Thursday, July 12, 2018

Piggy Bank Challenge

Val reminded me it was time to count our Piggy Bank Challenge savings. My jar wasn't nearly as full as it was last time. I was working then and was out spending money more often! At least I remembered to take a picture before I emptied it this time:

My jar sits on top of my embroidery floss cabinet where I can see it every day. Once I emptied it, I took the change to our credit union and they gave me dollars for it:

Grand total was :
two Canadian dimes
one car wash token

The teller that cashed me out kindly donated a penny to round me up to 75 cents...which is now back in the jar for next year.

Wow, I have $145 to spend on my hobbies! I'm going to buy fabric! You can join in for next year! Val will be posting a sign up today on her blog: Val's Quilting Studio

How much could you save?

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Congratulations on your savings! Enjoy the shopping trip!

  2. It's like shopping for FREE> did great on your savings!!! Yes...hope you and your readers join us in the coming year's savings challenge. (I've already been dumping change into mine as well)

  3. This is a great idea, thanks for sharing. x

  4. Way to go on saving your coins! I think you did great. I hope you will show a picture of the fabrics you pick up with your piggy bank challenge 'earnings'. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Woo! All the fabrics will be a fun addition to your stash! I save coins too; we have a giant crayon that they go in haha. I dunno that it's stash money though!

  6. Congrats on your savings! Have fun shopping for fabric with it.


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