Sunday, October 30, 2011

Squawk or Nancy was right

Nancy (no blog) commented on my last post, predicting my yellow-legged hen was being chased by four calling birds. Too true, they were fast on her heels! Here is Four Calling Birds, stitched in one day!

Rather, a "squawking" bird. I'm not real sure about using a parrot as a Christmassy bird but it's stitched! I used to work in a pet shop and advice I gave about birds was simple, "All birds are noisy. All birds are messy. It's just a matter of volume and quantity." I'm not fond of parrots. Although they are beautiful creatures they require a lot of attention and patience. I do like small birds, like finches, and find their soft, "Bee bee bee!" calls soothing background noise. Quite different from the ear-splitting shrieks of annoyed or bored parrots!

Jessie is in the city this week for a job interview so I am pet-sitting her Betta, Mage, while she is away. I must say, Jess has the most uncooperative pet to take photos of. I tempted him to the top with his pellets but when I tried to adjust the light so I could get a photo without glare, he hid under the plant. Maybe he's just pouty because his person is away?

If you have entered my blogoversary giveaway don't forget to leave a comment on this post too for another entry!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Yeah, I don't think parrot when I think Christmas. More doves...
    But it's such a cute finish!

  2. I heard a story of a parrot who used to say "come in" when anyone rang the didn't matter if the owner was around or not!

  3. OMG! Look at you..Miss Smoking Needles! I don't know..I kind of like the parrot! :)

  4. good progress on the 12 days of Christmas you will be done in no time! I have not done much Christmas stitching yet this year - you are a good incenive.

  5. Nancy certainly had it right! What speedy progress you're making. Maybe parrots can double for calling birds, if said calling is loud and annoying. Now I'm wondering what the designer is going to do with the five golden rings; hope they're something you'd want to wear, lol.

  6. Wow you stitched up no 4 quick! Great job!

  7. Another great and quick finish. Your so tempting me.


  8. Wow! Those needles are flying. :o) Fish are so difficult to photograph, I think you did a great job at least getting him in the picture.

  9. you're neeldles must be flying! Nice finish.

  10. wow, that was fast & this one is adorable!! love it!

  11. Is the little fishy smiling? As always your stitching looks great but I agree I see a Parrot too. :)

    Maybe you could start a new verse of the song?



  12. woah!! how quick?? gorgeous - your needle must be smokin xx

  13. Parrots and Christmas? They go together as much as our fall leaves and snow did yesterday!

  14. Gee I was kidding when I mentioned about the 4 calling birds. But it really was true. You finished the 4th one very quickly. If the rest go that fast, you will finish in no time at all! Beautiful stitching! I wouldn't think Christmas either with Parrots but since they do often call people or animals I guess they are calling birds. I knew a parrot once that used to call the dog especially after he was bad and was told to stay in a specific place. LOL

  15. 4 Calling Birds looks great! Having had neighbors with birds, I was surprised at just how loud they can be. I thought it unusual to fish sit my daughter's Betta, but I guess it isn't so unusual after all. :)

  16. Very fast stitching - they look great. I really like the colors you're using, too. Hope the birdie is more cooperative next time!

  17. Great finish Sharon...gotta love those fast ones!!!

  18. You are moving right along on the PS ornaments. The more I see of yours the more that I am being tempted to be begin a set for myself. Congrats on another quick finish.

  19. I believe I must see if I have this leaflet in my stash. YOu are going great guns.

    Speaking of guns, how about them Pistols Firin' yesterday???

  20. Another great finish! But I'm with you, not so sure about a parrot and Christmas!

  21. What you said about the birds is soooo true!!!!LOL!!!!

  22. Parrots don't really say Christmas to me either but it's a lovely little square

  23. Parrots don't say Christmas to me, turkey would have been better!

  24. I'd have to agree with the others, parrots don't really say Christmas to me either. Looks good though.

  25. Your Blogoversary is in 2 days!! Can you believe it?

    Cute beta fish (I think it's a beta). Before our 4 legged furbaby we had many finbabies...
    Furbabies are easier.

    Your stitching is going so quickly. It is a joy to see such progress.


  26. ooooo well done on the finish but nor sure a parrot does it for me for Christmas.... love finches they are really cheepy cheerful :) that fish is like most pets I know .. get out a camera and they look away ... love mouse xxxxx

  27. Nice stitching. I would think calling birds would be a smaller type. The betta fish is cute.

  28. Yeah parrot doesn't scream Christmas (Unless you train it to!). I also love finches, and if I didn't have 2 cats and a dog that would want to eat them, I think I'd have a whole lot of them!

  29. I agree he isn't very Christmassy! but I do like him! My MIL has two cockatrices...I think. Maybe they're parakeets, the other ones that chat a lot. Anywho, when we visited her, the birds drove my mental with all the squawking!! I like the quiet birds one too. Cute fish!!

  30. Nope, parrots are just not a Christmasy bird! At least not in this part of the world. It might be different elsewhere.
    He makes a cute finish though!

  31. that is kind of an odd choice for a Christmas bird...but it looks great just the same!

  32. My cockatiel, Charley, is a VERY noisy bird when she sees me leave the house or she can't see me. Messy, too. LOL

    Congrats on your finish. At least the stitched part. :)

  33. Wow, one day! That sure is some fast stitching, and it looks great. I must say, I've never seen the attraction in owning a bird, I'm much more of a cat person :)
    Best wishes to you.

  34. LOL at squawking! I guess it's "calling" = "squawking" in the vein of "call your sister for dinner" and you stand at the bottom of the stairs and YELL at her to come down! Hey, they have to celebrate Christmas in the tropics, too! =)

  35. Wow, you're on FIRE! I have to agree that a parrot really isn't a Christmasy bird. I wonder why they used one?

    Fish are very sensitive and love their humans ;o)

  36. Love the bird advice, it's sooo true!

  37. He is a fine calling bird! What a pretty beta. A co-worker of mine had one on her desk at a former job. We named him for one of the technicians, and that tech used to ask about him often, LOL.

  38. Maybe not too christmassy for you but parrots are quite common at christmas here :D It's a lovely bird.

  39. Looks like a tropical christmas! Beth N. (

  40. Such a cute parrot :) Like the one in Rio cartoon :)


  41. I like the parrot.I like the 12 days of Christmas and always enjoy someone's different interpretation.


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