Saturday, December 3, 2016

November ORT Report

A rough week at work so my Totally Useless Stitch A Long is posted waaaay late! I've got lots of trimmings from the teal quilt I was working on and from starting Bonnie Hunter's 2016 Mystery Quilt, "En Provence!" This is so much fun!

I have been working on the first clue, sewing neutral four patches. This clue calls for lots of them! The second clue was posted yesterday but I'm so far behind on the first I haven't started even cutting for the second! I hope to get some of the 2nd clue cut and at least a few sewn so I know what I'm about. These are triangle units and I am very inexperienced with them! I will catch up with everything when I end up having to wait for one of the rulers I need to arrive.

If you think you might want to do the En Provence! quilt...there is still time to start! Plus, you could always save Bonnie's PDFs to your computer to do at your leisure. Be sure to save them, they disappear from Bonnie's blog after a while and then you'd need to purchase the pattern.

I was so far behind on the first clue because I made myself finish the Folkloric Stars quilt top. Terrible photo! I still need to get the backing for this sewn and then have it quilted. The top turned out very nice although it is most certainly more teal than I really prefer!


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your November TUSAL post so we can come visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Here's my TUSAL for November.

  2. Looking forward to watching the mystery quilt develop. Love the stars top. I don't have a lot of new ORTS but I did remember to post.

  3. (darn comment-eating gremlins! trying again...)

    The Folkloric Stars top is beautiful! And mystery quilts are fun but I'm always afraid I won't like the way they turn out - silly, right?

    My November orts are HERE.

  4. I love your Folkloric Stars quilt! It is beautiful! And how fun to do a mystery quilt!! I didn't know there was such a thing :)

    Here is my ort report

  5. My post is up

  6. Wow! I love your quilt!!!

    Here is my ORT post!!!

  7. My December TUSAL and temari piost is here:
    I like the mysteryXX-along idea, but I never get to the actual participating. Maybe later.

  8. You are doing so wonderfully with your quilting! I'm anxious to get back to sewing. I've never sewn one of Bonnie's patterns - so many steps. I am, however, inspired by you and spent some time looking around her blog.

  9. Love your newest quilt, you really have mastered this craft.

  10. Hi Sharon and stitchers! I posted my TUSAL of November 2016. Click here!
    Happy stitching!

  11. this is gorgeous! you inspire me to try quilting someday... once i remember how to sew that is.

    my TUSAL contribution for November is sad, as I have to abandon the project I've been working on due to my own carelessness. Here's my post about it... can I still share even if I don't have an ORT picture in it?

  12. So glad to see you are returning for 2017!
    I've been slacking off with my blog, but hope to get back at it this year


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