Saturday, November 5, 2011

Snow Hop

A free pattern for my readers!

One of the things I love about snow (we have not had any yet) is cute little hopping bird prints. Is there anything sweeter? That was the inspiration for this ornament-sized Christmas design. I hope you like it! 

Snow Hop

Due to finding my designs available for download somewhere OTHER than where I put them, you must email me for a copy. Can you believe someones steals FREE patterns? Go figure. Yes, my designs are FREE but I still retain copyright ~ I still own them. Respect copyright, stitchers!

Off the soapbox.

Anyway, email me if you'd like a copy: daffy-cat AT hotmail DOT com

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. People will steal anything,,,Thank you for the cute freebie hun; I'm going to stitch it into an ornament for my mom; she loves cardinals..

    Hugs, Shar

  2. Adorable Sharon! Off to email you...thank you!!!

  3. I emailed you.. Sorry you are being affected by the stealing of your patterns.
    So cute!! Love those little snow footprints! I will start as soon as I receive it! I am excited about this pattern! Thanks!!

  4. This is such a cute pattern, thank you!! Can't believe people steal free patterns...... I mean, that is just wrong!!!

  5. That is a lovely pattern. It is just mean that someone steals them and claims them as their own.

  6. Love this! You'll get my email soon. Thank you!!!

  7. You know I must have this one - it has a cardinal! Thank you so much, I think it is fantastic.

  8. I just sent an email, love your new chart!! Sorry to hear someone is not playing nice with your creations.

  9. Love your new design! Cardinals are a favourite of mine.
    It's just too bad that so many freebies are being stolen.
    I'm off to email you now.

  10. Love your chart, sorry there are some sad people out there, after your hard work. Well done. Have a great day

  11. hello dear,it is so sweet..i am running to e mail u now.
    love for you xx

  12. Oh its lovely thank you for sharing xx

  13. Thanks for this sweet cardinal! Sent an email to you already! :o)


  14. There are just too many is adorable. Good idea using the email ...

  15. mmm I can believe anything these days tbh .... cute design .. just may have to get this one stitched for me heheheh :) love mouse xxxx

  16. Hmmmm the damned bare faced cheek of some people. I'm afraid nothing surprises me these days. Thank you for the lovely freebie. I'm going to email you as I'd love to stitch this one.

  17. Oh, what an adorable ornament you've created for us, Sharon--love those tiny cardinal footprints!! Off to email you :)

  18. That's really sweet, I'll be emailing you in a minute.
    I can't believe people would steal something that is being given away freely anyway. Some people just have no morals at all

  19. Tis the season! This pattern is adorable. I will be sending an email shortly. Thank you for sharing you creativity.

  20. Sharon, that is such a cute design! Cardinals are my favorite bird. I'm sorry to hear that you've been affected by the stealing of your patterns--especially when you are being so generous!

  21. Your new design is adorable!!! I love little birdy tracks in the snow too. :) My husband and I love watching the birds, any time of the year, but seeing the bright red cardinals against the clean crisp snow.

    I am sorry someone is stealing your designs. This day and age some people thing they are entitled to whatever they want.

  22. I can't believe someone would steal a free pattern! Geez! Love the design. Off to email. :D

  23. I'm sorry to hear your designs are being posted elsewhere, I've loved getting your freebies when they're available.

    I'm sending you an email for this one - I too love seeing the birdies against the snow. I keep feeders and a bird bath in my back yard, so I can sometimes catch them back there to watch.

  24. Sweet design! Thank you for sharing.

  25. I'd love a copy - Very cute design ;)

  26. You're so kind to spend time creating designs. I'm not that surprised at the pilfering, very sad...

  27. Hi Sharon,

    It is so cute!

    I am currently stitching your penguin freebie. I will,be sure to e mail you a picture when I am do e stitching it.

  28. I hate those who steal.

    What a cute pattern. We see bird tracks here in the desert part of California. We can see them in the sand.

    Thank you for sharing this pattern.

  29. So, so cute! I'd love a copy please Sharon :o) At first I was expecting a bunny...

    Yes, nothing is sacred anymore :o(

  30. I LOVE your free designs~they are so stinkin' cute! Can't believe anyone would steal something FREE~how crazy!
    Thanks again for this one! I'll email you for it.


  31. So cute. Thank you for sharing this pattern.

  32. Adorable cardinal!! Thanks for the design. If I stitch it I will send you a pic and add a link :D Got lots of things on the go though so maybe it will be for next year :D

  33. Thanks for the tea dyeing tutorial. You are right, seeing it makes it seem much easier.

  34. Really nice cardinal. You are so talented.

    Thanks for sharing,

  35. Just adorable as always. Sad that the world is such that even free items are taken and used by others. I am emailing you now. Thank you! Lei

  36. Now that's adorable bird is just too sweet!

    Shame on those that do naughty things with your designs.

  37. Wow - he is adorable! Thanks for spoiling us!

  38. Hi sweetie! My Daddy loves the little cardinals! I'd love a copy! I'll email you! Thanks!

  39. He's lovely. please would you email him to me when you have chance

  40. I dont understand how people can be sooo rude.
    May I have the pattern for your adorable little bird? My e-mail address is below. Thank You!!!


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