sew them into pillow ornaments, lightly stuffed, with silk ribbon and bead edging. I will just need to decide on backing fabric; I'm thinking a tan and red gingham check and a red silk ribbon with white or tan beads. Things may change but for now that's the plan.

Kaye asked how I keep up with my blog list. Simple ~ I don't! I'm always behind. I do end up reading most everything, sometimes skimming for treasures and seldom leaving comments. Yet, other days I go down the list chatty as ever! I remember the days I could get through my entire list in an hour. It's more like three or four weeks now =O

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. What a cute stitch!

    As far as reading our blog lists, I do skim most and drop by favorites. For those who comment, I alway try to return the favor. I guess that's okay because the more blog typing, the less stitching and we can't have that! ;-)

  2. Congrats to you!
    Your ornament finishing idea sounds perfect.
    I so know exactly what you mean about keeping up with blogs! I used to read new posts, comment and still have time to write my own post all while drinking my morning coffee. Now I am always behind and like you, I often skim posts and skip commenting and still never catch up!

  3. thanks for telling us how you plan to finish them! I have made my working copies of the patterns, so that I can start them real soon....
    Love the name of your library stitching time...I wasn't able to go this week & I missed it...

  4. Hi,
    That's great you got good score on your work!!!! I bet those ornaments are going to come out really pretty cause you are such a creative person!!! Let tell you what happen rember the prize you gave well I thought I misplace I was so sad gladly I found I place in a bag of floss when I found my sheep I was really excited to see it again!!!!

  5. I LOVE your idea of the 'Solo Stitch Club' at the library! I've been telling myself that I'm gonna have to start that at mine. LOL

    Great job on the ornies!


  6. That's awesome news - congrats! PS ornies will be adorable!

  7. Love the linen you picked Daff - I think that the ornies will be absolutely adorable! Very sweet! :-)

  8. Your ornaments will be adorable. I'm so glad you were able to spend some time at the stitching "meeting". : )

  9. Your ornaments are going to turn out beautiful! I love the fabric, you'll have to explain to me you tea-stain?

  10. So is your Solo Stitch club basically you stitching by yourself at the library??? LOL

  11. Congratulations on the recognition for your work! I love those PS ornaments, and every year for the last 5 years I've been saying I was going to stitch them. Maybe this year.

  12. Congratulations on the kudos from your Boss, I love your ornament hope to see the finished project soon.

  13. Your PS ornie looks great. Your finishing idea so lovely. Glad you enjoyed Solo Stitch Club.

  14. Congratulations on the good news at work! :)

    Love the pillow finish idea, esp. with a beaded edge. The fabric is really pretty too.

  15. Congrats on job well done and also getting the good feedback too! It is nice to hear that you're doing great eventhough you know it already. :)

    What a cute little birdies! Those ornaments will lool adorable.

  16. Congratulations at work and on your stitching looking good.

  17. Reading through blog lists takes longer every day!
    Love your turtle doves

  18. very sweet finish :)
    your ornament will be so lovely..i am so glad that you enjoyed the solo stitch club..
    have a lovely weekend xxx

  19. Your PS stitching is looking great. Good for you for getting praise from the boss, you must be pleased. Best wishes to you.

  20. ooo well done on the boss visit :) and love your library stitching .. got some tan and red gingham fabbie in my stash if you want to pop over heheheh to try it out ... lol love mouse xxxxx

  21. Congratulations on the recognition for your work! and beautiful stitching.

  22. Congrats on your well-deserved pat on the back at work :)

  23. Most of us seldom receive positive feedback from our employers so kudos to you! It's such a rewarding feeling and all it takes is a simple thank you. Sounds like you're working for a good company.

    The Solo Stitch Club is a perfect title! Glad to see it's working out for you.

    As far as blog lists, I try ot clear out about 20 posts each day. If I spend any more time than that, nothing else gets done including stitching!

  24. Well done you! It is good to get such nice feedback.
    Love the stitching - I may start a solo stitch club myself sounds like fun.
    Love the stitching.

  25. Can't wait to see these finished up! :)

  26. Congratulations on a job well done!

  27. Congrats on the pat on the back for a good looking sore.

    Cutie ornament design, your finish idea sounds perfect for them x

  28. I love the progress made on your ornament. I can't wait to see it finished. Your use of ribbon and beads is always just beautiful. Have a great weekend......Lei

  29. Lovely stitching as always and I love the name of your new "Stitch club" I shall have to set up a 'chapter' in Eaglemont.

    Thanks for your reply re commenting on blogs - I am finding that I am having to start skimming or else I do not get any stitching done! I often try to dip in or out randomly plus keep up with the bloggers who comment on my blog.

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox

  30. Congratulations on the boss's recognition; it always helps to feel that approval. Your 2 turtle doves are looking great!

  31. Sharon,

    I love your finish on the PS. I can't wait to see them all finished.

    Glad to hear you were able to sneak in some R&R with your stitching.

  32. I am SOOOOOOOOOO behind with my blog list now... I used to do it on a daily basis, but somehow time seems to fly nowadays... Or maybe I am playing solitaire too much...


  34. Solo stitch at the library--I love it!! Unfortunately, I don't think that would work for me since I work there--they would just find things for me to do :)

  35. You have inspired me to dig out my PS 12 days of christmas. I started it a few years ago and didn't like how the white was showing on my fabric. I think I will just bs those parts with gray.

    Thanks again for inspiring me.


  36. When I was able to work I always loved having my work recognized by my boss. Congratulations!

    I love the "Solo Stitch Club" title, that is amusing and sounds fun! Your 2 turtle doves is looking great!

    You are not alone in always being behind on your blog list. I'm always behind as well! I don't even know how many stitchy blogs I am following anymore, I just know it is A LOT LOL I enjoy reading them and I do read all the posts, but I don't always comment. I'm playing catch up on posts and this time I am making a point to comment as well. Part of this is I signed up for Measi's WIPocalypse which added blogs to my blogroll, so I'm trying to get caught up and in the habit of commenting so I can do better next year. My blogroll is in alphabetical order and I'm in the "i's" already. So anyway that was a long winded way of saying you aren't alone. lol :)

  37. Love the two turtles doves!! They are sort of kissing :D I too have been behind in reading blogs...talking too many gorgeous autumn walks (see the pictures on my blog!) I couldn't even imagine trying to keep up with the amount of blogs you have on your roll!! Your a busy gal!!

  38. Good for you! Pat yourself in the back ;o)

    Looking good Sharon!

  39. I love the 12 days of Christmas. I made a set a few years ago. Yours is very cute.

  40. So nice to be recognized! congrats to you!


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