Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Odd Shopping List

Thank you all for the lovely happy blogoversary comments! I heart you all so much! I have now closed the giveaway post and I am getting ready to tally. I will announce the winners as soon as I can.

In addition to fanatical ORT collecting I save DMC bands. You know, the pretty black and gold ones? I've a jar with about three cups worth. Crazy, huh? However, I also have yet another jar with only a few saved ~ these are the numbered bands, saved after I use up an entire skein. Unlike ORT or band collecting these actually have a use!

See? Now I know exactly what colors I need to shop for! Being OCD actually has benefits. Ummm, who knew I used so much 310? I don't remember stitching that much black. Four skeins? Really? I knew all about that 221 though. It's my new favorite Christmas red.

Is anybody doing NaBloPoMo this year? Give me a shout so I know to cheer you on!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. I'm going to try to do NaBloPoMo ... no promises though!!

  2. That is a really good idea about the numbered pieces. I should start putting them in my list on my phone when I use them up.

    I am attempting NaBloPoMo. Last year I didnt' get very far, but hopefully will do better this year. I'm 2/2 as of today :)

  3. That is a very clever idea!
    I wish I had the dedication to post every day. I just get so caught up in too many things. And the ideas are floating around my head but they never get put down in any tangible form...too distracted by shiny objects...

  4. yup..great idea about keeping the numbered pieces :)
    love for you xx

  5. Oh my goodness, I had thought about attempting NaBloPoMo this year and then totally forgot about it seeing as how my blogging has been so non-existent of late... Good luck with yours, Sharon...

    Love DMC~221 as well... Blessings always in stitching...

  6. I too carry around the DMC labels. The problem I run into is accidentally washing them when I forget to take them out of my pockets. LOL

  7. Not trying to do NaBloPoMo again as I don't have that much to say anymore, who'd thought it!!

  8. LOL! I save them too but only for looks ;o)

  9. I save the numbers off of mine too and stick them in a change purse and if I happen to be at Michael's or some such place, I restock.
    I am going to try NaBloPoMo! LOL Wish me luck

  10. That a brilliant idea. I will try that! Love Barbi's idea of keeping them in a purse ready for trips out.

    I'm trying NaBloPoMo this year for the first time 2 of 2 so far!

  11. What a great idea for the numbered bands! Thanks for sharing...

  12. Happy Blogoversary, I noticed that you are at nearly 900 followers - that is amazing.

    I like your idea of keeping the DMC bands - very useful when you go to the shop.

    I am going to try to NaBloPoMo - I am 2 for 2 so far this month - not that I am signed up officially or anything. i like her prompts, though.

    Hugs, kaye xoxox

  13. Great idea but I would never be organised enought to do that, lol

  14. That is a great idea with the bands. I saved mine for a while but finally threw them away.

  15. Thanks, Sharon. It is good to have some encouragement. I will post tonight. I am working from home today, doing some writing and checking blogs when writer's block hits.

    Hugs, kaye xoxox

  16. Ha! I used to collect those too! But then I went more OCD and started purging! I also loved the old school gold and black bands!!

  17. Hey Daf, yep~love 221~I've got it bad, whenever I see those numbers I think DMC:) BTW~Happy BlogoV, been a joy following along!

  18. Saving the DMC labels is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it. A light bulb moment. Now why didn't I think of that instead of writing numbers on slips of paper that I loose!!

  19. Knowing myself, I would carry the bands with me and while at the store pick them up and then forget to get rid of the ones that I bought and add more and then when I go again, I would end up buying what I had already bought. It really is a good idea though!

  20. I enjoy reading your blog and would love to sign up for the 2012 TUSAL.

  21. Happy belated Blogiversary! Now that's an odd collection. I just make notes in my iPhone when I run low.

  22. Hey, that's a good idea. It IS a lot of black though, must have been your Halloween stitching

  23. I always pop mine into the back of my purse, that way when I am in the craft shop i always know what I require.

  24. What a brilliant idea,thank you for posting about it. I am going to get another jar now for my bands,which tend to disappear at the moment :)

  25. mmmmm I've just lobbed all my labels in the bin.. well I was winding them onto floss cards sooo that idea won't work for me as I would be thinking I needed over 100 colours hahahah .. just going to pop over to that link to see what it is all about :) love mouse xxxxx

  26. I try to keep my shopping list on my iPhone - sometimes it works & sometimes it doesn't.
    I would have given NaBloPoMo a go however I didn't find out about it until 2 Nov so I had failed already!

  27. Saving the ones you use up is a great idea! I always seem to lose them or they get batted around by the cats so I used to just write them on the back of my calendar and cross them off when Joann's had a major sale!

    and I'm attempting NaBloPoMo. I usually do ok until the middle of the month.

  28. I like your idea about putting them in a jar/container so one would know which color to purchase later.

    Thanks for the idea!

  29. What a great idea I just write them on a piece of paper (which reminds me it's a bit full!)

    I'm attempting NaBloPoMo again this year last year I was short by a few days but that was due to not having a puter at the start of the month

  30. Black cats and Halloween stitching, that could be the black. You are so organised.


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