Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Wanted: photogenic balcony, must be affordable

In late March I finished the top to my t-shirt quilt. It still sits waiting to be quilted. I cannot decide if I want to straight line quilt it myself or send it out to be long arm quilted. It's rather large to be doing it myself... ugh, decisions! Regardless, it needs a backing, which I still haven't pieced. I tore the craft room all to pieces right after I finished this top and lost my momentum on the project.

But the top is done!

I either need to make smaller quilts or buy a bigger bed. 

Maybe I could buy a balcony...

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  1. Fabulous looking quilt top! Look forward to seeing it again once it is quilted!

  2. I've heard T-shirt quilts can be beasts! Yours looks amazing!

  3. That looks fantastic - what a great use for T-shirts.

  4. A balcony display would be terrific but it looks fabulous on the bed, too! Great job!!!

  5. Nice work! I'm looking forward to doing some t-shirt quilts... And yours is stunning. Did you use stabilizer?
    Also, what is your finished size?

  6. Wowee! Great quilt! I'd send it out to be quilted, but I'm not that experienced with machine quilting large projects. Well done!

  7. Love it! However did you get those t-shirts pressed do perfectly?

  8. That "quilt as desired" always slows down a finish! lol! On one hand, the electric/construction theme says "straight rugged quilting"... but, the word rodeo brings to mind "loops", like a medium sized meander? I'm sure it will look good with either, it just depends on how much more time you want to invest in this top. Good luck with finding an "affordable balcony"... ;-) I'm thinking of taking my quilts to the local park to get some decent pics...


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