Saturday, November 21, 2009

Eye Candy

First off, I have a winner for the 50,000 Visitors giveaway. Lacking inspiration, I simply ran the numbers through the random generator and it spit out # 73. Now, you get to go down to that post and count the comments to see who won!

Just kidding! Sheesh, it was a funny! Seriously, # 73 is Glenna of Eye of the needle. Congratulations, Glenna! Email me, please.

I promised Eye Candy, didn't I? Yum. I'm horrified though, as the series is on break for the holidays and Supernatural won't return until January 21, 2010. *gasp* To tide us over you can go look at more yummy photos here.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Congratulations are so lucky, enjoy! :)


  2. Woo hoo! Yay! Thanks so much! I've sent you an email with my info on it!

  3. Congrats to Glenna! Ha! You previous post on oldest cross stitch inspired me to go out and buy a frame for one I stitched in 1996! Sheesh! About time that one jumped out of the bin, isn't it?

  4. I too gasped when I watched the latest episode last night and saw it wasn't coming back until jan. Luckily I saved all the ep of this season on my dvr and that will hold me over until then :)

  5. Congratulations to Glenna and thanks for the eye candy

  6. I'm glad you didn't give any spoilers as Iam about 4 episodes behind on Supernatural but have heard it ended well for the break. I love your eye candy, it's easy on the eyes :) LOL. My fav. is Sam although Dean is cute too.

  7. Congratz Glenna.
    OMG..omg omg..... yummy what a cute guy....wanne wanne have it...

  8. Congratulations Glenna. :0)

    Not bad eye candy but I seem to prefer the more mature look these days. I think I'm getting old! LOL :0)

  9. Congrats Glenna!

    Your eye candy isn't bad but I was hoping for something better ;o)


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