Sunday, June 29, 2008

Floss Tag

I couldn't stand not trying something new! With Staci and Becky's encouragement I stitched up a little gift for my friend in France. This design is Tiny Toad a freebie by The Cricket Collection. I used Staci's instructions to create the floss ring tag. It was super easy to do, although...I do recommend a bit of practice attaching the eyelets; my first couple were pretty sad!

This is a gift, but it hasn't been mailed yet. I'll go to the post office with it after work tomorrow. I don't mind if my friend happens to see it before is arrives but I don't think she reads my blog.

Many thanks for your sweet comments and lots of stitchy hugs for updating your own blogs! You all are always giving me such great ideas and I love reading your wonderful posts!


  1. Cute little tag. I just did one for a keychain fob for my brother. They are so fun. Especially with my crop-a-dile eyelet setter!

  2. awwww that is so cute, what a lovely gift

  3. Very cute! I hope it will keep the stitching frogs away.

  4. Cute finish! I must try this finish method soon :)

  5. Adorable~~you've done a wonderful job :) And love the cute ladybug pincushion too ;)

  6. This is a great floss fob! You chose such a super chart for it, and I think the eyelet looks perfect!

  7. HOW DARLING IS THAT FROG!?!?! Oh my gosh he's so cute! YES I was shouting. lol Very well stitched! He looks like our tree frog, only a li'l plumper...and of course yours has a bow tie. I don't think ours would sit still long enough for one of those. : snicker :

    Great job on the finishing, too. SEE you can do anything you set your mind to do! ::: applause ::: =)


  8. What a fabulous finish! He's gorgeous!

  9. Sharon your ring tag looks fab and that frog is just too cute!


  10. Dear Sharon - forgive me for taking so long to get to your blog. Dial up is just not cooperative these days. I have been reading through your blog and admiring your lovely stitching. I especially love that little frog. He is just the cutest. Have added you to my google reader and will be back.

  11. Stunning, congratulations on a wonderful finish.

  12. This is ADORABLE Sharon! Great job :o) This seems to be the popular thing now. That probably doesn't bode well for me. LOL!

  13. Love your floss tag.
    I'm sure your receiver will
    be happy with it.

  14. What a fantastic job you did with the frog tag, I love it!

  15. This flog is very cute! and the back is also beautiful!
    Nice floss tag!

  16. Love this idea.What a wonderful cute gift

  17. What a great floss tag - they can be very addictive so watch out :) Now, I just have to find some time to stitch some for myself!!

  18. Adorable!!! I keep saying I'm going to try one of those finishes, but it hasn't happened yet. I can see them becoming addictive. I know your friend will love your gift!

    Carolyn :)

  19. How cute is that tag!!! Your bowl of destiny is just super, and I love Taco!!! The three singing Chi's are not smart enough to pull out a name... only circle and sniff!

  20. What a cute, cute floss tag! You have a VERY lucky reipient! Now - to make one for YOURSELF, right??? :) :) :)


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