Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thread Keeper

Our sweet Mouse celebrated her blogoversary with giveaway prizes and I was one of the very lucky winners! Just look what arrived in my mailbox:

Mouse (knowing how much I love my ORTs) stitched this lovely design and sewed it into a fabric bowl thread keeper for me. I opened it up so you could see. I also received these great finishing goodies and a pretty piece of pale purple fabric.

Thank you, Mouse! Happy blogoversary and wishing you many more to come!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Ohhh what a pretty thread keeper! Such a sweet gift.

  2. Congratulations on your win, it's beautiful and practical :-)

  3. Congrats on winning and I love your new thread keeper! She made a super job of it!

  4. What a lucky lady you are! Great fabric bowl and I hope your Orts are overflowing in it many times over!!

  5. such a pretty thing! I have that chart in my stash... I really need to stitch it, looks so good when it's so nicely finished
    have a great day

  6. So pretty! The stitched design is beautiful and I love that perfect fabric she finished it with! Lucky you!

  7. How cool is that, congrats on your win. Sweet little bowl for your thread goodies.

    Out doing some blog walking and always like finding new bloggers.

    Sandy's Space

  8. What a beautiful giftie! Congrats to you on your win and how sweet of Mouse!

  9. A lovely handmade gift from Mouse, perfect for you

  10. That's adorable! What a great win!

  11. Out and about doing my blog rounds again this morning, hope you had a good week-end. And's Monday again.

    Sandy's Space

  12. Oh, I love that ORT bowl! What a fantastic idea-and so pretty too!

  13. So pleased you love your wee gift :) I thought it was simply perfect for you :) love mouse xxxx


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