Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Meaningful Craft Project

As some of you are aware, my husband is a ride captain with the Patriot Guard. This group attends the funerals of Veterans (when asked) to show honor and if needed, they act as a shield between the mourners and any protest groups. Most of the members of the Patriot Guard are motorcycle enthusiasts. You can see another post I made on this subject here.

A while back, another Ride Captain, Cowboy, gave Dash a tassel to hang from his handlebars. The colors on one side are for the American flag and the other side has the blue and yellow of the Patriot Guard Riders. The grommet used is from a retired American flag. A sweet remembrance, isn't it?

Dash asked me if I could make him another tassel in the POW-MIA colors of black and white. Ooo fun! I stopped by Hobby Lobby for supplies after work and came up with this. 

We had a few grommets from retired flags and I was able to whip out six tassels before I ran out of leather cording. 

 "Crap," I told Dash, "I have to go back to Hobby Lobby!" 

"How horrible." He replied, dryly. He knows I never mind a visit to any craft store.

I will make more of these for Dash to give away on rides. Quick and easy to make and people love free stuff, especially with meaning behind it.

I don't think Dash was pleased I wanted to snap photos of the tassels on his bike (it's covered in bugs from a recent ride) but what do you do when you are trying to leave for work and your wife is in front of your bike with a camera? Thanks, Sweetie!

Why does Rick use the road name Dash? Click here.

POW-MIA you are not forgotten.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. the grommets from the flags is a magnificent idea, full of respect. i love this.

  2. I think it's so wonderful that your DH is a member of the Patriot Guard. Love the tassels, both given and made by you. Great idea for sure.

  3. As a Blue Star Mom I have had the honor of riding in a follow up car on the ride from the airport to the funeral home where my sons body was taken after they were in an IED attack in 2008 ( March/April 2008 archives on my blog). My son will be fine... but the out pour of love from the Patriot Guard and Rolling Thunder to our family and other families involved was so touching that I subscribed to their website and if they are standing guard and riding near by I always take water and thank them... this would be perfect ( purrfect) if I can snitch your idea... and please please thank your husband for us..

  4. The tassels are great! I know the guys that get them will really appreciate them!

  5. Very cool. A fantastic way to show their honor to our military.

  6. Beautiful project and thanks for your husbands services.

  7. A fantastic idea. I encouraged an added idea...tassels for vehicle rear view mirrors. Great gifts and pride appreciation ideas.

  8. The Patriot Guards do great work!! The tassels are great!

  9. Great idea, it's a difficult jobbeing a guard of honour at funerals - big thanks to your hubby.

  10. I Love the whole idea of the tassels. Very thoughtful and meaningful remembrances. You had a fantastic idea! Very proud of your husband for being a Patriot Guard! Please tell him I say "Thank You" for what he does.

  11. Such a special way to honor our Veterans, Sharon. And I want to thank you for the link to that wonderful video--it really makes you think...

  12. What a great way of supporting the Patriot Guards and our veterns. I never thought of keeping the grommets to use for something else. Clever idea.

  13. I love those! What a great idea!

  14. Very good project. Very touching video.

  15. Great idea and thanks to your husband and the Patriot Guard!

  16. What a great way to honor. I have great respect for the Patriot Guards and the veterans.

  17. A truly lovely video, had me reaching for the tissue box today, having an emotional day and that just brimmed me over!
    How lovely, some thought provoking words in the video.
    Your tassles are super.

  18. Tag your it

  19. What a cool project! My condolences on you having to visit Hobby Lobby more than once. {{{hugs}}} ;)

  20. Love the tassels such a simple idea with a lot of impact, the retired flag grommets are such a great idea.

    Thank you for sharing this post.

  21. Thank you for the gesture. My dad was a POW in WWII. We attended the Muskogee chapter's POW meeting every month until all that were showing up were widows. All the men were gone. It was a good group. They enjoyed the fellowship of each other.

  22. What a wonderfull project.
    And your stitching pieces are also so great.
    You have been a busy girl

  23. What a lovely idea. And, oh noes! A second trip to Hobby Lobby! ;)

  24. NICE!!! It is so hard to make stuff for the men in our lives sometimes, GREAT he gave you an idea!

  25. Please pass on to your husband my gratitude for his group's presence last Friday in Yucaipa, CA. Our little town lost its first soldier in Afghanistan, and the hateful people from Westboro Baptist Church had posted on their website that they were going to protest at his funeral. The call went out for people to show up with signs and flags, and a LARGE group from the Patriot Guard showed up to escort his casket and family. We were greatly impressed. Thanks so much.

  26. Please give your hubby another heartfelt "thank you" for his service. I just have no understanding of those whose picket at service men and women's funerals, and I know the families are very appreciative!

    Debbie in Kansas

  27. Very meaningful, and who can resist a trip to Hobby Lobby :)

  28. How wonderful that he is a part of the Patriotic Guard and now he has some fabulous tassels made by you! Lol, I love how hubbies roll their eyes when we are being forced to take a trip to the craft store!

  29. What a wonderful idea. Please thank Dash for his service - I know it must mean a lot to the families.

  30. What a wonderful thing to do...both in the Guard and the tassels. I think they'd make great scissor keepers too!

  31. Great job with the tassels and thank your husband for the wonderful job he's doing. I loved the "Dash" video.

  32. Your tassels are great - Wonderful work !!

  33. Lovely thought.
    I have tagged you in a post. Stop over my blog for details :)

  34. What a wonderful idea and a great way to honor the groups. I think their work for veterans (especially protecting them from protesters) is amazing. Well done and beautifully done, I might add.

    (Yeah, my husband knows I'm not fooling him when I say I HAVE to return to a craft store. hee hee)

  35. Wonderful ideas...this group, your colorful tassels, and the use of the grommets. Way to go.


  36. What a wonderful idea and powerful remembrance! I found your post while searching what to do with my grommet. I thought someone said I should bury it but I don't really remember. This just seems so much better. Thanks!


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