Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gnome freebie

Here is a sweet little gnome pattern that Jessie has created. I've played around with printing the pattern out, scanning & saving it so it comes with the key. It's a little more work but having a key with the floss colors listed is invaluable! I must speak with Jess about choosing non-similar symbols when designing...she has all circular ones here and that can be really annoying~can't it?

I really wanted to stitch this one up before posting it but I've been neglecting my WIP's. I hope you can find a use for this cute little guy. If you happen to stitch this, please send me a picture!


  1. I will need to stitch this because Rowen's school group is called the Gnomes! LOL!!! Thank you to your talented daughter!

  2. Well isn't he just the cutest! I love that look of "I'm so innocent". Thank your Jess for us.

  3. Yes, he's very cute, but those circles will be difficult, especially since I don't have a color printer. Thank Jessie for me,

  4. My goodness she is talented! What a cute little guy :o)

  5. Jessie did a great job. He is adorable.

  6. Great design, cute little fellow isn't he, well done Jess

  7. He's very sweet! Your daughter's created a lovely design.

  8. I haven't done any cross stitch for......far too long!

    My projects got smaller and smaller until they were the size suitable for greeting cards.

    I kept making the greeting cards and then after a while......
    I seemed to peter out.....


  9. Lovely little gnome. Congrats to your daughter on such a nice job.

  10. Love the toad floss tag. That is just too cute! Aren't floss tag's addicting?! Thanks for the freebie charts. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  11. Now he is precious! Thanks for sharing him with us, Sharon, and thank you Jessie for the adorable chart. =)



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