Saturday, March 21, 2009

Baa Baa

I want to thank those that have noticed my lack of posting and commenting and emailed asking if I am OK. Your concern has greatly cheered me! I caught the dreaded Spring Cold and it really knocked me on my tush! I actually missed two days from work, something I rarely do. I feel a little better today, thanks! Between sleeping and zoning out on the couch at the TV, I have kept up on my reader with your wonderful posts but I haven't felt like commenting very much. Rest assured, when I'm better I'll be back at it!

When I'm ill, I rarely feel like stitching so not a lot has been accomplished! I did pull out Les Moutons (or more properly: J'apprends a compter les moutons) and gave them a turn at the needle. I realize it has been a long while since they have seen any stitching so click here to see where I left off last time...Good night, it was June 2008!

Here is a little close-up. Baa!

I really should work some substantial progress on these little guys before I put them away. They are too cute to ignore! This darling kit can be found at Mouton Rouge a French company. They have some super-darling charts!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Oh my, aren't they just the cutest, i love them

    {{Get Well Soon Hugs}}

  2. Those sheepies are too cute! I hope you're feeling better soon.

  3. Oh those are adorable! I got that cold too and it is awful!! Feel better soon! There's lots and lots of stitching to do.....

  4. So glad you are feeling better. Those little sheepies are sooooo cute!

  5. I'm glad you are feeling better ;-)

    Les moutons are great. DO you stitch it for yourself or is it for a gift?

  6. Spring colds are the pits. I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. :)

    VERY cute sheep. :D

  7. I'm glad you are feeling better!

    That design is too adorable!

  8. Hope you feel better, it's so bad to be sick especially in spring.
    The sheep are so cute!

  9. Glad you're better - missed ya! And the sheep are just too cute.

  10. Those are the most beautiful sheep! I hope your cold is better soon. Ecenacia tablets are really good at easing cold symptoms....they boost your immune system and are natural! Just don't have them if you take an oral contraceptive or HRT, as they can stop it working as effectively!

  11. Yes, this IS too cute to put away again:) Hope to see more progress!
    Feel better soon:)

  12. These are the cutest little sheep I have ever seen. Glad you are feeling better.

  13. oh how sweet are they!!!, going to have a look at that site

  14. Your little sheepies are just adorable!

  15. oh those sheep are calling for a....wait for it....FLOSS TAG!!! They are soooooooo cute!
    I'm sorry you've been feeling crummy :-(. Hopefully your stress at work did add to this.

  16. Glad you are feeling better. Keep working on those sheep, they are sooo cute.


  17. OMG, what a cute little project. Hmm, I don't know if it's little but it looks so beautiful. I love the little sheepies.
    I hope you already feel better by now.

  18. Spring lambs!! How appropriate! I hope you are feeling much better soon-it's got to be bad if it limits stitching! Boo hoo.... I don't know why, but I think spring colds are the worst! Feel better soon. You can blog when you're up to it- so - HURRY UP! I'll miss you!

  19. That is a *really* cute design...just adorable.

    Hope you feel back to 100% real soon!

  20. That's where you were!... off counting sheep! LOL.

    Hope you recover quickly. Those sheepies are adorable!

  21. The sheep are adorable!

    Thanks for your visit on my blog :)

  22. Hey...I gave you an award...see my blog for details!

  23. The sheep are adorable!
    I never seen it before.
    It's going on my Wish list, Thanks!! lol
    Do get better real soon

  24. Hope you're starting to feel better. That design should cheer anyone up. It's really a cutie.

  25. They are sooooo cute!!!! I hope you will be back to yourself very soon!!!

  26. These little guys are sooo cute!! Love 'em, love 'em...(did you know I collect sheep?) ;)

    And...your stitching is perfect!!

  27. Hope you are feeling better already. I'm also having the cold now and it's terrible.
    The little lambs sure cheered me up :)

  28. These little guys are adorable and so fitting with spring having just arrived! Thanks for the link, I hadn't heard of this company.

  29. Love the little lambs - they're soo cute!

  30. The sheep are just too cute, I love them! I do hope that you are feeling 110% better soon!!! )))HUGS(((

  31. Glad you are on the mend girl. Missed your laughing cow around the blogs.
    Love those little lambs.

  32. Love your little sheep. Hope your feeling better, that awful stuff made it to the ciy too. cj(ok)

  33. Oh those sheep are so cute! I love sheep. :)
    I hope your cold has gone away.

  34. Your sheep are really cute - hope they didn't put you to sleep! LOL!

  35. So glad you are feeling better. Trying to count stitches when you feel lousy is so NOT a good thing! :) But awww the sheepies... they are adorable (and your stitching terrific). Love it!!

  36. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, that dreaded cold is making it's rounds :) The little sheep are too cute! Hope you feel better soon.

  37. They are SO cute! I remember seeing them awhile ago. Glad you've picked them up again :o) What color fabric are you using? I love it because the sheep really pop.

    I'm sorry to hear you caught that awful cold. Hopefully you're on the mend now :o)

  38. This looks like a real fun design to stitch.

  39. Oh, oh, oh! Pretty, pretty sheepies! J'adore! I'm all giddy over those perfect, pretty white stitches.

    Feel better soon!

  40. Glad to hear that you are feeling better :)

    Your little sheep are just too cute :) I can't wait to see it finished :)

  41. That is so cute! :0) Hope you feel much brighter soon.

  42. What adorable little sheepies you have! Sorry you haven't felt like stitching much...hope you're feeling better and staying warm.

    Will you be getting any of this crazy snow? Stay safe!


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