Saturday, November 8, 2008

And the winner is...

The names were tossed in the hat and I came up with a winner! Congratulations to Jean, the Night Stitcher! Jean, please email me with your mailing address so I can send you your prize!

Thank you for celebrating my first blogoversary with me; I wish I could send all of you a gift.

Sorry this is being posted so late in the day. I have been such a good girl working on my exchange project. I did do laundry, dishes and such but I was able to stitch a great portion of the day. I plan on doing the same tomorrow to, so there!


  1. Wow!! Maybe my luck is changing - you had a lot of people interested in your give away.

    The funny thing is, I couldn't sleep so I finally got up at what is a wee hour of the morning for me on a morning I can actually sleep in, and I planned on stitching on my "cattitudes" piece which is the cat you have on your header! Must be karma. I changed the colors on the kitty a bit to look more like my cat.

    Once again, thank you and Happy Blogversary! I'll have to get a counter on my site, but I'm not quite sure how to do that!

  2. Congrats Jean,
    Kudos, Sharon for working on your exchange project

  3. Well done Jean

    and congratulations on your blogversary Sharon


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