Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I'm Moving...My House is Possessed

It's haunted.
I am so outta here.

What? Proof?
You want proof?
How is this for proof...there is a stuffed monkey, which is obviously possessed, moving around my house.

The Possessed Monkey

See? I came upon him, just sitting like this, on the kitchen floor. He hadn't time to arrange himself in an innocuous position before I stepped into the kitchen so he just sat down and tried to look harmless.

I am too wise for that.

I know this innocent looking monkey is actually an evil demon in need of exorcism. 

Sam? Dean? Where are you when I need you?

No, no way!

Molly could NOT have left said monkey on the floor.

I tell you!

Molly knew the evil nature of this creature before I ever caught it sitting-down-all-innocent-looking and chewed off it's devil-spawned tail in an effort to hobble it's fiendish presence. We NEVER found that tail ~ so either Molly swallowed it or it evaporated into a puff of smoke once disconnected from it's malevolent host.

Molly is the darnedest toy-eating dog I've ever seen! She doesn't just chew them UP - she EATS them. Poor Dash awoke to find Molly vomiting up squeaky toy pieces ON HIM. Ewww! Only a couple days after the above photo was taken, the cute yellow sheepie was rescued into the trash can before it made it's way to Molly's tummy. The darn dog has eaten her way through BASKETS full of toys. We've taken to only buying those toys labeled for serious chewers!

I must go.

After I pick up some packing boxes, I need to run by the pet shop.
For some reason all of Molly's toys have disappeared.

Except one very creepy monkey.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Eek! Monkeys are scary!

    Seriously though, I hope she doesn't get sick eating them. I have a dog that unstuffs them but doesn't eat them.

  2. When we first got Stella (four years ago now) we bought her a Nylabone--they come two to a pack. We got her beef and chicken. The beef one was buried somewhere and in four years we have NEVER found it. (I know right where the chicken one is.) I bet when they are packing us up to put us in the home, they'll find a random beef Nylabone in some totally unexpected place. But for now, I will just go along with you...the house is haunted! :)

  3. LOL! for a minute I thot it's for real :D:D

    I hope Molly has a strong tummy.
    Have a good day!

  4. That is creepy...my husband said the dog and monkey are conspiring against you?

    Keep us posted...I would move right away!

  5. Lol!! At least it's not a flying monkey like the ones in Oz! Those creep me out!

  6. I'm speechless or scared or something... I had a monkey like that when I was a kid and it disappeared one day...
    just sayin'

  7. So funny! Our Odin used to take all the stuffing out of every toy before he would condescend to actually play with it. Don't know what that dog had against stuffing!

  8. If/when the monkey starts chattering at you, then you know you're in REAL trouble! Good luck! :)

  9. ohhhhh dear ... we have evil ted ... and Master Bentley unstuff's toys to get the stuffing out and spread it all over the house and the squeak too but so far not eaten them ... well at least we haven't noticed .... we found large plastic bottles are good as the can't chew those tooo much .. just watch the caps though .. good luck in finding pooch proof toys :) love mouse xxxxx

  10. LOL, glad to hear you don't have to move although that monkey is pretty creepy looking! We have a toy eater as well, she devours everything from the stuffing to the squeaky to the furry outside. As soon as we see the stuffing flying we have to take it away so she won't inhale it. The pet store loves us, new toy buying trips are at least a monthly affair around here! Happy squeaky shopping and keep an eye on that monkey!

  11. This brought a smile to my face this morning. Love your dog, such a cutie.

  12. wow thats one scary monkey!!

  13. LOL, that monkey does have a creepy vibe...

  14. Good Luck with the move ;) PS: I LOVE the Supernatural reference!!!! I'd would come up with any excuse to get those two boys in my house ahah!


  15. Make sure the Monkey doesn't follow you ... it might not be attached to the house!

    Crazy chewy dog ... so cute though.

  16. Oh yes, Miss Shelby is a super chewing toy destroyer too. So far we've had good luck with the Kong products and a squirrel that came *without* stuffing. We call it the road kill squirrel! Good luck!

  17. Oh my, that monkey situation is giving me the creeps, LOL.

  18. Ugh, toy eaters. And when you find one they can't chew through, inevitably, the maker will stop making it. I used to sew them up. We had a couple walking wounded snowmen from the twins' puppyhood, I'd just sew their head arm or leg gashes back up, hopefully before the puppy grabbed at them, LOL.

  19. I have a large boxer mix dog. I woke up one morning to him throwing up. I get up and discover he has eaten an entire skein of yarn --- whole and intact.

    add to that his main mission in life is to unstuff stuffed toys.

    He doesn't eat the stuffing - just scatters it.

  20. I've got an American Bulldog whose mission in life is to kill the squeaker in every toy he owns and then proceed to unstuff it all over the floor. He never eats it either which is funny because poor DH finds all sorts of other things while cleaning up the back yard. He has a strange love for dryer sheets and those plastic wrappers for the go-gurt our son likes.

  21. When ever the DH and I are in the pet store and see a cute toy, we make guesses as to how long it will last with Bud. He will find the weakest spot in the stitching and then chew and tear until he gets a hole big enough to pull the stuffing out. It usually only takes a couple of hours. Most of the time we only buy the rope toys there is no stuffing.

  22. I've never had a dog, only cats. Now they aren't quite that bad about eating their toys but Clarisse has been known to remove the rabbit fur from her fur mice and devour it. She must have devoured it because we've never seen it and all her fur mice are now bald! She also likes to drown them in her water dish.

  23. Sorry, but this post made me giggle, thanks xxx

  24. Well, at least Molly is not eating your clothes... I sent a "Diablos de Yare" T-shirt to my brotherShe ATE the shirt lol My brother was so mad, but most of all because he could't scold her for something she did hours ago. I'm still looking for another one like it, for now I'm sending a "Metro de Caracas" T-shirt. Hope this time he take better care of it lol

  25. LOL!! Good thing you have Molly to protect you!!


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