Sunday, November 9, 2008

This one is for Terri...

Terri at Raised by Poodles occasionally posts little comics created by her son. They feature a little fox and are so cute! I told her how much I enjoyed them as they reminded me of Jessie doing the same when she was young(er).

Jessie gave me permission to post these but I had to promise to tell you that these were created by her when she was about 14-15 years old and that she is a much better artist these days. The scans are a little washed out color wise. These were drawn in inks and colored with computer used at all. Oh yeah, I also had to promise to post some of her current art sometime so no one thinks she draws like a 9th grader!

So, for your comic reading pleasure, here is the first installment of "Farm" by Jessie B. The picture is clickable for easier reading. A reminder: this is copyrighted by my daughter; please, don't steal her work.


  1. Jessie is very talented! Thanks for sharing some of her work, and I hope to see more!

  2. HOW CUTE!!! Please tell Jessie she has a true talent and is very artistic! Great job Jessie!

  3. That is an adorable cartoon... tell your daughter I am looking forward to seeing more of her work. :o)

  4. Great work ;) By the way, does she study art now?

  5. Jessie is really very talented. Her comics are so cute.

  6. Oh wow what a great artist,they are just fab!!Can't wait to see more

  7. That is so cute! I'd love to see what she is drawing now

  8. If she did this briliant cartoon at 14 what is she doing now? Show us more!

  9. Wonderful - looking forward to seeing more of her work

  10. That's funny! She's really talented, not only at drawing but also at story telling.

  11. ROFL! That's is so cute :o)

    Gee, if she was that good back then I'd love to see what she does now!

  12. Thank you, Sharon! I've finally gotten the chance to look at this. I'm going to show it to my son tomorrow.

    Thank you, thank you again!! :o)

  13. Wow! Jessie is really good.Thanks for sharing!!

  14. how talented is Jessie!, it's a wonderful cartoon page, will keep a lookout for the next instalment
    thanks for sharing


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