Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blizzard Weekend

Oklahoma was under a blizzard warning starting Friday. In Stillwater, we were supposed to get up to a foot of snow Friday afternoon into Saturday afternoon. I was excited to think we were finally going to get snow but mad it waited until nearly April to get here. Especially considering Saturday was our Tulsa Talons' opening Arena football game and if the roads were bad we could miss the game! I shouldn't have worried. The snow didn't even start until late Saturday morning and we only got a couple of inches, not even enough to cover the weeds in the grass. (Yes, our lawn wants mowing!) To be fair, some areas in Oklahoma did get a couple of feet of snow! The drive to Tulsa was not too bad, although Tulsa had a lot more snow and the closer we got the worse the roads were with cars in ditches all over. We had dinner at McNellie's Public House and so what if they have beers from all over the world, I still had my Bud Lite with salt & lime. Boring, eh?

The Talons' opening game was against the Kentucky Horsemen. This year, we have a new arena at the new BOK center. I liked the new venue but I do miss our old smaller arena, the fans could make that one thunder with noise and we were famous for doing so! We won the game, but it was close! The team looks great with a few new faces and we are geared up for a great season.

All the excitement with snow and the first arena game and we forgot to check the mail yesterday! Rick finally went down to the box about noon and look what I missed! A short time ago, Lei of And Sew It Goes... had a giveaway and I entered & won! So, I knew this stitched piece was coming but had no idea Lei would make me such a beautiful happiness ornament! Isn't this the most darling design? And it's my favorite color, green, and I love ladybugs! I do have plans for the stitched piece, I'll share the results when I get it finished.

Thank you Lei, these are beautifully stitched!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Ick! Snow, snow, go away!

    Oh, what a lovely surprise :o)

  2. What a lovely gift.

    Anything with salt and lime sounds revolting to me but it would be a boring old world if we were all the same!! Glad you enjoyed the game.

  3. You want snow???? Next winter, come and visit me any time from late November through mid March - I'll show you more snow than you'll ever want to shovel!!! Wait - let me revise this - we'll trade places and I will have a nice WARM vacation in winter!!

    Your gift was so lovely! I can't wait to see how you finish it.

  4. Pretty stitched pieces you won.
    We didn't get all the snow they predicted in here N. IL., only about 1/2" and it's almost gone now.

  5. The reason I put a lime slice in my beer? A friend told me a long time ago 'it'll make ANY beer taste good' and he was right. ;) Glad the snow missed ya and what a great giveaway!

  6. Snow! A bad 4 letter word as far as i'm concerned :) I've had more than enough snow and am now ready for Spring. Glad to hear you just got a little. Congrats on the stitching win, a beautiful piece, I look forward to seeing how you finish it!

  7. What a lovely supprise to find in your mail box! it's beautiful!

    I can't beleive you are getting snow at the begining of April! is this usual? We are having some really nice sunny days in the UK at the moment but it's still quite cold at night. I don't mind snow but perhaps that's because we don't tend ot have much.

    Take care.

  8. sorry you got snow, I would still like some LOL
    your stitching win is lovely

  9. Congrats on the give away win. It's darling. Go Talons!!

  10. Sending Spring vibes to you! We were 76 here today in VA-hard to believe you had a blizzard! Great package you received-can't wait to see what you have in mind!

  11. Congratulations on winning the giveaway - what a cute piece and I can't wait to see what you make it up into.

    I have only ever seen snow 3 times in my lifetime... The last was the most magical for me... as it actually started to settle on the ground.

    Thankyou for bringing back that warm memory - We have had 5 months of the hottest summer I have ever experienced - whinge - I would LOVE some snow!!!

  12. Sorry about the snow but we never have snow here :)
    The surprise gift is so pretty :)

  13. I want snow! What lovely gifts you received. I am anxious to see just how you do finish the stitched piece. It is gorgeous!

  14. It is definitely too late in the year for snow. Ick!
    The ladybird pillow is really sweet, and I love that house with the kitty on the roof

  15. Pretty giftie.

    I am so ready for spring... don't want to hear anymore snow stories!

  16. Lovely stitchy win, pretty design.

  17. OMG, a blizzard at the end of March. Good for you that you only got a couple of inches and not feet.
    What a nice give-away gift you received from Lei. I love the ornament, so spring inspired. And I love other piece, too. Looking forward to seeing your finishing idea.

  18. It's been in the 70's and sunny here in Vegas. :D

  19. Wonderful gift!

    If it's snow you want, PLEASE come and take ours!!! :o(

  20. Me again... sent you an e-mail about the cat biscornu.

  21. Our snow is almost gone! come on spring!

    Jo, please check my blog for a surprise!

  22. Love the cute ladybug - two lovely gifts. :0)
    Glad the game went well.

  23. Congrads, its a beautiful piece. Enjoy


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