Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Yesterday Was Totally Useless

I missed our Totally Useless Stitch A Long yesterday because I spend most Mondays at my parent's house. This gives my dad a chance to mow the lawn or run errands without leaving my mother alone. My sister goes on Saturdays and my daughter on Thursdays. I wish we lived closer so I could go every day. But it was the New Moon and I have ORTs to share!

All these Christmas ornaments are really filling up my ORT jar! I am having to pack them down. 

See? Such a full jar! I have one completed ornament and another started. I'll get you all the design info when I get them finished. 

Lots of sewing/quilting/finishing ORTs in my leaf bowl too. This is a sneak peek at the quilt I've been working on. Working on this has slowed down my ornament stitching but as long as I'm creating I'm happy!

A day trip on Saturday, antique mall shopping, netted me some quilting book stash! The book on top, Scrap Quilts has a lovely pattern to make a quilt called Cathedral Window, I'm dying to try. It doesn't have batting or backing as the blocks you make create it all at once. A king size quilt calls for 35 yards of backing fabric. 35! Those of you that don't quilt...that is an astronomical amount of fabric! Oh, but the construction of the quilt is amazing and I'm longing to give it a go!

Does anything have you stirred up to give it a go right now?


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your April TUSAL post so we can come visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Sad to hear about your parents' health problems. Bu happy that you still do TUSAL on your blog. My TUSAL this time was a total MESS .

  2. I updated mine yesterday right before cooking dinner, because I looked at my calendar and thought, "Holy Sh**, it's that time already". Just crept up on me out of nowhere. Stop by and have a peek if you like: https://smalltownstitchin.blogspot.com/

    Hugs, Sandy

  3. I love cathedral window designs and have seen a few beautiful one that i would love to make, the downside is the huge amount of fabric they need and fabric is so expensive in England too. Good luck with yours. x

  4. Like my post says Better Late than Never

  5. Nice pile of ORTs from your stitching/quilting/sewing/finishing! Well done!

  6. Hey! Family is the most important thing. Thanks for hosting this.

  7. You have tons of orts - of both types! You have been picking the cutest ornaments to stitch - I keep making notes to look up this one and that one.

    Cathedral windows, oh my! That'll keep you busy for a while!

    Loved your question - it made me laugh because I have so very many things I want to start and stitch RIGHT NOW! Would love to take a weekend and just stitch for hours on end....

    My orts for this month are HERE.

  8. I love the Cathedral Windows pattern I never realize it used 35 yards of fabric for the back, your orts are quite impressive you have been very productive stitching up some lovely Christmas pieces. My TUSAL can be found here: https://deborahsbitsandpieces.blogspot.com/2018/04/aprils-new-moon-orts.html

  9. Sorry to hear about your parents, but I am glad that you and your siblings are close enough to go help them. I am five hours away from my mom's which was really evident recently when I had to drive her home from Halifax after a surgery and take an 8 hour bus ride back to where I live. Anyhoo, I should post a current photo of my ort jar. Perhaps tomorrow as it is past my bedtime right now. Much love!

  10. I love your little ornaments! ❤


  11. Your Stitching is so beautiful...wow....and I love your Quilting as well. I too Quilt and I am in the middle of making a Spider Web Quilt.

    Happy Stitching XX

    Linda K, Buttercup

  12. Your stitched ornaments are beautiful, they are really filling up your ORT jar! My update was posted today http://cindygambill.blogspot.com/2018/04/stitching-report.html


  13. Your ornaments are delightful! I use a lot of clear thread so mysterious orts are transparent. I do save all my snippets or silk ribbon when I do silk ribbon embroidery and once made a fall tree out of them so I guess they count!

  14. That quilt is glorious!! Going to be just lovely.

  15. Lovely ornaments , and quilting.
    I use to help my dad twice a week when my mom had a stroke , I miss them both today, now they have past a few years ago .
    Enjoy your time with them hugs.

  16. That's a lot of ORTS, we Brits are so frugal with our threads at 96p a skein!

    Love the ornies. So nice to get a head start on Christmas!

    Here's my ORTS:

  17. I've got LOTS of cross stitch-quilting-rug hooking projects that I'm all stirred up to get going on.....so, I guess I'd like to give retirement a try now! lol! A cathedral window quilt is on my list as well. It was only last Summer I watched a youtube on making a flag with cathedral windows....it's the Shabby Fabrics channel....anyways....looks like FUN! Your sneak peek at your current project is pretty....lots of Spring colors in it! I never think to look for quilt books at antique malls....thanks for mentioning it!

  18. A nice filled up jar anxlirs of quilty ORts too

  19. Hi Sharon,
    That's a very colorful ORT jar. Love the quilt, it will beautiful when finished. Love looking at quilt books. I found a pattern for a Mile A Minute Crocheted Afghan I'm dying to try. Have a great day!

    My post is at my blog......


  20. You've been really busy! What wonderful book finds, too. I can't wait to see all your finishes.

    Blessings - Julie

  21. Nope I am stuck in my cross stitching ways and I have no desire to try something new. Haha! I'm strange like that. :) Great orts!! I love those little ornaments and the fabrics in your quilt are so very pretty!

    Here are my orts http://cross-stitching-mama.blogspot.ca/2018/04/april-tusal.html

  22. Great stitching, and ORTs, Sharon! Look forward to seeing your quilt finished!
    I’m being tempted by needlepoint, but I already have so many projects to finish, so maybe not!

    Hope you don’t mind I’ve posted a joint post here:


    Barbara xx

  23. I love the Cathedral Windows quilt. Haven't made one, but started saving up little window bits years ago. I probably have enough to do a quilt to cover the front yard. Waiting patiently to see what the bird house ornament is called. My ort report is at the bottom of this post: http://yellowflowermeadow.blogspot.com/2018/04/gifted-gorgeousness-for-april.html

  24. Oh my, I need to keep my orts again instead of throwing them away.

  25. I totally forgot about TUSAL until the weekend and then figured I'd just take a shot when I was putting everything away :)


  26. It gets hard when our parents get older, doesn't it? All we can do is do our best, really. Great lot of ORTs, Sharon. Here is the link to mine for April: https://kittenstitching.blogspot.com.au/2018/04/april-tusal-report.html


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