Saturday, December 24, 2011

Last ORT Report for 2011

With this post the 2011 TUSAL ends for me! I have lots and lots of Old Ratty Threads in my jar this month. It has been such a stressful month with the discovery of Sheba's illness. I tend to stitch more for stress-relief when I get like that. It is so amazing that I was actually able to post every new moon ORT report this year. I was a little bit late for a couple of them but they were all made! Wow! Have you made all of your new moon posts? Leave a comment and let us know! 

My ORT jar is pictured here with a sweet little handmade ornament that arrived in yesterday's mail from Annette. Thank you so much, Annette, this will be so pretty on my tree!

Can you believe our 2011 Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long is over? Has it been fun or what? I am looking forward to drawing a winner for that HUGE Totally Useless prize box of stash. I will be doing this sometime in January 2012, after all the hullabaloo of the holidays is over. Stay tuned!

Speaking of the Totally Useless Giveaway, I am dreadfully LATE in posting about the last parcel of stash I received from Marian of Gumbo and Grits. Sorry about that! Marian must have cleaned house and sent us half her stash cupboard!

 Just look at all the goodies! Loads of finishing fabrics, lots and lots of charts, threads, kits and even an adorable bunny rabbit. (The bunny is naked ~ hopefully the new owner will be able to stitch some pretty clothes for it!) Marian even stitched us a pretty Autumn ornament. Thank you, Marian!

If you would like to join the Totally Useless fun for 2012 it is so easy! Grab a clear jar, save your ORTs and post a picture of your jar every new moon. Sign up by commenting on this post. There are currently 240 participants for next year and we would LOVE to have you too!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Wow! What a great time we had this year doing the TUSAL. I look forward to next years. I posted every month, but like you, I was late on a couple. I need to set up my calendar to give me automatic reminders!

    Happy Holidays Sharon. Thanks for everything you do for the blogging community.

  2. I have made my report 3 days ago because I am not at home now...
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. Sweet little ornament and nice orts! I have had fun with this and have posted every month. I need to get outside now and take my pic for this month. Thank you for hostessing this and giving us all something to blog about when we had nothin'. :o)

  4. I am planning to make my last ORT report soon, maybe I'll do it today to get it out of the way. I've kept up too! I've done every single one! Yay! Nice stash for the prize, and nice ornie you received too!

    Happy Christmas!

  5. Lovely photos - merry Christmas to you xx

  6. I made my post on my blog. I couldn't remember if I had signed up for next year or not so I had to go check. I am already signed up! :-) Tis the season to lose my memory! ha ha!

    I am the same way with stress stitching. It really does seem to help. The trick is to not get too busy while stressed so you can still stitch. I seem to be having trouble with that lately.

    Have a great Christmas!

  7. Wow! I can't believe it's time for the last report! Ad soon as I get my picture taken and posted, I will have completed all twelve reports!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  8. Merry Christmas! I have posted my last ORT pic for the 2011 TUSAL! I'm going to need a bigger jar for 2012!

  9. Merry Christmas xxx Looking forward to joining the 2012 TUSAL xx

  10. Thank you for hosting this, I've had a lot of fun this year posting my progress, and if I remember correctly I got mine in all on time too! something for me to be proud of as I am the queen of procrastincation! and tend to be late with most things!

    I'm looking forward to next year's already!

  11. Great report Sharon! Thanks for being our fearless TUSAL leader. I've made every report but have been a couple of days late. I will take my photo today and probably post on Monday. Have a Merry Christmas!

  12. Got all mine in on time :) posting my final one tonight :)

  13. Hi Sharon, I was not a participant this year for TUSAL but I am for 2012. I look forward to it. I do want to wish you a very Happy Holiday and hoping that 2012 is the very best ever!! Enjoy your holiday and try to relax a bit. Spend some time with Sheba. I know she will appreciate it.

  14. Thanks for organizing this, it's been great fun! I posted my pic today, can't believe it's been a whole year already - time certainly flies. Looking forward to next years TUSAL.
    Merry Christmas!

  15. sweet picture..
    merry christmas to you too dear.
    love cucki xx

  16. I'm glad you got my little gift.
    I hope you like it..
    Have a merry Christmas

  17. Wow that was a parcel from Marian, how lovely for the winner.

    Merry Christmas to you xxx

  18. Posted entry #12 on my blog tonite.

    Not sure I can join again for 2012...maybe later on in the year.

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and beautiful thoughts for Sheba.

  19. yep I'm TUSALing, thanks Daffycat

  20. Just posted my final TUSAL of the year as well,! This has benn lots of fun and I'm all ready for next year. Hope everyone has fun celebrating whatever holidays they choose!

  21. Got all 13 in~ Pretty much always in the dead of the night after seeing everyone else's ;)

    Merry Christmas~

  22. Yes, it was fun, i posted my pic on 23.12. Merry X-Mas and a happy New Year to you and all

  23. I can't believe the year is over either! I surprised myself by managing to post my TUSAL every month and on time. Amazing!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  24. Wij wensen je een hele fijne kerst toe, en een liefdevol, gelukkig, en gezond 2012 en veel creativiteit toe
    Gr Joke

  25. I posted my last TUSAL of this year!
    It´s funny!!!
    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
    Hugs from Spain

  26. oooo gosh that is a lot of goodies there ... hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a merry stitchy new year :) and I've got my Jar all ready and waiting :) love mouse xxxxx

  27. Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones!


  28. I posted my last TUSAL!
    Merry Christmas!

  29. Looking forward to joining TUSAL in 2012. I need to find myself a jar and figure out when I need to post. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to All!

  30. Merry Christmas to you and your family. You did such a good job with the tusal and looking forward to next year.
    I did manage to get mine in every month, and can't believe all the stash you've shown us over the year.
    hugs, babs

  31. Happy Holidays Sharon This has been a great year for TUSAL and I am already signed up for next year. I will have a lot of things going on next year but I have already marked my calendar for next year no matter where I end up in 2012. Yea retirement.

  32. You should see what's left in the stash!!! Add me to the list for next year, please.

  33. my contribution to this event was interrupted by life this year. I hope to be able to participate fully for 2012. Thanks for setting it up once again, I do have a jar ready & waiting.

  34. My entry is up...late in posting, but photographed on time!! (darned Christmas/family/etc getting in the way... LOL)

  35. Better late than never I guess, mine last ort pic is up too:)

  36. The same is for me, better late than never, as my notebook was out of order from 22.12. till today. So, the tusal post is from yesterday. With pleasure I'm joing the tusal for 2012. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Loredana, Croatia.

  37. Mine's up I've just been lax in telling you :(

  38. Mine's up!

    I hope you're having a lovely holiday season & have a wonderfuly stitchy 2012!

  39. Thanks so much for a fun year, looking forward to starting anew!

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas and get to do something fun for the New Year.

    Hugs and stitches!

  40. Happy New Year !

    I've just posted my Dec TUSAL for 2011
    I've enjoyed every minute and will certainly be in the swing of things again in 2012 (I've even encouraged a couple of new participants for 2012)
    Happy Days ahead for all TUSAL-ers!!

  41. I post my last TUSAL report on my blog too...
    TUSALLERS: what a lovely idea to go on this game in 2012...of course!:)))

  42. Boy, that is alot of stash. Will you be collecting stash for the next giveaway??? If you are this go round I am goign to donate a handmade tote. I will weave it and hoefully it will hold a good bit of stash.

  43. Beautiful ornie from Annette! It's so sweet! WOWZA!! That's a load of stash!! The winner is going to be busy for the next ten years!! She was so generous in her donations! Good luck to everyone!

  44. Hey I would love to take part in 2012 TUSAL. What should I do but have a jar where to collect ORTs?

    Happy new year to you!
    Sari from Finland

  45. What fun! I would like to join the Totally Useless fun for 2012. My 2011 jar is almost empty as we start a new one for 2012. At the end of the year, I fill small glass ornaments with my ORTs and then give them as small gifts or gift tags.

  46. I made 'em all!! Probably the only SAL I've been 100% successful with! =D

  47. I'm horribly late, but got my last TUSAL for 2011 posted today.

    Thanks for hosting all year. I'm pleasantly surprised that I managed to do it! Hope my record continues for 2012!

  48. So I missed the last few ORT reports.. Life and all that!

    I did take a pic at the end of the year, and have emptied (and started to refill) my jar. Maybe I'mm make every ORT report this year :)

  49. I did make all of my ort reports! Now the jar has been emptied and is being refilled with new orts. I need to find a larger jar, though....

  50. Hola hace poquito que te sigo, me puedes explicar còmo es eso de ir guardando los hilos todo el año. Despuès hacen un cojin pequeño con ellos? cuèntame por favor. Soy Adriana de Argentina y me gusta mucho tu blog!


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