Monday, March 23, 2015

The Ugly Quilt

Without a doubt, this is the ugliest quilt I shall ever make. 

I know most of you are thinking, "What's wrong with this quilt? It's fine!"

Some of you are thinking, "OMG I LOVE THIS QUILT!"

And a few of you are thinking, "Holy cow, how could you even stand sewing that awful thing?"

You see, the cream should be darker, maybe even black. The red could really be oranger...and the logo print is just all WRONG! 

See? There is an "S" missing between the O and the U. How can you even?

Okay, I admit it...for an Oklahoma Sooners fan, this quilt is awesome. But for an OSU Cowboys fan like me - well - it was painful to even purchase the fabric. 

Get a good look at the striped binding.

That binding was a Booger for a novice like me to create. Yes, that is Booger with a capital "B." It caused much hair-pulling, seam-ripping and blue-streak cursing, but I persevered and it came out almost perfect. 

My dad, the Sooners fan, enjoyed receiving this quilt for his birthday this month. Me, I was just glad to get the horrid thing out of my house! Hey, you can't choose your relatives, even if they are Sooners fans.

This post is very much tongue-in-cheek. I have nothing against the University of Oklahoma, or it's fans, Oklahoma State University is just better, that's all.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. I wanted to read your post to see what all the fuss was about! Fancy disliking something that much you want it out your house! I looked and thought...hmmm it's nice, I like the colours I like your stitching, in fact your stitching is's made beautifully.
    Then I read a little more of your post..ha ha is it because it's supposed to be a SOONERS fan quilt?? I guess that's the reason why you dislike it!?
    If it is sorry I am not the quickest of picking things up...I am a logical kind of person, everything needs a place and reason.. If this is not the reason and you seriously really dislike it then wow! Why?? It's wonderful, I wish oh how I wish I could make a quilt like this.
    Smiles :)

  2. And then there are those of us who cheer for the OSU localed between Cleveland and Cincinnati... 😊

  3. Oh my goodness! Your quilt is lovely regardless of the challenges it gave you. love Annette

  4. Hahaha, cute post! Hope Dad appriates the pain and agony you suffered working on it. ;)

  5. Super-cool quilt to give to your Dad. I hope he knows hows much love, sweat and tears went into the making of it!

  6. LOL. Cute! Well-done on the quilt! :) Cathryn

  7. I gave my last ugly quilt to the SPCA for a dog bed.

  8. haha I couldn't figure out at first why you wouldn't be happy with this quilt, I think it is lovely!

  9. oh, it's not so bad! It was be better if it was a little more Aggie-esq but it is what it is! Well done -- I am currently making a t-shirt quilt for my son and have decided to make it a rag quilt -- I hope it turns out as nicely as your quilt did.

  10. I could not figure out what was wrong with that quilt, but all became clear at the end. You did a beautiful job with it and I'm sure your dad appreciates you forcing yourself through all that agony. Love the binding!

  11. I have to say I completely understand! You have that issue at the college level but I have that issue at the pro level in football...I will not ever make anything that isn't purple and gold and attached to a Viking head :D I've been asked to make green and gold scarves and hats but I politely informed this person they don't need warm outer wear for fantasy football har har har!

  12. I love your post! I was trying to work out what the problem was and had guessed it must have been a team colour thing.... But had no idea what exactly! Great giggle and love your quilt!! :0)
    Hugs xx

  13. That quilt is 'WOW' fabulous to me and I'm from a land that does not know a thing about OSU or Oklahoma Sooners :D
    Glad your dad loves it.

  14. Oh my gosh you make me giggle, I have been where you are, but I love the quilt, the colors are lovely and the binding is fantastic.
    I am a Packer Backer, not a cheese head just a Packer fan, you see the Vikings just cannot seem to get it together.
    I am the black sheep of the family.
    What a lovely gift for your Father.


  15. Another lovely quilt! Your Dad is one lucky guy.
    You did a great job on that striped binding.

  16. LOL....not being American I have no problem with looking at your quilt and saying....""WOW! That's great! What is she on about?!

  17. Wonderful handmade gift for your dad, made with love.

  18. Great quilt, even if the team is no good! I bet your Dad loved it.

  19. This is not an ugly quilt. I do indeed have THEE most ugliest blanket ever. This is no competition! Love the colours. xx

  20. It looks wonderful to me! I'm sure it was well received!

  21. Really all that matters is that your Dad loved it. I think you did well. We're our own worst critic, no matter what the craft.

  22. Despite its "ugliness" it was a wonderful gift made with lots and lots of love (and maybe even extra love, because you needed the love to get through sewing together the ugliness LOL)


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