Monday, July 14, 2014

One Cool Car

One of the "perks" of being a popular blogger (I still don't know how that happened) is getting offers for free stuff. I get a few every month but I rarely take a company up on their offer. Sometimes their products just don't mesh with my blog. Sorry, I don't think I can work little kid's clothes into my theme. My "kid" is 26! Or they want to send me a $100 gift certificate but everything on their site costs above $ kidding a lamp company sent that one. Or the company is too demanding about what they want me to post, word-for-word. No thanks. This is me. My blog, my words...real stuff here people. If I have to insert specific sentences written by someone else it isn't going to sound like me.

Every now and again though I get an offer from a great company with very few strings and this was one of them. They said, "We send you a $25 gift certificate. You buy one of our products with it and review it on your blog. Please link to our site." Wow. Easy enough. I looked through their stuff. Awesome! Done!

What is this great company?

I know, I are wondering how on Earth I can theme a sign printing company to a stitching blog?


How freaking cool is that? I have always wanted a front license plate for my car. Black cars are so dreary and this cutie really brightens it up. The Build A Sign site was so easy to use. I chose my product, uploaded my photo and added text, previewed what I had created and checked out very quickly. My plate shipped a few days later, carefully packaged.

The plate looks fantastic and fit just right. I was a little worried it would be very shiny and you wouldn't be able to see the design but the printing is perfect. I told Dash I wanted to go to Tulsa and just park in front of The Silver Needle so people could admire it. *giggle*

It was such a pleasure working with Build A Sign. I would recommend trying them if you need printing done. I like looking at all the stuff you can create there. Check out the "Just Married" car magnets ~ love it!

The only compensation I received for this review was a free license plate. The only thing the company asked me to do was to review the plate and link to their site (I liked that.)

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Oh what a cute plate! And for free! Great deal.

  2. That is so neat! But aren't you worried about all you fans following you everywhere you go?!? :)

  3. ohhhh love it and it isn't it nice when you can actually do something with something offered too :) love mouse xxxx

  4. It looks great. Don't blame you for wanting to show it off .x

  5. What an original idea and you couldn't beat the price! In MD we have both front and back plates on our cars, so it wouldn't work here. But I love the concept and your choice of design.

  6. Love it! My DD is getting married in Sept so I'm off to check out the Just Married signs.

  7. That is awesome - so eye-catching!

  8. So much fun! I just may have to put some thought into designing my own plate too! Thanks! :-)

  9. That is so cool! (Although I'm another that lives in a 2-plate state, so I can't have one... :( )

  10. That is just the perfect plate for your car!! What fun to see that coming down the street :)

  11. That's a great plate! Nice you got an offer that you could use and promote.

  12. Cool beans Sharon!

    I've always wondered how some blogs get stupid popular and others don't. I'm sure there's a magic formula but I haven't figured it out yet!

    Of course I'm sure the TUSAL taking off the way it did sure helped!

  13. That's very nice! I'm sure you will get lots of comments on it in public :) What are those colored things? Who is Daffycat? HAHA! :)

  14. Wow, that plate is so cool. Love the picture of colorful threads, simply striking and how apt too

  15. Wouldn't it be fun to know what people were saying when you drive by and they spot that.

  16. That is pretty cool! I'm amazed that you guys don't HAVE to have a fromt plate! Here we get fined if we are missing them (front or back has to be on the vehicle!)

  17. Fits you to a tee!!

    signed, Colorado Stitcher aka Marysgottastamp

  18. That looks great! In California, we have front and rear license plates, so I couldn't do that, but I'm sure they have plenty of other options on their website!


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